sbrain 0.99.0

A library for evaluating Semantic Brain, a minimalistic multiparadigm programming language optimized for genetic programming applications.
//! ## What is SBrain?
//!   SBrain, or Semantic Brain, is a language based on Urban Müller's famous language with only 8 symbols (3 bit instructions).
//!   SBrain's additions increase the number of symbols to 16 (4 bit instructions) and adds a stack and a register.
//! ## Specification
//! ### Data Structures
//!   SBrain requires:
//! * a read/write **data tape** which is addressable up to, at minimum, 65,536 (0x0 - 0xFFFF) 32-bit cells. They must be initially set to zero.
//! * a read/write **data stack** with room for at least 256 values. They must be initially set to zero.
//! * a read-only tape which contains the executable code. This code is represented as a list of unsigned integers of, at minimum, six bits in width.
//! * a read-only nonreversable tape containing the program's input (a function like `getch()` works fine.)
//! * a write-only nonreversable tape containing the program's output (a function like `putch()` works fine.)
//! * a read/write register (`data_p`) of enough bits to store a position on the data tape
//! * a read/write register (`inst_p`) of enough bits to store a position on the instruction tape
//! * a read/write register (`auxi_r`) of the same size as a cell on the data tape
//! ### Commands and Source Code
//! SBrain source code consists of text characters. Executable code consists of unsigned integers of four bits.
//! A transliterator converts the source code to executable code by a one-to-one mapping, with one exception: all
//! data between # characters, including those characters, is ignored by the transliterator.
//! The first eight instructions are the standard brainf--- instructions. **Any brainf--- program is a valid SBrain
//! program and should behave in the same way as in a standard, semantically equivalent brainf--- interpreter**, so long
//! as comments are properly escaped.
//! Decimal | Code  | Semantics
//! --------|-------|----------
//!        0|      <| Decrement `data_p`
//!        1|      >| Increment `data_p`
//!        2|      -| Subtract one from the cell pointed at by `data_p`
//!        3|      +| Add one to the cell pointed at by `data_p`
//!        4|      [| If the cell pointed at by `data_p` is zero, move `inst_p` to point to the matching `]`, plus one, or NOP if there is none.
//!        5|      ]| If the cell pointed at by `data_p` is nonzero, move `inst_p` to point to the matching `]`, plus one, or NOP if there is none.
//!        6|      .| Place the value in the cell pointed at by `data_p` on the output tape
//!        7|      ,| Place the next value from the input tape in the cell pointed at by `data_p`
//!        8|      {| Push the value from the cell pointed at by `data_p` onto the stack
//!        9|      }| Pop the next value from the stack into the cell pointed at by `data_p`
//!       10|      (| Set `auxi_r` to the value of the cell pointed at by `data_p`
//!       11|      )| Set the cell pointed at by `data_p` to the value in `auxi_r`
//!       12|      ^| Set the value in `auxi_r` to 0
//!       13|      !| Perform a bitwise NOT on the value in `auxi_r`.
//!       14|      &| Perform a bitwise AND on the value in `auxi_r` and the cell pointed at `data_p`, placing the value in `auxi_r`.
//!       15|      @| End the program. The exit code is the value in `auxi_r`.
//! ### Further Rules
//! No read operation shall ever disrupt a cell on the data tape.
//! Reading an EOF always produces a 0.
//! Non-command characters in the instruction section of source code must be ignored.
//! In the case of the instruction pointer running off the end of the tape, it must wrap to the
//! beginning.