schematic 0.12.12

A light-weight, macro-based, and layered serde configuration and schema library.



Schematic is a light-weight, macro-based, layered serde configuration and schema library, with built-in support for merge strategies, validation rules, environment variables, and more!

  • Supports JSON, TOML, and YAML based configs via serde.
  • Load sources from the file system or secure URLs.
  • Source layering that merge into a final configuration.
  • Extend additional files through an annotated setting.
  • Field-level merge strategies with built-in merge functions.
  • Aggregated validation with built-in validate functions (provided by garde).
  • Environment variable parsing and overrides.
  • Beautiful parsing and validation errors (powered by miette).
  • Generates schemas that can be rendered to TypeScript types, JSON schemas, and more!

This crate was built specifically for moon, and many of the design decisions are based around that project and its needs. Because of that, this crate is quite opinionated and won't change heavily.


Define a struct and derive the Config trait.

use schematic::Config;

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = 3000, env = "PORT")]
	port: usize,

	#[setting(default = true)]
	secure: bool,

	#[setting(default = vec!["localhost".into()])]
	allowed_hosts: Vec<String>,

Then load, parse, merge, and validate the configuration from one or many sources. A source is either a file path, secure URL, or code block.

use schematic::{ConfigLoader, Format};

let result = ConfigLoader::<AppConfig>::new()
	.code("secure: false", Format::Yaml)?


The format for files and URLs are derived from the trailing extension.


The bulk of schematic is powered through the Config trait and the associated derive macro. This macro helps to generate and automate the following:

The struct that derives Config represents the final state, after all partial layers have been merged, and default and environment variable values have been applied. This means that all fields (settings) should not be wrapped in Option, unless the setting is truly optional (think nullable in the config file).

pub struct ExampleConfig {
	pub number: usize,
	pub string: String,
	pub boolean: bool,
	pub array: Vec<String>,
	pub optional: Option<String>,

This pattern provides the optimal developer experience, as you can reference the settings as-is, without having to unwrap them, or use match or if-let statements!


A powerful feature of schematic is what we call partial configurations. These are a mirror of the derived configuration, with all settings wrapped in Option, are prefixed with Partial, and have common serde and derive attributes automatically applied.

For example, the ExampleConfig above would generate the following partial struct:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(default, deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct PartialExampleConfig {
	#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	pub number: Option<usize>,

	#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	pub string: Option<String>,

	#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	pub boolean: Option<bool>,

	#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	pub array: Option<Vec<String>>,

	#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	pub optional: Option<String>,

So what are partials used for exactly? Partials are used for the entire parsing, layering, extending, and merging process, instead of the base/final configuration.

When deserializing a source with serde, we utilize the partial config as the target type, because not all fields are guaranteed to be present. This is especially true when merging multiple sources together, as each source may only contain a subset of the final config. Each source represents a layer to be merged.

Partials are also beneficial when serializing, as only settings with values will be written to the source, instead of everything! A common complaint of serde's strictness.

As stated above, partials also handle the following:


Configuration can easily be nested within other configuration using the #[setting(nested)] attribute. Child configuration will be deeply merged and validated alongside the parent.

pub struct ChildConfig {
	// ...

pub struct ParentConfig {
	pub nested: ChildConfig,

	pub optional_nested: Option<ChildConfig>,

The #[setting(nested)] attribute is required, as the macro will substitute the config struct with its partial struct variant.

Nested configuration can also be wrapped in collections, like Vec and HashMap. However, these are tricky to support and may not work in all situations!


Context is an important mechanism that allows for different default values, merge strategies, and validation rules to be used, for the same configuration struct, depending on context!

To begin, a context is a struct with a default implementation.

struct ExampleContext {
	some_value: bool,
	another_value: usize,

Context must then be associated with a configuration through the context attribute field.

#[config(context = ExampleContext)]
pub struct ExampleConfig {
	// ...

And then passed to the ConfigLoader.load_with_context method.

let context = ExampleContext {
	some_value: true,
	another_value: 10,

let result = ConfigLoader::<ExampleConfig>::new()

Refer to the default values, merge strategies, and validation rules sections for more information on how to use context.


Configuration supports basic metadata for use within error messages through the #[config] attribute. Right now we support a name, derived from the struct name or the serde rename attribute field.

Metadata can be accessed with the META constant.;

Serde support

By default the Config macro will apply #[serde(default, deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")] to the partial configuration. The default and deny_unknown_fields ensure proper parsing and layer merging.

The rename_all field can be customized, and we also support the rename field, both via the top-level #[config] attribute.

