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This module provides functionalities for manipulating the actual Document Object Model in the browser


pub use events::*;


provides functionalities related to patching the DOM in the browser.

provides functionalities for commands to be executed by the system, such as when the application starts or after the application updates.

Create events Object


A generic wrapper for a closure in rust where we can transform and pass around.

A node along with all of the closures that were created for that node’s events and all of it’s child node’s events.

Used for keeping a real DOM node up to date based on the current Node and a new incoming Node that represents our latest DOM state.

Effects is a convenient way to group Msg for component to execute subsequent updates based on certain conditions. This can be used for doing animation and incremental changes to the view to provide an effect of transition or animation.

Provides functions for doing http network request

Contains the time it took for the last app update call for the component TODO: Maybe rename to Diagnostics

Holds the user App and the dom updater This is passed into the event listener and the dispatch program will be called after the event is triggered.

Provides access to the Browser window


An Application is the root component of your program. Everything that happens in your application is done here.

A component has a view and can update itself.

A Container have children that is set from the parent component

This trait is used in the DomUpdater to call the dispatch method when an event occured

Just a view, no events, no update. The properties of the component is set directly from the parent


provides access to the document body

provides access to the document element

utility function which returns the history api of the browser

return the instantaneous time

provides access to the window Performance api

utility function which a closure in request animation frame

utility function which returns the Window element

Type Definitions

alias Cmd to use Program as the APP