sciter-rs 0.4.28

Rust bindings for Sciter - Embeddable HTML/CSS/script engine (cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit). Also capable with DirectX / OpenGL.
name = "sciter-rs"
version = "0.4.28"
description = "Rust bindings for Sciter - Embeddable HTML/CSS/script engine (cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit). Also capable with DirectX / OpenGL."
keywords = ["gui", "gtk", "cocoa", "opengl", "skia"]
categories = ["gui", "web-programming", "rendering::graphics-api", "api-bindings"]

authors = ["pravic <>"]
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT"

exclude = [".gitignore", "appveyor.yml"]

appveyor = { repository = "sciter-sdk/rust-sciter" }

name = "sciter"
path = "src/"
crate-type = ["rlib"]

libc = "0.2"
lazy_static = "1.0"

objc = "0.2"
objc-foundation = "0.1"

name = "first"
path = "examples/"

name = "minimal"
path = "examples/"

name = "download"
path = "examples/"

name = "dom"
path = "examples/"

name = "fire_event"
path = "examples/"

name = "interop"
path = "examples/"

name = "threads"
path = "examples/"