sbf 0.1.6

Spatial Bloom Filter, a probabilistic data structure that maps elements of a space to indexed disjoint subsets of that space.
//! Metrics data structure module

use num::traits::Pow;
use rayon::prelude::*;
#[cfg(feature = "serde_support")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

/// The data structure that contains the metrics about the current `SBF` structure.
/// This data structure is automatically added to each `SBF` if the feature `metrics` is enabled.
/// It's not necessary and is disabled by default.
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_support", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Metrics {
    /// Number of cells in the filter, the size of the filter
    pub(crate) cells: usize,
    /// Number of hash functions
    pub(crate) hash_number: usize,
    /// Number of inserted values
    pub(crate) members: usize,
    /// Number of collisions occurred
    pub(crate) collisions: usize,
    /// Safeness probability over the entire filter
    pub(crate) safeness: f64,
    /// Number of areas
    pub(crate) area_number: usize,
    /// Number of members per area
    pub(crate) area_members: Vec<usize>,
    /// Expected number of cells for each area
    pub(crate) area_expected_cells: Vec<i64>,
    /// Number of cells occupied by each area
    pub(crate) area_cells: Vec<usize>,
    /// Number of collision of the same area value on the same cell
    pub(crate) area_self_collisions: Vec<usize>,
    /// Prior false positive probability for each area
    pub(crate) area_prior_fpp: Vec<f64>,
    /// Posterior false positive probability for each area
    pub(crate) area_fpp: Vec<f64>,
    /// Prior inter-set error probability for each area
    pub(crate) area_prior_isep: Vec<f64>,
    /// Posterior inter-set error probability for each area
    pub(crate) area_isep: Vec<f64>,
    /// Prior area-specific safeness probability
    pub(crate) area_prior_safep: Vec<f64>,

#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
impl Metrics {
    /// Returns the number of inserted elements for the input area
    pub fn get_area_members(&self, index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    /// Returns the sparsity of the entire SBF
    pub fn get_filter_sparsity(&self) -> f64 {
        let sum: usize = self.area_cells
            .skip(1) // Skip the index 0
        1.0 - (sum as f64 / self.hash_number as f64)
    /// Returns the posterior false positive probability over the entire filter
    /// (i.e. not area-specific)
    pub fn get_filter_fpp(&self) -> f64 {
        let non_zero_cells: usize = self.area_cells.par_iter().cloned().sum();
        let p = non_zero_cells as f64 / self.cells as f64;
        p.pow(self.hash_number as f64)
    /// Returns the expected emersion value for the input area
    pub fn get_expected_area_emersion(&self, area: usize) -> f64 {
        let cells_with_greater_area_index: usize = self.area_members
        let p = 1.0f64 - 1.0f64 / self.cells as f64;
        p.pow(self.hash_number as f64 * cells_with_greater_area_index as f64)
    /// Returns the emersion value for the input area
    pub fn get_area_emersion(&self, area: usize) -> Option<f64> {
        if self.area_cells[area] == 0 || self.hash_number == 0 {
        } else {
            match (
                self.area_self_collisions.get(area)) {
                ) => {
                    let a = area_cells as f64;
                    let b = area_members as f64 * self.hash_number as f64 -
                        area_self_collisions as f64;
                    Some(a / b)
                _ => None
    /// Returns the prior false positive probability over the entire filter
    pub fn get_filter_prior_fpp(&self) -> f64 {
        let p = 1.0 - 1.0 / self.cells as f64;
        let p = 1.0 - p.powf(self.hash_number as f64 * self.members as f64);
        p.powf(self.hash_number as f64)
    /// Computes posterior area-specific false positives probability (fpp)
    pub fn set_area_fpp(&mut self) {
        println!("AREA NUMBER: {}", self.area_number);
            .for_each(|i| {
                let c: usize = (i..self.area_number)
                    .map(|j| self.area_cells[j])

                let p = c as f64 / self.cells as f64;
                let p = p.powi(self.hash_number as i32);

                self.area_fpp[i] = p;

                (i..self.area_number - 1)
                    .for_each(|j| {
                        self.area_fpp[i] -= self.area_fpp[j + 1];
                self.area_fpp[i] = self.area_fpp[i].max(0.0);
    /// Computes prior area-specific false positives probability (prior_fpp)
    pub fn set_prior_area_fpp(&mut self) {
            .for_each(|i| {
                let c: usize = (i..self.area_number)
                    .map(|j| self.area_members[j])

                let p = 1.0 - 1.0 / self.cells as f64;
                let p = 1.0 - p.powi((self.hash_number * c) as i32);
                let p = p.powi(self.hash_number as i32);

                self.area_fpp[i] = p;

                (i..self.area_number - 1)
                    .for_each(|j| {
                        self.area_prior_fpp[i] -= self.area_prior_fpp[j + 1];
                self.area_prior_fpp[i] = self.area_prior_fpp[i].max(0.0);
    /// Computes posterior area-specific inter-set error probability (isep)
    pub fn set_area_isep(&mut self) {
            .for_each(|i| {
                let p = 1.0 - self.get_area_emersion(i).unwrap_or(-1.0);
                let p = p.powi(self.hash_number as i32);

                self.area_isep[i] = p;
    /// Computes prior area-specific inter-set error probability (prior_isep),
    /// computes prior area-specific safeness probability (prior_safep) and
    /// the overall safeness probability for the entire filter (safeness)
    pub fn set_prior_area_isep(&mut self) {
        let mut p3 = 1.0;
            .for_each(|i| {
                let n_fill: usize = (i..self.area_number)
                    .skip(1) // first element
                    .map(|j| self.area_members[j])

                let p1 = 1.0 - 1.0 / self.cells as f64;
                let p1 = 1.0 - p1.powi((self.hash_number * n_fill) as i32);
                let p1 = p1.powi(self.area_members[i] as i32);

                let p2 = (1.0 - p1).powi(self.area_members[i] as i32);

                p3 *= p2;

                self.area_prior_isep[i] = p1;
                self.area_prior_safep[i] = p2;

        self.safeness = p3;
    /// Computes the expected number of cells for each area (expected_cells)
    pub fn set_expected_area_cells(&mut self) {
            .for_each(|i| {
                let n_fill: usize = (i..self.area_number)
                    .map(|j| self.area_members[j])

                let p1 = 1.0 - 1.0 / self.cells as f64;
                let p2 = p1.pow((self.hash_number * n_fill) as f64);
                self.area_expected_cells[i] = (self.cells as f64 * p1 * p2) as i64;