scipio 0.1.5-alpha

A set of utilities to allow one to write thread per core applications
// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the
// MIT/Apache-2.0 License, at your convenience
// This product includes software developed at Datadog ( Copyright 2020 Datadog, Inc.
use crate::error::ErrorEnhancer;
use crate::parking::Reactor;
use crate::sys;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

/// A wrapper over `std::fs::File` which carries a path (for better error
/// messages) and prints a warning if closed synchronously.
/// It also implements some operations that are common among Buffered and non-Buffered files
pub(crate) struct ScipioFile {
    pub(crate) file: std::fs::File,
    // A file can appear in many paths, through renaming and linking.
    // If we do that, each path should have its own object. This is to
    // facilitate error displaying.
    pub(crate) path: Option<PathBuf>,
    pub(crate) inode: u64,
    pub(crate) dev_major: u32,
    pub(crate) dev_minor: u32,

impl Drop for ScipioFile {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
            "File dropped while still active. Should have been async closed ({:?} / fd {})
I will close it and turn a leak bug into a performance bug. Please investigate",

impl AsRawFd for ScipioFile {
    fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {

impl FromRawFd for ScipioFile {
    unsafe fn from_raw_fd(fd: RawFd) -> Self {
        ScipioFile {
            file: std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd),
            path: None,
            inode: 0,
            dev_major: 0,
            dev_minor: 0,

impl ScipioFile {
    pub(crate) async fn open_at(
        dir: RawFd,
        path: &Path,
        flags: libc::c_int,
        mode: libc::c_int,
    ) -> io::Result<ScipioFile> {
        let source = Reactor::get().open_at(dir, path, flags, mode);
        let fd = source.collect_rw().await?;

        let mut file = ScipioFile {
            file: unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd as _) },
            path: Some(path.to_owned()),
            inode: 0,
            dev_major: 0,
            dev_minor: 0,

        let st = file.statx().await?;
        file.inode = st.stx_ino;
        file.dev_major = st.stx_dev_major;
        file.dev_minor = st.stx_dev_minor;

    pub(crate) fn is_same(&self, other: &ScipioFile) -> bool {
        self.inode == other.inode
            && self.dev_major == other.dev_major
            && self.dev_minor == other.dev_minor

    pub(crate) async fn close(mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        // Destruct `self` into components skipping Drop.
        let (fd, path) = {
            let fd = self.as_raw_fd();
            let path = self.path.take();
            (fd, path)

        let source = Reactor::get().close(fd);
        enhanced_try!(source.collect_rw().await, "Closing", path, Some(fd))?;

    pub(crate) fn with_path(mut self, path: Option<PathBuf>) -> ScipioFile {
        self.path = path;

    pub(crate) fn path_required(&self, op: &'static str) -> io::Result<&Path> {
        self.path.as_deref().ok_or_else(|| {
            ErrorEnhancer {
                inner: std::io::Error::new(
                    "operation requires a valid path",
                path: None,
                fd: Some(self.as_raw_fd()),

    pub(crate) async fn pre_allocate(&self, size: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
        let flags = libc::FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE;
        let source = Reactor::get().fallocate(self.as_raw_fd(), 0, size, flags);
        enhanced_try!(source.collect_rw().await, "Pre-allocate space", self)?;

    pub(crate) async fn hint_extent_size(&self, size: usize) -> nix::Result<i32> {
        sys::fs_hint_extentsize(self.as_raw_fd(), size)

    pub(crate) async fn truncate(&self, size: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
            sys::truncate_file(self.as_raw_fd(), size),

    pub(crate) async fn rename<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, new_path: P) -> io::Result<()> {
        let old_path = self.path_required("rename")?;
            crate::io::rename(old_path, &new_path).await,
        self.path = Some(new_path.as_ref().to_owned());

    pub(crate) async fn fdatasync(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
        let source = Reactor::get().fdatasync(self.as_raw_fd());
        enhanced_try!(source.collect_rw().await, "Syncing", self)?;

    pub(crate) async fn remove(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
        let path = self.path_required("remove")?;
        enhanced_try!(sys::remove_file(path), "Removing", self)

    // Retrieve file metadata, backed by the statx(2) syscall
    pub(crate) async fn statx(&self) -> io::Result<libc::statx> {
        let path = self.path_required("stat")?;

        let source = Reactor::get().statx(self.as_raw_fd(), path);
        enhanced_try!(source.collect_rw().await, "getting file metadata", self)?;
        let stype = source.extract_source_type();

    pub(crate) async fn file_size(&self) -> io::Result<u64> {
        let st = self.statx().await?;