scout 2.8.0

Friendly fuzzy finder for the command line
//! Fuzzy matching magic
//! The algorithm is a custom port of the [`fuzzaldrin-plus`][fuzzaldrinplus] algorithm.
//! This is a package used in Atom editor.
//! NOTE: The only part missing (I think) from the original algorithm is the path score bonus
//! ### References
//!   * [jeancroy/fuzz-aldrin-plus/src/](
//!   * [jeancroy/fuzz-aldrin-plus/src/](
//! [fuzzaldrinplus]:

mod predicates;
mod scoring;
mod types;

use predicates::*;
use scoring::*;
use types::*;

pub use types::{Candidate, Query};

use crate::common::Text;
use rayon::prelude::*;

// Max number missed consecutive hit = ceil(MISS_COEFF * query.len()) + 5
const MISS_COEFF: f32 = 0.75;

/// Search for candidates that fuzzy-match a query
/// * If the query is empty it just returns the same pool of candidates
/// * Otherwise it will try to compute the best match for each candidate.
/// * If `preserve_order` is not set, the candidates will be sorted from higher
///   score to lower.
pub fn search<'pool>(
    q: &str,
    pool: &'pool impl IntoParallelRefIterator<'pool, Item = &'pool Text>,
    preserve_order: bool,
) -> Vec<Candidate> {
    let mut matches: Vec<Candidate>;

    if q.is_empty() {
        matches = pool.par_iter().map(|txt| txt.into()).collect();
    } else {
        let query: Query = q.into();
        matches = pool
            .map(|c| compute_match(&query, c))
            .filter(|c| c.is_some())
            .map(|c| c.unwrap())

        if !preserve_order {
            matches.par_sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));


/// This function will return a Candidate with the computed score and matches.
fn compute_match(query: &Query, subject: &Text) -> Option<Candidate> {
    if query.is_empty() {
        return None;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check if the query is inside the subject
    if !is_match(query, subject) {
        return None;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Acronym sequence
    let acronym_score = match score_acronyms(query, subject) {
        None => 0.0,
        Some(acronym) => {
            if acronym.count == query.len() {
                let score =
                    score_quality(query.len(), subject.len(), acronym.score, acronym.position);
                let matches = acronym.matches;

                return Some(Candidate::new(subject, score, matches));


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exact Match
    if let Some(result) = score_exact_match(query, subject) {
        let score = result.score;
        let matches = result.matches;

        return Some(Candidate::new(subject, score, matches));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Individual characters
    // (Smith Waterman algorithm)

    // init
    let scored_size = score_size(query.len(), subject.len());
    // keep track of the calculated scores of query letters in the row
    let mut score_row = vec![0.0_f32; query.len()];
    // keep track of the consecutive scores of query letters in the row
    let mut consecutive_row = vec![0.0_f32; query.len()];

    let miss_budget = (MISS_COEFF * query.len() as f32).ceil() + 5.0;
    let mut miss_left = miss_budget;
    let mut should_rebuild = true;

    // trace matrix, this is used to recover best matches positions
    let mut trace = TraceMatrix::new(subject.len(), query.len());

    // the algorithm works over a matrix where columns represent query letters
    // and rows are subject letters
    // For example, for query "fft" and subject "fxfxtx", the matrix would be
    //      | f | f | t |  Where the symbols mean:
    //   ----------------    * (^) Look for the score/match in the upper row
    //    f | d | < | < |    * (<) Look for the score/match in the left column
    //    x | ^ | ^ | ^ |    * (d) This is a good match, use this score and move
    //    f | ^ | d | < |      in diagonal (up/left)
    //    x | ^ | ^ | ^ |
    //    t | ^ | ^ | d |
    //    x | ^ | ^ | ^ |
    //   ----------------
    let subject_iter = subject.lowercase_iter().enumerate();
    'subject_loop: for (subject_index, subject_grapheme) in subject_iter {
        // for every letter in the subject we move one row in the matrix

        if !query.contains(subject_grapheme) {
            if should_rebuild {
                // by resetting the consecutive_row to 0 we force the next
                // query letter match to recalculate its consecutive score
                consecutive_row = vec![0.0_f32; query.len()];
                should_rebuild = false;

            continue 'subject_loop;

