scratchstack-aws-signature 0.11.1-preview.4

AWS SigV4 signature verification
use {
    chrono::{Date, Utc},
    scratchstack_aws_principal::{Principal, SessionData},
        fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult},
    tower::{service_fn, util::ServiceFn, BoxError},

/// String included at the end of the AWS SigV4 credential scope
const AWS4_REQUEST: &str = "aws4_request";

/// A raw AWS secret key (`kSecret`).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KSecretKey {
    /// The secret key prefixed with AWS4.
    prefixed_key: Vec<u8>,

/// The `kDate` key: an AWS secret key, prefixed with "AWS4", then HMAC-SHA256 hashed with the date.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KDateKey {
    /// The raw key.
    key: [u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],

/// The `kRegion` key: an AWS `kDate` key, HMAC-SHA256 hashed with the region.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KRegionKey {
    /// The raw key.
    key: [u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],

/// The `kService` key: an AWS `kRegion` key, HMAC-SHA256 hashed with the service.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KServiceKey {
    /// The raw key.
    key: [u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],

/// The `kSigning` key: an AWS `kService` key, HMAC-SHA256 hashed with the "aws4_request" string.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KSigningKey {
    /// The raw key.
    key: [u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],

impl AsRef<[u8]> for KSecretKey {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
        // Remove the AWS4 prefix

impl AsRef<[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN]> for KDateKey {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN] {

impl AsRef<[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN]> for KRegionKey {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN] {

impl AsRef<[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN]> for KServiceKey {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN] {

impl AsRef<[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN]> for KSigningKey {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN] {

impl Debug for KSecretKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Debug for KDateKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Debug for KRegionKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Debug for KServiceKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Debug for KSigningKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Display for KSecretKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Display for KDateKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Display for KRegionKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Display for KServiceKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl Display for KSigningKey {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {

impl KSecretKey {
    /// Create a new `KSecretKey` from a raw AWS secret key.
    pub fn from_str(raw: &str) -> Self {
        let mut prefixed_key = Vec::with_capacity(4 + raw.len());
        Self {

    /// Create a new `KDateKey` from this `KSecretKey` and a date.
    pub fn to_kdate(&self, date: Date<Utc>) -> KDateKey {
        let date = date.format("%Y%m%d").to_string();
        let date = date.as_bytes();
        let key = hmac_sha256(self.prefixed_key.as_slice(), date);
        let mut key_bytes = [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        KDateKey {
            key: key_bytes,

    /// Creeate a new `KRegionKey` from this `KSecretKey`, a date, and a region.
    pub fn to_kregion(&self, date: Date<Utc>, region: &str) -> KRegionKey {

    /// Creeate a new `KServiceKey` from this `KSecretKey`, a date, a region, and a service.
    pub fn to_kservice(&self, date: Date<Utc>, region: &str, service: &str) -> KServiceKey {
        self.to_kdate(date).to_kservice(region, service)

    /// Creeate a new `KSigningKey` from this `KSecretKey`, a date, a region, and a service.
    pub fn to_ksigning(&self, date: Date<Utc>, region: &str, service: &str) -> KSigningKey {
        self.to_kdate(date).to_ksigning(region, service)

impl KDateKey {
    /// Create a new `KRegionKey` from this `KDateKey` and a region.
    pub fn to_kregion(&self, region: &str) -> KRegionKey {
        let region = region.as_bytes();
        let key = hmac_sha256(self.key.as_slice(), region);
        let mut key_bytes = [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        KRegionKey {
            key: key_bytes,

    /// Create a new `KServiceKey` from this `KDateKey`, a region, and a service.
    pub fn to_kservice(&self, region: &str, service: &str) -> KServiceKey {

