sbp 4.3.3

Rust native implementation of SBP (Swift Binary Protocol) for communicating with devices made by Swift Navigation

Native implementation of decoding of SBP (Swift Binary Protocol) used by products made by Swift Navigation. For language agnostic description of the protocol please see the protocol specification documentation.

Example: Print log messages

This example shows how to read messages from stdin and print the contents of each message MsgLog to stderr.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::process;

use sbp::messages::logging::MsgLog;

fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let messages = sbp::iter_messages(io::stdin());
for msg in messages {
// The iterator yields Result<Sbp, Error>, so we check the error here.
let msg = msg?;
match MsgLog::try_from(msg) {
Ok(msg) => eprintln!("{}", msg.text),
_ => {}

fn main() {
if let Err(err) = example() {
eprintln!("error: {}", err);

Example: Filter by sender id and write to stdout

This example shows how to read messages from stdin and forward messages with a matching sender_id to stdout.

use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::process;

use sbp::{SbpEncoder, SbpMessage};

fn example(sender_id: u16) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let messages = sbp::iter_messages(io::stdin());
let messages = messages.filter_map(|msg| match msg {
Ok(msg) if msg.sender_id() == Some(sender_id) => Some(msg),
_ => None,

fn main() {
if let Err(err) = example(42) {
eprintln!("error: {}", err);

Bitfield Types

A number of messages have fields that encode multiple values using a bitfield. This crate provides getters and setters on messages with these values. The getters and setters have slightly different semantics that can be grouped into three categories.


Most bitfield members are mapped to a dataless enum. The setter accepts a variant of that enum. The getter will return a variant of this enum wrapped in a Result. The getter returns Ok if the bitfield member contains a known variant of the enum. Otherwise, the integral value of the bitfield member is returned in the Err variant. This may be because of a malformed message, or because you're SBP client is outdated and new variants of the enum were added.

# use sbp::messages::navigation::msg_pos_llh::{FixMode, MsgPosLlh};
# let msg = MsgPosLlh {
#     sender_id: None,
#     tow: 0,
#     lat: 0.,
#     lon: 0.,
#     height: 0.,
#     h_accuracy: 0,
#     v_accuracy: 0,
#     n_sats: 0,
#     flags: 0,
# }.into();
let mut msg = MsgPosLlh::from(msg);
assert_eq!(msg.fix_mode(), Ok(FixMode::DeadReckoning));


Some bitfield members are represented by an integral type. In this case, the getter accepts the smallest integer type that can contain the bitfield member. For example, if the bitfield member spans 6 bits, the setter will accept a u8, and mask off any extra bits when setting the value. The getter will return the integer value, again using the smallest integer type that will contain the bitfield member.

# use sbp::messages::system::MsgStatusReport;
# let msg = MsgStatusReport {
#     sender_id: None,
#     reporting_system: 0,
#     sbp_version: 0,
#     sequence: 0,
#     uptime: 0,
#     status: Vec::new(),
# }.into();
let mut msg = MsgStatusReport::from(msg);
assert_eq!(msg.sbp_major_protocol_version_number(), 3);


If the bitfield members is represented by a single bit, getters and setters use bools.

# use sbp::messages::navigation::MsgDops;
# let msg = MsgDops {
#     sender_id: None,
#     tow: 0,
#     gdop: 0,
#     pdop: 0,
#     tdop: 0,
#     hdop: 0,
#     vdop: 0,
#     flags: 0,
# }.into();
let mut msg = MsgDops::from(msg);