[][src]Crate screen_13

Screen 13 is an easy-to-use 2D/3D rendering engine in the spirit of QBasic.

Screen 13 supports DirectX 11/12, Metal, Vulkan and OpenGL (ES3, WebGL2).

This crate is intended to be integrated into other libraries and programs which require very high performance graphics code, but which do not want to know anything about the underlying graphics hardware or programming interfaces.

Before starting you should be familar with these topics:

  • The Rust Programming Language (beginner level)
  • Pixel formats such as 24bpp RGB (optional)
  • Vertex formats such as [POSITION, TEXCOORD0] (optional)
  • Common file formats (.gltf, .png, etc..)
  • Some notion about what a GPU might be

With almost striking exception, which appear in NOTE: sections only, no further graphics API-specific concepts need to be introduced in order to master Screen 13 and implement exceptionally fast graphics code.


First, add this to your Cargo.toml:

screen_13 = "0.1"

Next, pick a shared reference type. We'll use std::rc::Rc:

use screen_13::prelude_rc::*;

Then, for a console program:

/// Creates a 128x128 pixel jpeg file as `output.jpg`.
fn main() {
    let gpu = Gpu::offscreen();
    let mut render = gpu.render((128u32, 128u32));

Or, for a windowed program:

/// Paints a magenta window at 60 glorious frames per second.
fn main() {
    let engine = Engine::default();

struct Foo;

impl Screen<RcK> for Foo {
    fn render(&self, gpu: &Gpu, dims: Extent) -> Render {
        let mut frame = gpu.render(dims);
        frame.clear().with(MAGENTA).record(); // <-- 🔥

    fn update(self: Box<Self>, gpu: &Gpu, input: &Input) -> DynScreen {
        // Never exits

Screen 13 Concepts

Screen 13 offers two general modes of operation, both of which focus on the Gpu type:

  • Gpu::offscreen(): For headless rendering, such as from a console program
  • The Screen trait: Provides a fullscreen graphics mode or paints a window

Shared References

A Gpu's resources, such as bitmaps and models, use either std::sync::Arc or std::rc::Rc types to track their internal states.

Screen 13 offers the following preludes to easily specifiy the shared reference type:

ScenarioRecommended useScreen 13 Types
Single-Threaded Programscreen_13::prelude_rc::*;Gpu, Render, etc...
Multi-Threaded Programscreen_13::prelude_arc::*;Gpu, Render, etc...
Both or Choose at Runtimescreen_13::prelude_all::*;Gpu<P>, Render<P>, etc...

NOTE: The generic types require ptr::ArcK or ptr::RcK type parameters.

.pak File Format

Although data may be loaded at runtime, the highest performance can be achieved by pre-baking data at design-time and simply reading it at runtime.

It is recommended to use the .pak format, which includes optional 10:1-typical compression, whenever possible. See the main README for more on this philosphy and the module level documentation for more details on how to use this system with existing files and assets.



Contains digital representations of traditional film cameras.


Contains color types and functions.


Contains pre-made implementations of Screen 13 traits.


Contains the heart and soul of Screen 13.


Window-based inputs captured during event loop processing.


Mathematics types and functions, mostly based on glam-rs.


Types which support the .pak file format and general serialization functionality.


Things, particularly traits, which are used in almost every single Screen 13 program.


Like prelude, but contains all public exports.


Like prelude_all, but specialized for std::sync::Arc-backed Gpu instances.


Like prelude_all, but specialized for std::rc::Rc-backed Gpu instances.


Shared reference (Arc and Rc) implementation based on archery.



Pumps an operating system event loop in order to refresh a Gpu-created image at the refresh rate of the monitor. Requires a DynScreen instance to render.


A small picture which represents a program, to be used in different ways on each platform.


Program specifies the information required to start an event loop, and therefore an Engine.



A window-painting and user input handling type.



Gets the filesystem root for a given program name and author.

Type Definitions


Helpful alias of Box<dyn Screen>; can be used to hold an instance of any Screen.


Alias of either Render or Vec<Render>, used by Screen::render().