scale-info 2.2.0

Info about SCALE encodable Rust types
// Copyright 2019-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Interning data structure and associated symbol definitions.
//! The interner is used by the registry in order to deduplicate strings and type
//! definitions. Strings are uniquely identified by their contents while types
//! are uniquely identified by their respective type identifiers.
//! The interners provide a strict ordered sequence of cached (interned)
//! elements and is later used for space-efficient serialization within the
//! registry.

use crate::prelude::{

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{

/// A symbol that is not lifetime tracked.
/// This can be used by self-referential types but
/// can no longer be used to resolve instances.
    Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, scale::Encode, scale::Decode,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
pub struct UntrackedSymbol<T> {
    /// The index to the symbol in the interner table.
    id: u32,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
    marker: PhantomData<fn() -> T>,

impl<T> UntrackedSymbol<T> {
    /// Returns the index to the symbol in the interner table.
    pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {

/// A symbol from an interner.
/// Can be used to resolve to the associated instance.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
pub struct Symbol<'a, T> {
    id: u32,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
    marker: PhantomData<fn() -> &'a T>,

impl<T> Symbol<'_, T> {
    /// Removes the lifetime tracking for this symbol.
    /// # Note
    /// - This can be useful in situations where a data structure owns all
    ///   symbols and interners and can verify accesses by itself.
    /// - For further safety reasons an untracked symbol can no longer be used
    ///   to resolve from an interner. It is still useful for serialization
    ///   purposes.
    /// # Safety
    /// Although removing lifetime constraints this operation can be
    /// considered to be safe since untracked symbols can no longer be
    /// used to resolve their associated instance from the interner.
    pub fn into_untracked(self) -> UntrackedSymbol<T> {
        UntrackedSymbol {
            marker: PhantomData,

/// Interning data structure generic over the element type.
/// For the sake of simplicity and correctness we are using a rather naive
/// implementation.
/// # Usage
/// This is used in order to quite efficiently cache strings and type
/// definitions uniquely identified by their associated type identifiers.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
pub struct Interner<T> {
    /// A mapping from the interned elements to their respective space-efficient
    /// identifiers.
    /// The idenfitiers can be used to retrieve information about the original
    /// element from the interner.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
    map: BTreeMap<T, usize>,
    /// The ordered sequence of cached elements.
    /// This is used to efficiently provide access to the cached elements and
    /// to establish a strict ordering upon them since each is uniquely
    /// idenfitied later by its position in the vector.
    vec: Vec<T>,

impl<T> Interner<T>
    T: Ord,
    /// Creates a new empty interner.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            map: BTreeMap::new(),
            vec: Vec::new(),

impl<T: Ord> Default for Interner<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<T> Interner<T>
    T: Ord + Clone,
    /// Interns the given element or returns its associated symbol if it has
    /// already been interned.
    pub fn intern_or_get(&mut self, s: T) -> (bool, Symbol<T>) {
        let next_id = self.vec.len();
        let (inserted, sym_id) = match {
            Entry::Vacant(vacant) => {
                (true, next_id)
            Entry::Occupied(occupied) => (false, *occupied.get()),
            Symbol {
                id: sym_id as u32,
                marker: PhantomData,

    /// Returns the symbol of the given element or `None` if it hasn't been
    /// interned already.
    pub fn get(&self, sym: &T) -> Option<Symbol<T>> {|&id| {
            Symbol {
                id: id as u32,
                marker: PhantomData,

    /// Resolves the original element given its associated symbol or
    /// returns `None` if it has not been interned yet.
    pub fn resolve(&self, sym: Symbol<T>) -> Option<&T> {
        let idx = as usize;
        if idx >= self.vec.len() {
            return None

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    type StringInterner = Interner<&'static str>;

    fn assert_id(
        interner: &mut StringInterner,
        new_symbol: &'static str,
        expected_id: u32,
    ) {
        let actual_id = interner.intern_or_get(new_symbol);
        assert_eq!(actual_id, expected_id,);

    fn assert_resolve<E>(interner: &mut StringInterner, symbol_id: u32, expected_str: E)
        E: Into<Option<&'static str>>,
        let actual_str = interner.resolve(Symbol {
            id: symbol_id,
            marker: PhantomData,
        assert_eq!(actual_str.cloned(), expected_str.into(),);

    fn simple() {
        let mut interner = StringInterner::new();
        assert_id(&mut interner, "Hello", 0);
        assert_id(&mut interner, ", World!", 1);
        assert_id(&mut interner, "1 2 3", 2);
        assert_id(&mut interner, "Hello", 0);

        assert_resolve(&mut interner, 0, "Hello");
        assert_resolve(&mut interner, 1, ", World!");
        assert_resolve(&mut interner, 2, "1 2 3");
        assert_resolve(&mut interner, 3, None);