Expand description

A utility for translating between grid points and world space.

You can specify a world position, size, and pivot for the grid when creating it. These will affect the grid’s bounds and tile points.

Example Grids

A 3x3 Pivot::Center grid:

|-1,-1| 0, 1| 1, 1|
|-1, 0| 0, 0| 1, 0|
|-1,-1| 0,-1| 1,-1|

A 3x3 Pivot::BottomLeft grid:

| 0, 2| 1, 2| 2, 2|
| 0, 1| 1, 1| 2, 1|
| 0, 0| 1, 0| 2, 0|

A 3x3 Pivot::TopRight grid:


Types of Points

The api has several different “types” of positions that can be referenced:

  • World Position: The world offset of the grid.
  • Grid Position: The local position of the grid’s tiles relative to it’s pivot.
  • Index: The 1d index of a tile. (0..width * height)
  • 2d Index: The 2d index of a tile in the grid. ([0,0]..[width,height]).
  • Tile Position: The bottom-left point of a tile in the grid.
  • Tile Center: The center of a tile in the grid.


A sized grid with a custom pivot for translating between aligned grid points and world space.


A pivot point on a 2d rect.