    /// Create a new `KSigningKey` from this `KDateKey`, a region, and a service.
    pub fn to_ksigning(&self, region: &str, service: &str) -> KSigningKey {

impl KRegionKey {
    /// Create a new `KServiceKey` from this `KRegionKey` and a service.
    pub fn to_kservice(&self, service: &str) -> KServiceKey {
        let service = service.as_bytes();
        let key = hmac_sha256(self.key.as_slice(), service);
        let mut key_bytes = [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        KServiceKey {
            key: key_bytes,

    /// Create a new `KSigningKey` from this `KRegionKey` and a service.
    pub fn to_ksigning(&self, service: &str) -> KSigningKey {

impl KServiceKey {
    /// Create a new `KSigningKey` from this `KServiceKey`.
    pub fn to_ksigning(&self) -> KSigningKey {
        let key = hmac_sha256(self.key.as_slice(), AWS4_REQUEST.as_bytes());
        let mut key_bytes = [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        KSigningKey {
            key: key_bytes,

/// A request for a signing key of a given kind for the specified request.
/// GetSigningKeyRequest structs are immutable. Use [GetSigningKeyRequestBuilder] to programmatically construct a
/// request.
#[derive(Builder, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GetSigningKeyRequest {
    /// The access key used in the request.
    access_key: String,

    /// The session token provided in the request, if any.
    #[builder(setter(into), default)]
    session_token: Option<String>,

    /// The date of the request.
    request_date: Date<Utc>,

    /// The region of the request.
    region: String,

    /// The service of the request.
    service: String,

impl GetSigningKeyRequest {
    /// Create a [GetSigningKeyRequestBuilder] to construct a [GetSigningKeyRequest].
    pub fn builder() -> GetSigningKeyRequestBuilder {

    /// Retrieve the access key used in the request.
    pub fn access_key(&self) -> &str {

    /// Retrieve the session token provided in the request, if any.
    pub fn session_token(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    /// Retrieve the date of the request.
    pub fn request_date(&self) -> Date<Utc> {

    /// Retrieve the region of the request.
    pub fn region(&self) -> &str {

    /// Retrieve the service of the request.
    pub fn service(&self) -> &str {

/// A response from the signing key provider.
/// GetSigningKeyResponse structs are immutable. Use [GetSigningKeyResponseBuilder] to programmatically construct a
/// response.
#[derive(Builder, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GetSigningKeyResponse {
    /// The principal actors of the request.
    #[builder(setter(into), default)]
    pub(crate) principal: Principal,

    /// The session data associated with the principal.
    #[builder(setter(into), default)]
    pub(crate) session_data: SessionData,

    /// The signing key.
    signing_key: KSigningKey,

impl GetSigningKeyResponse {
    /// Create a [GetSigningKeyResponseBuilder] to construct a [GetSigningKeyResponse].
    pub fn builder() -> GetSigningKeyResponseBuilder {

    /// Retrieve the principal actors of the request.
    pub fn principal(&self) -> &Principal {

    /// Retrieve the session data associated with the principal.
    pub fn session_data(&self) -> &SessionData {

    /// Retrieve the signing key.
    pub fn signing_key(&self) -> &KSigningKey {

impl Default for GetSigningKeyResponse {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            signing_key: KSigningKey {
                key: [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],
            session_data: SessionData::default(),
            principal: Principal::new(vec![]),

// A trait alias that describes how we obtain a signing key of a given type given a request. If you need to encapsulate
// additional data (e.g. a database connection) to look up a key, use this to implement a struct.
// This requires the trait_alias feature to be stabilized and is commented out until then.
// I find trait bounds annoying since they have to be repeated everywhere.
// pub trait GetSigningKey<F> = Service<GetSigningKeyRequest, Response = (Principal, KSigningKey), Error = BoxError> + Send + 'static;