#[config(rename = "ExampleConfig", rename_all = "snake_case")]
struct Example {
	// ...

The rename field will also update the metadata name.

Configuration enums

Configurations typically use enums to handle value variations of a specific setting. To simplify this process, we offer a ConfigEnum macro/trait that can be derived for enums with unit-only variants.

enum LogLevel {

This enum will generate the following implementations:

  • Provides a static variants method, that returns a list of all variants. Perfect for iteration.
  • Implements FromStr and TryFrom for parsing from a string.
  • Implements Display for formatting into a string.

The string value/format is based on the variant name, and is converted to kebab-case by default. This can be customized with the #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] attribute, which keeps consistency with serde's handling.

Fallback variant

Although ConfigEnum only supports unit variants, we do support a catch-all variant known as the "fallback variant", which can be defined with #[variant(fallback)]. Fallback variants are primarily used when parsing from a string, and will be used if no other variant matches.

However, this pattern does have a few caveats:

  • Only 1 fallback variant can be defined.
  • The fallback variant must be a tuple variant with a single field.
  • The field type can be anything and we'll attempt to convert it with try_into().
  • The fallback inner value is not casing formatted based on serde's rename_all.
enum Value {

Common derives

Furthermore, all enums (not just unit enums) typically support the same derived traits, like Clone, Eq, etc. To reduce boilerplate, we offer a derive_enum! macro that will apply these traits for you.

	#[derive(ConfigEnum, Default)]
	enum LogLevel {

This macro will inject the following attributes:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]


Settings are the individual fields/members of a configuration struct, and can be annotated with the optional #[setting] attribute.

Default values

Structs only.

In schematic, there are 2 forms of default values:

  • The first is on the partial configuration, is defined with the #[setting] attribute, and is the first layer of the configuration to be merged.
  • The second is on the final configuration itself, and uses Default to generate the final value if none was provided. This acts more like a fallback.

This section will talk about the #[setting] attribute and default. The default attribute field is used for declaring primitive values, like numbers and booleans. It can also be used for array and tuple literals, as well as function (mainly for from()) and macros calls.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = "/")]
	base: String,

	#[setting(default = 3000)]
	port: usize,

	#[setting(default = true)]
	secure: bool,

	#[setting(default = vec!["localhost".into()])]
	allowed_hosts: Vec<String>,

enum Host {

Enums only support #[setting(default)], which denotes that variant as the default. It does not support setting values for the variant itself, or its inner tuple fields.

If you need more control or need to calculate a complex value, you can pass a reference to a function to call. This function receives the context as the first argument (use () or generics if you don't have context), and can return an optional value. If None is returned, the Default value will be used instead.

fn find_unused_port(ctx: &Context) -> Option<usize> {
	let port = do_find();

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = find_unused_port)]
	port: usize,

Environment variables

Structs only.

Settings can also inherit values from environment variables via the env attribute field. When using this, variables take the highest precedence, and are merged as the last layer.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = 3000, env = "PORT")]
	port: usize,

Container prefixes

If you'd prefer to not define env for every setting, you can instead define a prefix on the containing struct using the env_prefix attribute field. This will define an environment variable for all non-nested fields in the struct, in the format of "env prefix + field name" in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

For example, the environment variable below is now APP_PORT.

#[config(env_prefix = "APP_")]
struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = 3000)]
	port: usize,

Parsing values

We also support parsing environment variables into the required type. For example, the variable may be a comma separated list of values, or a JSON string.

The parse_env attribute field can be used, which requires a path to a function to handle the parsing, and receives the variable value as a single argument.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(env = "ALLOWED_HOSTS", parse_env = schematic::env::split_comma)]
	allowed_hosts: Vec<String>,

We provide a handful of built-in parsing functions in the env module.

When defining a custom parse function, you should return an error with ConfigError::Message if parsing fails. A None value can also be returned, which will fallback to the previous or default value.

use schematic::ConfigError;

pub fn custom_parse(var: String) -> Result<Some<ReturnValue>, ConfigError> {
		.map(|v| Some(v))
		.map_err(|e| ConfigError::Message(e.to_string()))


Structs only.

Configs can extend other configs, generating an accurate layer chain, via the extend attribute field. Extended configs can either be a file path (relative from the current config) or a secure URL. For example:

  - "./another/file.yml"
  - ""

When defining extend, we currently support 3 types of patterns. The first is with a single string, which only allows a single file to be extended.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_string)]
	extends: Option<String>,

The second is with a list of strings, allowing multiple files to be extended. This is the YAML example above.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_list)]
	extends: Option<Vec<String>>,

And lastly, supporting both a string or a list, using our built-in enum.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_from)]
	extends: Option<schematic::ExtendsFrom>,

We suggest making this field optional, so that extending is not required by consumers!

