screen-13 0.8.0

An easy-to-use Vulkan rendering engine in the spirit of QBasic.
# Getting Started with _Screen 13_

This guide is intended for developers who are new to _Screen 13_ and want a step-by-step introduction. For further details on these
topics refer to the online [documentation](

## Required Packages

_Linux (Debian-like)_:
- `sudo apt install cmake uuid-dev libfontconfig-dev libssl-dev`

_Mac OS (10.15 or later)_:
- Xcode 12
- Python 2.7
- `brew install cmake ossp-uuid`

- TODO (works but I haven't gathered the requirements)

## Documentation

Read the generated [documentation]( online, or run the
following command locally:

cargo doc --open

## Changes

Stay informed of recent changes to _Screen 13_ using the
[change log]( file.

## Helpful tools

- [VulkanSDK] _(Required when calling `EventLoop::debug(true)`)_
- NVIDIA: [nvidia-smi]
- AMD: [RadeonTop]
- [RenderDoc]