sc-service 0.8.0-alpha.6

Substrate service. Starts a thread that spins up the network, client, and extrinsic pool. Manages communication between them.
// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! Chain utilities.

use crate::error;
use crate::builder::{ServiceBuilderCommand, ServiceBuilder};
use crate::error::Error;
use sc_chain_spec::ChainSpec;
use log::{warn, info};
use futures::{future, prelude::*};
use sp_runtime::traits::{
	Block as BlockT, NumberFor, One, Zero, Header, SaturatedConversion
use sp_runtime::generic::{BlockId, SignedBlock};
use codec::{Decode, Encode, IoReader};
use sc_client::{Client, LocalCallExecutor};
use sp_consensus::{
	import_queue::{IncomingBlock, Link, BlockImportError, BlockImportResult, ImportQueue},
use sc_executor::{NativeExecutor, NativeExecutionDispatch};

use std::{io::{Read, Write, Seek}, pin::Pin};
use sc_client_api::BlockBackend;

/// Build a chain spec json
pub fn build_spec(spec: &dyn ChainSpec, raw: bool) -> error::Result<String> {

	TBl, TRtApi, TBackend,
	TExecDisp, TFchr, TSc, TImpQu, TFprb, TFpp,
	TExPool, TRpc, Backend
> ServiceBuilderCommand for ServiceBuilder<
	TBl, TRtApi,
	Client<TBackend, LocalCallExecutor<TBackend, NativeExecutor<TExecDisp>>, TBl, TRtApi>,
	TFchr, TSc, TImpQu, TFprb, TFpp, TExPool, TRpc, Backend
> where
	TBl: BlockT,
	TBackend: 'static + sc_client_api::backend::Backend<TBl> + Send,
	TExecDisp: 'static + NativeExecutionDispatch,
	TImpQu: 'static + ImportQueue<TBl>,
	TRtApi: 'static + Send + Sync,
	type Block = TBl;
	type NativeDispatch = TExecDisp;

	fn import_blocks(
		input: impl Read + Seek + Send + 'static,
		force: bool,
	) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send>> {
		struct WaitLink {
			imported_blocks: u64,
			has_error: bool,

		impl WaitLink {
			fn new() -> WaitLink {
				WaitLink {
					imported_blocks: 0,
					has_error: false,

		impl<B: BlockT> Link<B> for WaitLink {
			fn blocks_processed(
				&mut self,
				imported: usize,
				_count: usize,
				results: Vec<(Result<BlockImportResult<NumberFor<B>>, BlockImportError>, B::Hash)>
			) {
				self.imported_blocks += imported as u64;

				for result in results {
					if let (Err(err), hash) = result {
						warn!("There was an error importing block with hash {:?}: {:?}", hash, err);
						self.has_error = true;

		let client = self.client;
		let mut queue = self.import_queue;

		let mut io_reader_input = IoReader(input);
		let mut count = None::<u64>;
		let mut read_block_count = 0;
		let mut link = WaitLink::new();

		// Importing blocks is implemented as a future, because we want the operation to be
		// interruptible.
		// Every time we read a block from the input or import a bunch of blocks from the import
		// queue, the `Future` re-schedules itself and returns `Poll::Pending`.
		// This makes it possible either to interleave other operations in-between the block imports,
		// or to stop the operation completely.
		let import = future::poll_fn(move |cx| {
			// Start by reading the number of blocks if not done so already.
			let count = match count {
				Some(c) => c,
				None => {
					let c: u64 = match Decode::decode(&mut io_reader_input) {
						Ok(c) => c,
						Err(err) => {
							let err = format!("Error reading file: {}", err);
							return std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(From::from(err)));
					info!("📦 Importing {} blocks", c);
					count = Some(c);

			// Read blocks from the input.
			if read_block_count < count {
				match SignedBlock::<Self::Block>::decode(&mut io_reader_input) {
					Ok(signed) => {
						let (header, extrinsics) = signed.block.deconstruct();
						let hash = header.hash();
						// import queue handles verification and importing it into the client
						queue.import_blocks(BlockOrigin::File, vec![
							IncomingBlock::<Self::Block> {
								header: Some(header),
								body: Some(extrinsics),
								justification: signed.justification,
								origin: None,
								allow_missing_state: false,
								import_existing: force,
					Err(e) => {
						warn!("Error reading block data at {}: {}", read_block_count, e);
						return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(()));

				read_block_count += 1;
				if read_block_count % 1000 == 0 {
					info!("#{} blocks were added to the queue", read_block_count);

				return std::task::Poll::Pending;

			let blocks_before = link.imported_blocks;
			queue.poll_actions(cx, &mut link);

			if link.has_error {
					"Stopping after #{} blocks because of an error",
				return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(()));

			if link.imported_blocks / 1000 != blocks_before / 1000 {
					"#{} blocks were imported (#{} left)",
					count - link.imported_blocks

			if link.imported_blocks >= count {
				info!("🎉 Imported {} blocks. Best: #{}", read_block_count, client.chain_info().best_number);
				return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(()));

			} else {
				// Polling the import queue will re-schedule the task when ready.
				return std::task::Poll::Pending;

	fn export_blocks(
		mut output: impl Write + 'static,
		from: NumberFor<TBl>,
		to: Option<NumberFor<TBl>>,
		binary: bool
	) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>>> {
		let client = self.client;
		let mut block = from;

		let last = match to {
			Some(v) if v.is_zero() => One::one(),
			Some(v) => v,
			None => client.chain_info().best_number,

		let mut wrote_header = false;

		// Exporting blocks is implemented as a future, because we want the operation to be
		// interruptible.
		// Every time we write a block to the output, the `Future` re-schedules itself and returns
		// `Poll::Pending`.
		// This makes it possible either to interleave other operations in-between the block exports,
		// or to stop the operation completely.
		let export = future::poll_fn(move |cx| {
			if last < block {
				return std::task::Poll::Ready(Err("Invalid block range specified".into()));

			if !wrote_header {
				info!("Exporting blocks from #{} to #{}", block, last);
				if binary {
					let last_: u64 = last.saturated_into::<u64>();
					let block_: u64 = block.saturated_into::<u64>();
					let len: u64 = last_ - block_ + 1;
				wrote_header = true;

			match client.block(&BlockId::number(block))? {
				Some(block) => {
					if binary {
					} else {
						serde_json::to_writer(&mut output, &block)
							.map_err(|e| format!("Error writing JSON: {}", e))?;
				// Reached end of the chain.
				None => return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
			if (block % 10000.into()).is_zero() {
				info!("#{}", block);
			if block == last {
				return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
			block += One::one();

			// Re-schedule the task in order to continue the operation.


	fn revert_chain(
		blocks: NumberFor<TBl>
	) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let reverted = self.client.revert(blocks)?;
		let info = self.client.chain_info();

		if reverted.is_zero() {
			info!("There aren't any non-finalized blocks to revert.");
		} else {
			info!("Reverted {} blocks. Best: #{} ({})", reverted, info.best_number, info.best_hash);

	fn check_block(
		block_id: BlockId<TBl>
	) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send>> {
		match self.client.block(&block_id) {
			Ok(Some(block)) => {
				let mut buf = Vec::new();
				1u64.encode_to(&mut buf);
				block.encode_to(&mut buf);
				let reader = std::io::Cursor::new(buf);
				self.import_blocks(reader, true)
			Ok(None) => Box::pin(future::err("Unknown block".into())),
			Err(e) => Box::pin(future::err(format!("Error reading block: {:?}", e).into())),