        // current row best score
        let mut score = 0.0;
        // score from the up/left position of the matrix
        let mut score_diag = 0.0;
        // consecutive score from the up/left position of the matrix
        let mut consecutive_diag = 0.0;
        let mut record_miss = true;
        should_rebuild = true;

        let query_iter = query.lowercase_iter().enumerate();
        for (query_index, query_grapheme) in query_iter {
            // for every letter in the query we move one column in the matrix

            let mut consecutive_score = 0.0;

            let score_up = score_row[query_index];
            if score_up >= score {
                // the upper score is better than the one that has been accumulated
                // so far
                score = score_up;
                trace.up_at(query_index, subject_index);
            } else {
                trace.left_at(query_index, subject_index);

            if query_grapheme == subject_grapheme {
                let is_start = is_start_of_word(subject, subject_index);

                if consecutive_diag > 0.0 {
                    // if the upper/left (diagonal) position has a consecutive_score that means
                    // this current column in this row is a consecutive letter from that score
                    // so it can be reused
                    consecutive_score = consecutive_diag;
                } else {
                    // this current letter doesn't follow consecutive letters in the subject,
                    // so it needs to recalculate the consecutive score
                    consecutive_score =
                        score_consecutives(query, subject, query_index, subject_index, is_start);

                let score_char =
                    score_character(subject_index, is_start, acronym_score, consecutive_score);
                let aligned_score = score_diag + score_char;

                if aligned_score > score {
                    // the current calculated score (aligned_score) is better than the accumulated,
                    // so it can be set as the accumulated
                    score = aligned_score;
                    // this position is marked as diagonal because the score is the highest so far
                    trace.diagonal_at(query_index, subject_index);
                    miss_left = miss_budget;
                } else {
                    if record_miss {
                        miss_left -= 1.0;

                        if miss_left <= 0.0 {
                            let final_score =
                                score.max(score_row[query.last_index()]) * scored_size;
                            if final_score <= 0.0 {
                                return None;
                            } else {
                                let matches = trace.traceback(query_index, subject_index);

                                return Some(Candidate::new(subject, final_score, matches));

                    record_miss = false;

            // before moving to the next column, put the upper score as the
            // diagonal score (the position is moved one to the right in the
            // next iteration)
            score_diag = score_up;
            // save the score in the row it will be used as the score_up
            // in the next subject's iteration
            score_row[query_index] = score;
            // the same for consecutive scores
            consecutive_diag = consecutive_row[query_index];
            consecutive_row[query_index] = consecutive_score;

            if score <= 0.0 {
                trace.stop_at(query_index, subject_index);

    // after all iterations the highest score will be in the last position
    let final_score = score_row[query.last_index()] * scored_size;
    if final_score == 0.0 {
    } else {
        let matches = trace.traceback(query.last_index(), subject.last_index());

        Some(Candidate::new(subject, final_score, matches))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::common::TextBuilder;

    fn matches_test() {
        let cases: Vec<(Query, &str, Vec<usize>)> = vec![
            // Exact acronym
            ("fft".into(), "FirstFactoryTest", vec![0, 5, 12]),
            // Extra acronym letters
            ("fft".into(), "FirstFactoryTest.ts", vec![0, 5, 12]),
            // Exact match
            ("core".into(), "0core0app.rb", vec![1, 2, 3, 4]),
            // Exact match, second position is better
            ("core".into(), "0core0app_core.rb", vec![10, 11, 12, 13]),
            // Consecutive letters
            ("core".into(), "controller", vec![0, 1, 4, 8]),

        for (query, string, expected) in cases {
            let subject = TextBuilder::build(string);
            let result = compute_match(&query, &subject);

            let result = result.unwrap();
                result.matches, expected,
                "Expected {} to have matches {:?} inside {}",
                query, expected, subject,

    fn compute_match_on_different_queries_test() {
        let cases: Vec<(Query, Query, &str)> = vec![
            // Acronym wins
            ("psh".into(), "push".into(), "Plus: Stage Hunk"),
            // Exact world wins
            ("Hello".into(), "he".into(), "Hello World"),
            // More consecutive chars wins
            ("ello".into(), "hllo".into(), "Hello World"),

        for (a, b, string) in cases {
            let subject = TextBuilder::build(string);
            let result_a = compute_match(&a, &subject);
            let result_b = compute_match(&b, &subject);


            let result_a = result_a.unwrap();
            let result_b = result_b.unwrap();

                result_a.score() > result_b.score(),
                "Expected {} to have a higher score than {} inside {}",