scan_fmt 0.2.5

A simple scanf()-like input for Rust
// Copyright 2015-2019 Will Lentz.
// Licensed under the MIT license.

//! This crate provides a simple sscanf()-like interface to extract
//! data from strings and stdin.
//! In version 0.2 scan_fmt! changed to return a Result.
//! Use scan_fmt_some! for the 0.1.x behavior.
//! To use this crate, do:
//! ```ignore
//! #[macro_use] extern crate scan_fmt;
//! ```
//! Example to read from a string:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate scan_fmt;
//! # fn main() {
//!   if let Ok((a,b)) = scan_fmt!( "-11 0x22", // input string
//!                                 "{d} {x}",  // format
//!                                 i8, [hex u8]) { // types
//!     assert_eq!( a, -11 ) ;
//!     assert_eq!( b, 0x22 ) ;
//!   }
//!   let (a,b,c) = scan_fmt_some!( "hello 12 345 bye", // input string
//!                                 "hello {} {d} {}",  // format
//!                                 u8, i32, String);   // type of a-c Options
//!   assert_eq!( a, Some(12) ) ;
//!   assert_eq!( b, Some(345) ) ;
//!   assert_eq!( c, Some("bye".into()) ) ;
//! # }
//! ```
//! Special format_string tokens:
//! <pre class="rust">
//!   {{ = escape for '{'
//!   }} = escape for '}'
//!   {} = return any value (until next whitespace)
//!   {d} = return base-10 decimal
//!   {x} = return hex (0xab or ab)
//!       = you must wrap the type in [hex type], e.g. "[hex u32]"
//!   {f} = return float
//!   {*d} = "*" as the first character means "match but don't return"
//!   {2d} or {2x} or {2f} = limit the maximum width to 2.  Any positive integer works.
//!   {[...]} = return pattern.
//!     ^ inverts if it is the first character
//!     - is for ranges.  For a literal - put it at the start or end.
//!     To add a literal ] do "[]abc]"
//!   Examples:
//!     {[0-9ab]} = match 0-9 or a or b
//!     {[^,.]} = match anything but , or .
//!     {/.../} = return regex inside of `//`. (if regex feature is installed)
//!      If there is a single capture group inside of the slashes then
//!      that group will make up the pattern.
//!   Examples:
//!     {/[0-9ab]/} = same as {[0-9ab]}, above
//!     {/a+/} = matches at least one `a`, greedily
//!     {/jj(a*)jj/} = matches any number of `a`s, but only if
//!       they're surrounded by two `j`s
//! </pre>
//! Example to read from stdin:
//! ```ignore
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate scan_fmt;
//! # use std::error::Error ;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(),Box<dyn Error>> {
//!     let (a,b) = scanln_fmt!( "{}-{}", u16, u8) ? ;
//!     println!("Got {} and {}",a,b);
//!     let (a,b) = scanln_fmt_some!( "{}-{}",   // format
//!                                  u16, u8);    // type of a&b Options
//!     match (a,b) {
//!       (Some(aa),Some(bb)) => println!("Got {} and {}",aa,bb),
//!       _ => println!("input error")
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! There are no compile-time checks to make sure the format
//! strings matches the number of return arguments.  Extra
//! return values will be None or cause a Result error.
//! Like sscanf(), whitespace (including \n) is largely ignored.
//! Conversion to output values is done using parse::<T>().

#[cfg(feature = "regex")]
extern crate regex;

pub mod parse;

macro_rules! scan_fmt_help {
    ( wrap $res:expr, [hex $arg:tt] ) => {
        match $ {
            Some(item) => $arg::from_str_radix(&item, 16).ok(),
            _ => None,
    ( wrap $res:expr , $($arg1:tt)::* ) => {
        match $ {
            Some(item) => item.parse::<$($arg1)::*>().ok(),
            _ => None,
    ( no_wrap $err:ident, $res:expr, [hex $arg:tt] ) => {
        match $ {
            Some(item) => {
                let ret = $arg::from_str_radix(&item, 16);
                if ret.is_err() {
                    $err = "from_str_radix hex";
            _ => {
                $err = "internal hex";
    ( no_wrap $err:ident, $res:expr , $($arg1:tt)::* ) => {{
        let err = "0".parse::<$($arg1)::*>().unwrap();
        match $ {
            Some(item) => {
                let ret = item.parse::<$($arg1)::*>();
                if ret.is_err() {
                    $err = concat!("parse::", stringify!($($arg1)::*));
            _ => {
                $err = concat!("internal ", stringify!($($arg1)::*));

macro_rules! scan_fmt_some {
    ( $instr:expr, $fmt:expr, $($($args:tt)::*),* ) => {
            let mut res = $crate::parse::scan( $instr, $fmt ) ;
            ($($crate::scan_fmt_help!(wrap res,$($args)::*)),*)

macro_rules! scan_fmt {
    ( $instr:expr, $fmt:expr, $($($args:tt)::*),* ) => {
            let mut err = "" ;
            let mut res = $crate::parse::scan( $instr, $fmt ) ;
            let result = ($($crate::scan_fmt_help!(no_wrap err,res,$($args)::*)),*) ;
            if err == "" {
            } else {

pub fn get_input_unwrap() -> String {
    let mut input = String::new();
    std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