/// Create a Service that wraps a function that can produce a signing key.
pub fn service_for_signing_key_fn<F, Fut>(f: F) -> ServiceFn<F>
    F: FnOnce(GetSigningKeyRequest) -> Fut + Send + 'static,
    Fut: Future<Output = Result<GetSigningKeyResponse, BoxError>> + Send + 'static,

mod tests {
    use {
        crate::{GetSigningKeyRequest, GetSigningKeyResponse, KSecretKey},
        chrono::{Date, NaiveDate, Utc},
        scratchstack_aws_principal::{AssumedRole, Principal},

    fn test_signing_key_derived() {
        let date = Date::from_utc(NaiveDate::from_ymd(2015, 8, 30), Utc);

        let ksecret1a = KSecretKey::from_str("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY");
        let ksecret1b = KSecretKey::from_str("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY");
        let ksecret2 = KSecretKey::from_str("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCZEXAMPLEKEY");

        assert_eq!(ksecret1a, ksecret1b);
        assert_eq!(ksecret1a, ksecret1a.clone());
        assert_ne!(ksecret1a, ksecret2);
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", ksecret1a).as_str(), "KSecretKey");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ksecret1a).as_str(), "KSecretKey");
        assert_eq!(ksecret1a.as_ref(), b"wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY");

        let kdate1a = ksecret1a.to_kdate(date);
        let kdate1b = ksecret1b.to_kdate(date);
        let kdate2 = ksecret2.to_kdate(date);
                0x01u8, 0x38u8, 0xc7u8, 0xa6u8, 0xcbu8, 0xd6u8, 0x0au8, 0xa7u8, 0x27u8, 0xb2u8, 0xf6u8, 0x53u8, 0xa5u8,
                0x22u8, 0x56u8, 0x74u8, 0x39u8, 0xdfu8, 0xb9u8, 0xf3u8, 0xe7u8, 0x2bu8, 0x21u8, 0xf9u8, 0xb2u8, 0x59u8,
                0x41u8, 0xa4u8, 0x2fu8, 0x04u8, 0xa7u8, 0xcdu8
        assert_eq!(kdate1a, kdate1b);
        assert_eq!(kdate1a, kdate1a.clone());
        assert_ne!(kdate1a, kdate2);
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", kdate1a).as_str(), "KDateKey");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", kdate1a).as_str(), "KDateKey");

        let kregion1a = kdate1a.to_kregion("us-east-1");
        let kregion1b = kdate1b.to_kregion("us-east-1");
        let kregion2 = kdate2.to_kregion("us-east-1");
                0xf3u8, 0x3du8, 0x58u8, 0x08u8, 0x50u8, 0x4bu8, 0xf3u8, 0x48u8, 0x12u8, 0xe5u8, 0xfau8, 0xdeu8, 0x63u8,
                0x30u8, 0x8bu8, 0x42u8, 0x4bu8, 0x24u8, 0x4cu8, 0x59u8, 0x18u8, 0x9bu8, 0xe2u8, 0xa5u8, 0x91u8, 0xddu8,
                0x22u8, 0x82u8, 0xc7u8, 0xcbu8, 0x56u8, 0x3fu8
        assert_eq!(kregion1a, kregion1b);
        assert_eq!(kregion1a, kregion1a.clone());
        assert_ne!(kregion1a, kregion2);
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", kregion1a).as_str(), "KRegionKey");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", kregion1a).as_str(), "KRegionKey");

        let kservice1a = kregion1a.to_kservice("example");
        let kservice1b = kregion1b.to_kservice("example");
        let kservice2 = kregion2.to_kservice("example");
                0xc6u8, 0x0cu8, 0xc4u8, 0xb1u8, 0xd0u8, 0x34u8, 0xc7u8, 0x57u8, 0x34u8, 0x8fu8, 0x2cu8, 0x67u8, 0x30u8,
                0x04u8, 0xc1u8, 0x89u8, 0x08u8, 0xbbu8, 0xa9u8, 0xa4u8, 0x6fu8, 0xa1u8, 0xdbu8, 0x87u8, 0xa9u8, 0x83u8,
                0x50u8, 0xf2u8, 0x7eu8, 0x7bu8, 0x2du8, 0xf6u8
        assert_eq!(kservice1a, kservice1b);
        assert_eq!(kservice1a, kservice1a.clone());
        assert_ne!(kservice1a, kservice2);
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", kservice1a).as_str(), "KServiceKey");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", kservice1a).as_str(), "KServiceKey");

