sass-rs 0.2.1

Higher level binding for the Sass library
# sass-rs

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This crate is a wrapper around [libsass](, currently tracking

## How to use

`sass-rs` exposes 2 functions that are self-explanatory:

- `compile_file(path: &str, options: Options)`
- `compile_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, options: Options)`

Most of the time, you should be able to use the `Options::default()` but you can change the
output style that way for example:

use sass_rs::{Options, OutputStyle};

let mut options = Options::default();
options.output_style = OutputStyle::Compressed;

You can see an example in the `examples` directory, which can be ran with the following command: 
`cargo run --example compile_sass examples/simple.scss`

## Not supported yet
[Importers]( and 
[functions]( are not supported yet.