scap 0.0.5

Modern, high-performance screen capture library for Rust. Cross-platform. failed to build scap-0.0.5
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A Rust library for high-quality screen recordings that leverages native OS APIs for optimal performance: Apple's ScreenCaptureKit on macOS, Graphics.Capture APIs on Windows and Pipewire on Linux.

🚧 WIP. Unsuitable for production use, APIs are being iterated on.



  1. Cross-platform support: Windows, Mac and Linux!
  2. Check for support and user permissions.
  3. Utilize native OS APIs for screen capture.
  4. Different capture modes: Display or Windows.


We found most of Rust's tooling around screen capture either non-performant, outdated or very platform-specific. This project is our attempt to change that. Contributions, PRs and Issues are most welcome!

If you'd like to develop, here's a kickstart guide:

  1. Clone the repo and run it with cargo run.
  2. Explore the API and library code in
  3. Platform-specific code is in the win, mac and linux modules.
  4. There's a small program in that "consumes" the library for dev-testing.


use scap::{
    capturer::{Point, Area, Size, Capturer, Options},

fn main() {
    // Check if the platform is supported
    let supported = scap::is_supported();
    if !supported {
        println!("❌ Platform not supported");
    } else {
        println!("✅ Platform supported");

    // Check if we have permission to capture screen
    // If we don't, request it.
    if !scap::has_permission() {
        println!("❌ Permission not granted. Requesting permission...");
        if !scap::request_permission() {
            println!("❌ Permission denied");
    println!("✅ Permission granted");

    // Get recording targets (WIP)
    let targets = scap::get_targets();
    println!("🎯 Targets: {:?}", targets);

    // Create Options
    let options = Options {
        fps: 60,
        show_cursor: true,
        show_highlight: true,
        excluded_targets: None,
        output_type: scap::frame::FrameType::BGRAFrame,
        output_resolution: scap::capturer::Resolution::_720p,
        source_rect: Some(Area {
            origin: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
            size: Size {
                width: 2000.0,
                height: 1000.0,

    // Create Recorder
    let mut capturer = Capturer::new(options);

    // Start Capture

    let mut input = String::new();
    std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

    // Stop Capture


The code in this repository is open-sourced under the MIT license. However, it may rely on dependencies that are licensed differently. Please consult their documentations for exact terms.



This project builds on top of the fabulous work done by @svtlabs and @NiiightmareXD.