Expand description

Operators for conditions.


An operator for a condition clause.


The ArnEquals operator.
The ArnEqualsIfExists operator.
The ArnLike operator.
The ArnLikeIfExists operator.
The ArnNotEquals operator.
The ArnNotEqualsIfExists operator.
The ArnNotLike operator.
The ArnNotLikeIfExists operator.
The BinaryEquals operator.
The BinaryEqualsIfExists operator.
The BinaryNotEquals operator.
The BoolIfExists operator.
The DateEquals operator.
The DateEqualsIfExists operator.
The DateGreaterThan operator.
The DateGreaterThanEquals operator.
The DateGreaterThanEqualsIfExists operator.
The DateGreaterThanIfExists operator.
The DateLessThan operator.
The DateLessThanEquals operator.
The DateLessThanEqualsIfExists operator.
The DateLessThanIfExists operator.
The DateNotEquals operator.
The DateNotEqualsIfExists operator.
The IpAddress operator.
The IpAddressIfExists operator.
The NotIpAddress operator.
The NotIpAddressIfExists operator.
The Null operator.
The NumericEquals operator.
The NumericEqualsIfExists operator.
The NumericGreaterThan operator.
The NumericGreaterThanEquals operator.
The NumericGreaterThanEqualsIfExists operator.
The NumericGreaterThanIfExists operator.
The NumericLessThan operator.
The NumericLessThanEquals operator.
The NumericLessThanEqualsIfExists operator.
The NumericLessThanIfExists operator.
The NumericNotEquals operator.
The NumericNotEqualsIfExists operator.
The StringEquals operator.
The StringEqualsIfExists operator.
The StringEqualsIgnoreCase operator.
The StringEqualsIgnoreCaseIfExists operator.
The StringLike operator.
The StringLikeIfExists operator.
The StringNotEquals operator.
The StringNotEqualsIfExists operator.
The StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase operator.
The StringNotEqualsIgnoreCaseIfExists operator.
The StringNotLike operator.
The StringNotLikeIfExists operator.