sc-sync-state-rpc 0.39.0

A RPC handler to create sync states for light clients. (polkadot v1.11.0)

A RPC handler to create sync states for light clients.

Currently only usable with BABE + GRANDPA.


To use the light sync state, it needs to be added as an extension to the chain spec:

use sc_sync_state_rpc::LightSyncStateExtension;

#[derive(Default, Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, sc_chain_spec::ChainSpecExtension)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Extensions {
light_sync_state: LightSyncStateExtension,

type ChainSpec = sc_chain_spec::GenericChainSpec<(), Extensions>;

If the [LightSyncStateExtension] is not added as an extension to the chain spec, the [SyncState] will fail at instantiation.