sc2-proto 0.2.0-alpha.0

protocol buffers for the StarCraft II Client API
## Overview
`` may be used to download replay packs (aggregated into zip files) via Blizzard Game Data APIs.

## Preliminary Setup
1. Create an account for calling the APIs in the [Blizzard Developer Portal]
2. Get API key and secret associated with the account.
    1. You can find them under the 'My Account' page after logging into the developer portal.

## Requirements
The script is written in Python. Dependant packages can be installed via:
pip install -r requirements.txt

## How to run
Run `` providing:  

1. API client key `<key>`
2. API client secret `<secret>`
3. StarCraft II client version `<version>`
    1. **Replays are version dependent**. Ensure the version you request is consistent with the build environment in which you intend to utilize them.  
    2. A version list can be found in [/buildinfo/versions.json]  
4. Local Replay directory for storing the replays. `<directory>`
5. Optionally add `--extract` to unzip them to the replay directory.

python --key=<key> --secret=<secret> --version=<version> --replays_dir=<directory> [--extract]
Once the script is run successfully, any matching replay packs will be downloaded to the directory provided.

To access StarCraft II replay packs, you must agree to the [AI and Machine Learning License](  
The files are password protected with the password 'iagreetotheeula'.  
**By typing in the password ‘iagreetotheeula’ you agree to be bound by the terms of the [AI and Machine Learning License](**