scalesocket 0.1.2

A websocket server and autoscaler
#![feature(async_closure, bool_to_option)]
mod channel;
mod cli;
mod connection;
mod envvars;
mod error;
mod events;
mod logging;
mod message;
mod metrics;
mod process;
mod routes;
mod signal;
mod types;
mod utils;

extern crate num_derive;

use crate::{cli::Config, logging::setup_logging, metrics::Metrics, types::Event};

use {
    clap::Parser, futures::FutureExt, prometheus_client::registry::Registry, tokio::sync,

async fn main() {
    let config = Config::parse();


    let (tx, rx) = sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::<Event>();
    let (routes_shutdown_tx, routes_shutdown_rx) = sync::oneshot::channel();
    let events_shutdown_tx = tx.clone();

    let mut registry = config.metrics.then_some(<Registry>::default());
    let mtr = Metrics::new(&mut registry);

    tracing::info! { "listening at {}", config.addr };

    let handle_events = events::handle(tx.clone(), rx, config.clone(), mtr.clone()).unit_error();
    let handle_routes = routes::handle(tx, config, routes_shutdown_rx, mtr, registry).unit_error();
    let handle_signal = signal::handle(routes_shutdown_tx, events_shutdown_tx).unit_error();

    let _ = try_join!(handle_events, handle_routes, handle_signal);

mod tests {
    use clap::Parser;
    use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
    use prometheus_client::registry::Registry;
    use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
    use warp::test::WsClient;

    use super::routes;
    use crate::cli::Config;
    use crate::events;
    use crate::metrics::Metrics;
    use crate::types::{Event, EventTx};

    struct Client {
        inner: WsClient,

    impl Client {
        pub async fn connect(path: &'static str, tx: EventTx) -> Self {
            let api = routes::socket(tx);
            let client = warp::test::ws()

            Self { inner: client }

        pub async fn send(&mut self, text: &'static str) -> &Self {

        pub async fn recv(&mut self) -> Result<String, ()> {
            let res = self.inner.recv().await;
            match res {
                Ok(msg) => Ok(msg.to_str().unwrap_or_default().to_owned()),
                Err(_) => Err(()),

    fn create_config(args: &'static str) -> Config {

    fn create_metrics() -> Metrics {
        Metrics::new(&mut Some(<Registry>::default()))

    async fn socket_connect_event() {
        let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::<Event>();
        Client::connect("/example", tx).await.send("hello").await;

        let received_event = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
        let room = match received_event {
            Event::Connect { room, .. } => Some(room),
            _ => None,

        assert_eq!(Some("example".to_string()), room);

    async fn stdio_e2e_echo() {
        let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::<Event>();
        let config = create_config("scalesocket echo -- hello");
        let metrics = create_metrics();
        let mut received_messages: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
        let mut client = Client::connect("/example", tx.clone()).await;

        let inspect = async {
            // TODO figure out easier way to inspect stream
            let mut stream = Box::pin(client.recv().into_stream());
            while let Some(msg) = {
        let shutdown = async {
        let handle = events::handle(tx.clone(), rx, config, metrics);

        let _ = tokio::try_join!(handle, shutdown, inspect);
        assert_eq!(received_messages, vec!["hello"]);