Crate scrapmetal [] [src]

Scrap Your Boilerplate!

This crate provides the traversing, transforming, and querying helpers and combinators from the Haskell paper "Scrap Your Boilerplate: A Practical Design Pattern for Generic Programming" by Lämmel and Peyton Jones to Rust.



Recursively perform a query in a top-down, left-to-right manner across a data structure. The Q: Query<R> queries individual values, while the F: FnMut(R, R) -> R joins the results of multiple queries into a single result.


Recursively perform a transformation in a bottom up manner across a complete data structure.


Recursively perform a transformation in a bottom up manner across a complete data structure.


Recursively perform a query in a top-down, left-to-right manner across a data structure. The M: GenericMutate<R> queries individual values, while the F: FnMut(R, R) -> R joins the results of multiple queries into a single result.


A mutation creates some value R from mutable references to a U. It can be called on values of any type T, not just on values of type U, so it requires a default R value for when it is called on values which are not a T.


A query non-destructively creates some value R from references to a U. It can be called on values of any type T, not just on values of type U, so it requires a default R value for when it is called on values which are not a T.


A transformation takes some value U and returns a new, transformed version of it. It can be called on values of any type T, not just on values of type U, in which case it is simply the identity function.



A similar work around as GenericTransform, but mutating in place and optionally returning some query type, rather than taking self and returning the same Self type.


A similar work around as GenericTransform, but returning a query type, rather than the same type. This is roughly equivalent to for<T> FnMut(&T) -> R.


Work around Rust's lack of higher-rank type polymorphism with a trait that has a generic fn transform<T> method. Essentially, we'd really prefer taking arguments of type F: for<T> FnMut(T) -> T rather than F: GenericTransform but Rust doesn't support them yet (ever?).


A Term is a value that can be mapped or queried.