scallop 0.0.5

Wrapper library for bash
use std::{env, fs};

use bindgen::callbacks::ParseCallbacks;
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;

struct BashCallback;

// rename bash data structures for consistency
impl ParseCallbacks for BashCallback {
    fn item_name(&self, original_item_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
        match original_item_name {
            // structs
            "word_desc" => Some("WordDesc".into()),
            "WORD_DESC" => Some("WordDesc".into()),
            "word_list" => Some("WordList".into()),
            "WORD_LIST" => Some("WordList".into()),
            "SHELL_VAR" => Some("ShellVar".into()),
            "ARRAY" => Some("Array".into()),
            "command" => Some("Command".into()),
            "builtin" => Some("Builtin".into()),
            // global mutables
            "global_command" => Some("GLOBAL_COMMAND".into()),
            "this_command_name" => Some("CURRENT_COMMAND".into()),
            "temporary_env" => Some("TEMPORARY_ENV".into()),
            "ifs_value" => Some("IFS".into()),
            "shell_builtins" => Some("SHELL_BUILTINS".into()),
            "num_shell_builtins" => Some("NUM_SHELL_BUILTINS".into()),
            "subshell_level" => Some("SUBSHELL_LEVEL".into()),
            "executing_builtin" => Some("BUILTIN_LEVEL".into()),
            "restricted" => Some("RESTRICTED".into()),
            "restricted_shell" => Some("RESTRICTED_SHELL".into()),
            // global constants
            "dist_version" => Some("DIST_VERSION".into()),
            "patch_level" => Some("PATCH_LEVEL".into()),
            // functions
            "get_minus_o_opts" => Some("get_set_options".into()),
            _ => None,

fn main() {
    let repo_dir = Utf8PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
    let bash_repo_dir = repo_dir.join("bash");
    let out_dir = Utf8PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
    let bash_out_dir = out_dir.join("bash");
    let bash_build_dir = bash_out_dir.join("build");

    let mut bash = autotools::Config::new(&bash_repo_dir);
    bash.make_args(vec![format!("-j{}", num_cpus::get())])
        .disable("readline", None)
        .disable("history", None)
        .disable("bang-history", None)
        .disable("progcomp", None)
        .without("bash-malloc", None)
        .disable("mem-scramble", None)
        .disable("net-redirections", None)
        .disable("nls", None)
        // job control is required for $PIPESTATUS
        .enable("job-control", None)
        .enable("restricted", None);

    if cfg!(feature = "plugin") {
        // Plugins use symbols from bash externally so skip building the library.
    } else {
        // build static bash library
        bash.enable("library", None)
        // link scallop statically with bash

    // `cargo llvm-cov` currently appears to have somewhat naive object detection and erroneously
    // includes the config.status file causing it to error out
    let config_status = bash_out_dir.join("config.status");
    if config_status.exists() {
        fs::remove_file(config_status).expect("failed removing config.status");

    // generate bash bindings
    let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
        // add include dirs for clang






        .allowlist_var("att_.*") // variable attributes








        // mangle type names to expected values
        .expect("unable to generate bindings");

        .expect("failed writing bindings");

    // rerun if any bash file changes