[][src]Crate scanmut

Insert and remove multiple elments from a Vec in O(n) time.

This crate provides the Inserter and Remover types for inserting and removing items from a Vec in a single scan over the Vec. The indices of the insertions and removals need to be in sorted order: monotnonically non-increasing for Inserter and monotonically increasing for Remover. See the Inserter and Remover types for more information.

For convenience, there is also an extension trait ScanMut that add multi_insert and multi_remove methods to Vec.


use scanmut::ScanMut;

let mut v = vec!['a', 'b', 'c'];
v.multi_insert([(2, 'e'), (1, 'd')].iter().cloned());

assert_eq!(v, vec!['a', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'c']);



An object which can insert multiple elements into a Vec in a single scan through the Vec.


An object that can remove multiple elements from a Vec in a single scan through the Vec.



Multiple insert/remove functions