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This module contains types that are derived from mt-dom where we assign concrete types into the generics


This is a sauron html specific functionality diff 2 nodes with attribute using &'static str instead of generic ATT

Type Definitions

Attribute type used in sauron where the type of the Attribute name is &’static str

attribute keys or attribute names

Element type with tag and attribute name type set to &’static str

Callback where Event type is supplied for Components

namespace type in node, which could be change to an enum

A simplified version of saurdon_vdom node, where we supplied the type for the tag which is a &’static str. The missing type is now only MSG which will be supplied by the users App code.

Patch as result of diffing the current_vdom and the new vdom. The tag and attribute name types is set to &’static str

tags are using static str for now, can also be enum tags