scientific 0.2.0

Arbitrary precision scientific number (no_std capable, in pure Rust)
use crate::types::sci::Sci;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

impl Sci {
  pub(crate) fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut result;
    if self.is_zero() {
      result = Vec::new();
    } else {
      result = Vec::with_capacity((self.len as usize * 5) / 12 + 4);
      let mantissa_sign = if self.sign.is_negative() { 0x80 } else { 0 };
      if self.exponent >= -64 && self.exponent <= 59 {
        result.push(mantissa_sign | (((self.exponent as i8) as u8) & 0x7f));
      } else {
        if let Ok(e) = i8::try_from(self.exponent) {
          result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3c);
          result.push(e as u8);
        } else {
          #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
            result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3d);
            result.extend_from_slice(&(value.exponent as i16).to_be_bytes());

          #[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
          if let Ok(e) = i16::try_from(self.exponent) {
            result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3d);
          } else {
            #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
              result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3e);
              result.extend_from_slice(&(value.exponent as i32).to_be_bytes());

            #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
            if let Ok(e) = i32::try_from(self.exponent) {
              result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3e);
            } else {
              result.push(mantissa_sign | 0x3f);
              result.extend_from_slice(&(self.exponent as i64).to_be_bytes());

          target_pointer_width = "16",
          target_pointer_width = "32",
          target_pointer_width = "64"
        compile_error!("This target_pointer_width is not yet supported, please open a issue.")
      let mut p =;
      let mut buf = 0;
      let mut buf_len = 0;
      let mut len = self.len;

      while len >= 3 {
        let a = *p;;
        let b = *p;;
        let c = *p;;
        buf = (buf << 10) | ((a as u16) * 100 + (b as u16) * 10 + (c as u16));
        buf_len += 10;
        while buf_len >= 8 {
          buf_len -= 8;
          result.push((buf >> buf_len) as u8);
        len -= 3;
      // what to do with the remaining digits?
      if buf_len + len * 4 > 8 {
        // adding the missing digits in 4 bits each would (together with the filler) reach or
        // exceed 10 bits and interpreted by the decoder as a full triplet -> add another triplet
        // this can't be happening with len=0, so the following read is safe
        let a = *p;;
        let b = if len == 2 { *p } else { 0 };
        buf = (buf << 10) | ((a as u16) * 100 + (b as u16) * 10);
        buf_len += 10;
      } else {
        // add all missing digits in 4 bit each
        for _ in 0..len {
          buf = (buf << 4) | (*p as u16);
          buf_len += 4;
      while buf_len >= 8 {
        buf_len -= 8;
        result.push((buf >> buf_len) as u8);
      if buf_len > 0 {
        result.push(((buf << 8) >> buf_len) as u8);