[][src]Crate sauron_core

This is the core of sauron


pub use dom::*;
pub use web_sys;
pub use wasm_bindgen;
pub use mt_dom;



This module provides functionalities for manipulating the actual Document Object Model in the browser


Provides functions and macros to build html elements


Prelude simplifies the imports from sauron This imports the necessary functions to build a basic sauron app.


Provides functions and macros to build svg elements



name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


declare a function with the name corresponds to attribute name for easy usage in html elements Example:


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


a utility function for convenient styling of elements


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


creates a text node Example


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children


name is the supplied ident in declare_tags_macro This creates an alternative macro call to the tag function This has a more cleaner syntax since it removes the need for using vec![] for both the attributes and the children



render node, elements to a writable buffer



This is a sauron html specific functionality diff 2 nodes with attribute using &'static str instead of generic ATT

Type Definitions


Attribute type used in sauron where the type of the Attribute name is &'static str


attribute keys


Callback where Event type is supplied


Element type with tag and attribute name type set to &'static str


Map the Event to DomEvent, which are browser events


namespace type in node, which could be change to an enum


A simplified version of saurdon_vdom node, where we supplied the type for the tag which is a &'static str. The missing type is now only MSG which will be supplied by the users App code.


Patch as result of diffing the current_vdom and the new vdom. The tag and attribute name types is set to &'static str


tags are using static str for now, can also be enum tags