Merge strategies

A common requirement for configuration is to merge multiple sources/layers into a final result. By default schematic will replace the previous value with the next value if the next value is Some, but sometimes you want far more control, like shallow merging or deep merging collections.

This can be achieved with the merge attribute field, which requires a path to a function to call.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(merge = schematic::merge::append_vec)]
	allowed_hosts: Vec<String>,

enum Projects {
	#[setting(merge = schematic::merge::append_vec)]
	// ...

We provide a handful of built-in merge functions in the merge module.

When defining a custom merge function, the previous value, next value, and context are passed as arguments, and the function must return an optional merged result. If None is provided, neither value will be used.

Here's an example of the merge function above.

pub fn append_vec<T, C>(mut prev: Vec<T>, next: Vec<T>, context: &C) -> Result<Option<Vec<T>>, ConfigError> {


Validation rules

What kind of configuration crate would this be without built-in validation? As such, we support it as a first-class feature, with built-in validation rules provided by garde.

In schematic, validation does not happen as part of the serde parsing process, and instead happens for each partial configuration to be merged.

Validation can be applied on a per-setting basis with the validate attribute field, which requires a path to a function to call.

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(validate = schematic::validate::alphanumeric)]
	secret_key: String,

	#[setting(validate = schematic::validate::regex("^\.env"))]
	env_file: String,

Or on a per-variant basis when using an enum.

enum Projects {
	#[setting(validate = schematic::validate::min_length(1))]
	// ...

We provide a handful of built-in validation functions in the validate module. Furthermore, some functions are factories which can be called to produce a validator.

When defining a custom validate function, the value to check is passed as the first argument, the current partial as the second, and the context as the third. The ValidateError type must be used for failures.

use schematic::ValidateError;

fn validate_string(
	value: &str,
	partial: &PartialAppConfig,
	context: &Context
) -> Result<(), ValidateError> {
	if !do_check(value) {
		return Err(ValidateError::new("Some failure message"));


If validating an item in a vector or collection, you can specifiy the nested path when erroring. This is extremely useful when building error messages.

use schematic::PathSegment;

	"Some failure message",
	// [i].key
	[PathSegment::Index(i), PathSegment::Key(key.to_string())]

Serde support

The rename and skip attribute fields are currently supported and will apply a #[serde] attribute to the partial setting.

struct Example {
	#[setting(rename = "type")]
	type_of: SomeEnum,


Schematic provides a schema modeling layer that defines the shape of types, which all configuration and enums implement. These schemas can then be passed to a generator, which renders the schema into a specific format, and writes the result to a file.

use schematic::{schema, renderers};

fn main() {
	let mut generator = schema::SchemaGenerator::default();

Added types will recursively add all nested schemas, so you only need to add the root types, and not everything!

JSON schemas

  • Enabled with the json_schema feature.
  • The last schema to be added to the generator will be the root document, while all previous schemas will be definitions/references.

TypeScript types

  • Enabled with the typescript feature.
  • Each schema added to the generator will be exported as a type.


The following Cargo features are available:

  • config (default) - Enables configuration support (all the above stuff).
  • url (default) - Enables loading, extending, and parsing configs from URLs.


  • json (default) - Enables JSON.
  • toml - Enables TOML.
  • yaml - Enables YAML.


  • valid_email - Enables email validation with the schematic::validate::email function.
  • valid_url - Enables URL validation with the schematic::validate::url and url_secure functions.

Schema generation

  • schema - Generates schemas for schematic types and built-in Rust types.

  • json_schema - Enables JSON schema generation.

  • typescript - Enables TypeScript types generation.

  • type_chrono - Implements schematic for the chrono crate.

  • type_regex - Implements schematic for the regex crate.

  • type_relative_path - Implements schematic for the relative-path crate.

  • type_rust_decimal - Implements schematic for the rust_decimal crate.

  • type_semver - Implements schematic for the semver crate.

  • type_serde_json - Implements schematic for the serde_json crate.

  • type_serde_toml - Implements schematic for the toml crate.

  • type_serde_yaml - Implements schematic for the serde_yaml crate.

  • type_url - Implements schematic for the url crate.

  • type_version_spec - Implements schematic for the version_spec crate.

  • type_warpgate - Implements schematic for the warpgate crate.