        let ksigning1a = kservice1a.to_ksigning();
        let ksigning1b = kservice1b.to_ksigning();
        let ksigning2 = kservice2.to_ksigning();
                0x43u8, 0x1cu8, 0xc9u8, 0xefu8, 0x58u8, 0x76u8, 0x28u8, 0x7du8, 0xbbu8, 0x92u8, 0x5du8, 0x4bu8, 0xa4u8,
                0x62u8, 0x9fu8, 0x45u8, 0x90u8, 0x02u8, 0xadu8, 0x1du8, 0x26u8, 0xb7u8, 0xc7u8, 0x51u8, 0x60u8, 0x1bu8,
                0xb2u8, 0x04u8, 0xe1u8, 0x17u8, 0x18u8, 0xb8u8
        assert_eq!(ksigning1a, ksigning1b);
        assert_eq!(ksigning1a, ksigning1a.clone());
        assert_ne!(ksigning1a, ksigning2);
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", ksigning1a).as_str(), "KSigningKey");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ksigning1a).as_str(), "KSigningKey");

        assert_eq!(ksecret1a.to_kregion(date, "us-east-1"), kregion1a);
        assert_eq!(ksecret1a.to_kservice(date, "us-east-1", "example"), kservice1a);
        assert_eq!(ksecret1a.to_ksigning(date, "us-east-1", "example"), ksigning1a);

        assert_eq!(kdate1a.to_kservice("us-east-1", "example"), kservice1a);
        assert_eq!(kdate1a.to_ksigning("us-east-1", "example"), ksigning1a);

        assert_eq!(kregion1a.to_kservice("example"), kservice1a);

    fn test_gsk_derived() {
        let date = Date::from_utc(NaiveDate::from_ymd(2015, 8, 30), Utc);

        let gsk_req1a = GetSigningKeyRequest {
            access_key: "AKIDEXAMPLE".to_string(),
            session_token: Some("token".to_string()),
            request_date: date,
            region: "us-east-1".to_string(),
            service: "example".to_string(),

        // Make sure we can debug print the request.
        let _ = format!("{:?}", gsk_req1a);

        // Make sure clones are field-by-field equal.
        let gsk_req1b = gsk_req1a.clone();
        assert_eq!(gsk_req1a.access_key, gsk_req1b.access_key);
        assert_eq!(gsk_req1a.session_token, gsk_req1b.session_token);
        assert_eq!(gsk_req1a.request_date, gsk_req1b.request_date);
        assert_eq!(gsk_req1a.region, gsk_req1b.region);
        assert_eq!(gsk_req1a.service, gsk_req1b.service);

        let signing_key =
            KSecretKey::from_str("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY").to_ksigning(date, "us-east-1", "example");
        let principal = Principal::from(AssumedRole::new("aws", "123456789012", "role", "session").unwrap());

        let gsk_resp1a =

        // Make sure we can debug print the response.
        let _ = format!("{:?}", gsk_resp1a);

        // Make sure clones are field-by-field equal.
        let gsk_resp1b = gsk_resp1a.clone();
        assert_eq!(gsk_resp1a.signing_key, gsk_resp1b.signing_key);
        assert_eq!(gsk_resp1a.principal, gsk_resp1b.principal);

    fn test_gsk_reponse_derived() {
        let response: GetSigningKeyResponse = Default::default();
        assert_eq!(response.signing_key.as_ref(), &[0u8; 32]);

    fn test_response_builder() {
        let date = Date::from_utc(NaiveDate::from_ymd(2015, 8, 30), Utc);
        let signing_key =
            KSecretKey::from_str("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY").to_ksigning(date, "us-east-1", "example");
        let response = GetSigningKeyResponse::builder().signing_key(signing_key).build().unwrap();