saucy 0.1.3

A helper tool for finding Python virtual environments.
saucy-0.1.3 is not a library.


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saucy is a helper tool for finding Python virtual environments.


Tired of writing:

user@server:~/important_project/> . env/bin/activate
(env) user@server:~/important_project/> .

all the time? Wouldn't it be easier if you didn't have to type env/bin/activate all the time?


In comes saucy. To install saucy, run:

cargo install saucy

When you run saucy in a directory, it will print out the activate script of the first Python virtual environment it finds. For example:

user@server:~/important_project/> saucy

Thus instead of having to type . env/bin/activate, you could just type:

user@server:~/important_project/> . $(saucy)
(env) user@server:~/important_project/> 

But even that feels like too much typing. Instead, insert the following line (or something similar) into your .bash_aliases file:

alias sa=". $(saucy)$"

Now it's as easy as:

user@server:~/important_project/> sa
(env) user@server:~/important_project/> 



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