sc-consensus 0.37.0

Collection of common consensus specific implementations for Substrate (client) (polkadot v1.10.0)
version = "0.1.79"

features = ["thread-pool"]
version = "0.3.30"

version = "3.0.1"

features = ["ed25519", "peerid"]
version = "0.1.3"

default-features = true
version = "0.4.21"

version = "0.11.3"

version = "0.12.1"

package = "substrate-prometheus-endpoint"
version = "0.17.0"

version = "32.0.0"

version = "17.0.0"

default-features = true
features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0.197"

version = "30.0.0"

version = "32.0.0"

version = "0.36.0"

version = "32.0.0"

version = "35.0.0"

version = "0.39.0"

version = "1.0.48"

level = "allow"
priority = 0

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "warn"
priority = 1

level = "warn"
priority = 1

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2
level = "allow"
priority = 2

authors = ["Parity Technologies <>"]
description = "Collection of common consensus specific implementations for Substrate (client) (polkadot v1.10.0)"
edition = "2021"
homepage = ""
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
name = "sc-consensus"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.37.0"
targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]