[][src]Crate scpi

This crate attempts to implement the IEE488.2 / SCPI protocol commonly used by measurement instruments and tools. See IVI Foundation (SCPI-99 and IEE488.2).

It does not require the std library (ie it's no_std compatible) or a system allocator (useful for embedded).

Everything is subject to change (as of 0.1.0)


The crate does not support any transport layer, it only reads strings (&[u8]/ascii-/bytestrings to be precise) and writes responses.

It does not implement any higher level functions/error handling other than SCPI parsing and mandated registers.

Using this crate

Add scpi = 0.1.0 to your dependencies:

scpi = "0.1.0"

Getting started


Limitations and differences

These are the current limitations and differences from SCPI-99 specs (that I can remember) that needs to be addressed before version 1.0.0. They are listed in the rough order of which I care to fix them.

  • Response data formatting, currently each command is responsible for formatting their response.
  • Better command data operators with automatic error checking.
  • Automatic suffix/special number handling
  • Proper float parser using lexical-core/etc
  • Provide working implementation of all IEEE 488.2 and SCPI-99 mandated commands.
  • Quotation marks inside string data, the parser cannot handle escaping ' and " inside their respective block (eg "bla ""quoted"" bla").
  • Expression data, not handled at all.
  • Provide a reference instrument class implementation
  • Error codes returned by the parser does not follow SCPI-99 accurately (because there's a fucking lot of them!).
  • Working test suite.
  • To be continued...


The parser extends the SCPI-99 standard with some custom syntax:

  • UTF8 arbitrary data block, #s"Detta är en utf8 sträng med roliga bokstäver. Checked by the parser and emits a InvalidBlockData if the UTF8 data is malformed.


pub use ieee488::*;



Command trait and helper functions.


This module contains standard SCPI errors in the form of the Error enum.


Contains IEEE 488.2 parser and mandatory commands


Used to build a SCPI command tree

