scoped-vec 0.0.1

A library for scoped Vecs, allowing multi-level divergence from the root element.

License: WTFPL Downloads

A library for scoped Vecs, allowing multi-level divergence from the root element.

This is useful for monitoring state within a de facto tree where links to parents aren't necessarily needed. Consumers can keep references to a specific parent if required and check the values from the scope of their choosing, parents are free to be dropped if they're no longer required.

The full std::vec::Vec spec has not yet been implemented but as the library stabilises, more and more of the Vec library will be supported - however there will be some divergence from the API where necessary given the structural differences of a ScopedVec.

The library isn't yet ready for consumption in any production-level software but feel free to use it in side projects and make contributions where you find necessary.