/// (a,+) = scanln_fmt!( format_string, types,+ )
/// <p>Same as scan_fmt!(), but reads input string from stdin.</p>
macro_rules! scanln_fmt {
    ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ scan_fmt!(&$crate::get_input_unwrap(), $($arg)*) }}

/// (a,+) = scanln_fmt_some!( format_string, types,+ )
/// <p>Same as scan_fmt_some!(), but reads input string from stdin.</p>
macro_rules! scanln_fmt_some {
    ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ scan_fmt_some!(&$crate::get_input_unwrap(), $($arg)*) }}

macro_rules! assert_flt_eq {
    ($t:ident, $v1:expr, $v2:expr) => {{
        assert!(($v1 - $v2).abs() <= 2.0 * std::$t::EPSILON);

use std::error::Error;

fn ret_scan_all() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (a, b) = scan_fmt!("1.2 e","{f} {x}",f32,[hex u32])?;
    assert_flt_eq!(f32, a, 1.2);
    assert_eq!(b, 14);

fn test_scan_all() {
    if let Ok(a) = scan_fmt!("hi1 3", "{} {d}", std::string::String, u32) {
        assert_eq!(a, ("hi1".to_string(), 3));
    } else {
        assert!(false, "error 0");
    if let Ok((a, b, c)) = scan_fmt!("hi1 0xf -3","{} {x} {d}",String,[hex u32],i8) {
        assert_eq!(a, "hi1");
        assert_eq!(b, 0xf);
        assert_eq!(c, -3);
    } else {
        assert!(false, "error 1");
    let a = scan_fmt!("hi1 f", "{} {d}", String, i32);
    let a = ret_scan_all();
    println!("{:?}", a);

fn test_plus_sign() {
    let a = scan_fmt_some!("+42", "{d}", i32);
    assert_eq!(a, Some(42));
    let a = scan_fmt_some!("+42.0", "{f}", f64);
    assert_flt_eq!(f64, a.unwrap(), 42.0);

fn test_hex() {
    let (a, b, c) =
        scan_fmt_some!("DEV 0xab 0x1234", "{} {x} {x}", std::string::String, [hex u32], [hex u64]);
    assert_eq!(a, Some("DEV".into()));
    assert_eq!(b, Some(0xab));
    assert_eq!(c, Some(0x1234));

fn test_limited_data_range() {
    let (a, b, c) = scan_fmt_some!(
        "test{\t 1e9 \n bye 257} hi  22.7e-1",
        "test{{ {} bye {d}}} hi {f}",
    assert_flt_eq!(f64, a.unwrap(), 1e9);
    assert_eq!(b, None); // 257 doesn't fit into a u8
    assert_flt_eq!(f32, c.unwrap(), 2.27);

fn test_too_many_outputs() {
    let (a, b, c, d) = scan_fmt_some!("a_aa bb_b c", "{} {s} {}", String, String, String, String);
    assert_eq!(a.unwrap(), "a_aa");
    assert_eq!(b.unwrap(), "bb_b");
    assert_eq!(c.unwrap(), "c");
    assert_eq!(d, None);

fn test_skip_assign() {
    let (a, b) = scan_fmt_some!("1 2 3, 4 5, 6 7", "{[^,]},{*[^,]},{[^,]}", String, String);
    assert_eq!(a.unwrap(), "1 2 3");
    assert_eq!(b.unwrap(), "6 7");
    let a = scan_fmt!("1 2 3, 4 5, 6 7", "{[^,]},{*[^,]},{[^,]}", String, String).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(a.0, "1 2 3");
    assert_eq!(a.1, "6 7");

fn test_width_specifier() {
    let a = scan_fmt!("123ab71 2.1234",
                      u8, u8, [hex u16], u16, f32)
    assert_eq!(a.0, 1);
    assert_eq!(a.1, 23);
    assert_eq!(a.2, 0xab7);
    assert_eq!(a.3, 1);
    assert_flt_eq!(f32, a.4, 2.1);

fn test_err_equals() {
    let a = scan_fmt!("hi 123",
                      "hi {d",
                      u8) ;
    assert_eq!(a, Err(parse::ScanError("internal u8".to_string())));