sardonyx_ui 0.0.3

sardonyx UI crate
use sardonyx_core::{
        BitSet, Component, ComponentEvent, FlaggedStorage, Join, ReadExpect, System, SystemData,
        World, WriteStorage,
use sardonyx_window::ScreenDimensions;

#[cfg(feature = "profiler")]
use thread_profiler::profile_scope;

use super::*;

/// Whenever the window is resized the function in this component will be called on this
/// entity's UiTransform, along with the new width and height of the window.
/// The function in this component is also guaranteed to be called at least once by the
/// `ResizeSystem` when either the component is attached, or the function is changed.
pub struct UiResize {
    /// The core function of this component
    pub function: Box<dyn FnMut(&mut UiTransform, (f32, f32)) + Send + Sync>,

impl UiResize {
    /// Creates a new component with the given function.
    pub fn new<F>(function: F) -> Self
        F: FnMut(&mut UiTransform, (f32, f32)) + Send + Sync + 'static,
        UiResize {
            function: Box::new(function),

impl Component for UiResize {
    type Storage = FlaggedStorage<Self>;

/// Builds a `ResizeSystem`.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct ResizeSystemDesc;

impl<'a, 'b> SystemDesc<'a, 'b, ResizeSystem> for ResizeSystemDesc {
    fn build(self, world: &mut World) -> ResizeSystem {
        <ResizeSystem as System<'_>>::SystemData::setup(world);

        let mut resize = WriteStorage::<UiResize>::fetch(&world);
        let resize_events_id = resize.register_reader();


/// This system rearranges UI elements whenever the screen is resized using their `UiResize`
/// component.
pub struct ResizeSystem {
    screen_size: (f32, f32),
    resize_events_id: ReaderId<ComponentEvent>,
    local_modified: BitSet,

impl ResizeSystem {
    /// Creates a new ResizeSystem that listens with the given reader Id.
    pub fn new(resize_events_id: ReaderId<ComponentEvent>) -> ResizeSystem {
        let screen_size = (0.0, 0.0);

        ResizeSystem {
            local_modified: BitSet::default(),

impl<'a> System<'a> for ResizeSystem {
    type SystemData = (
        WriteStorage<'a, UiTransform>,
        WriteStorage<'a, UiResize>,
        ReadExpect<'a, ScreenDimensions>,

    fn run(&mut self, (mut transform, mut resize, dimensions): Self::SystemData) {
        #[cfg(feature = "profiler")]


        let self_local_modified = &mut self.local_modified;

        let self_resize_events_id = &mut self.resize_events_id;
            .for_each(|event| match event {
                ComponentEvent::Inserted(id) | ComponentEvent::Modified(id) => {
                ComponentEvent::Removed(_id) => {}

        let screen_size = (dimensions.width() as f32, dimensions.height() as f32);
        if self.screen_size != screen_size {
            self.screen_size = screen_size;
            for (transform, resize) in (&mut transform, &mut resize).join() {
                (resize.function)(transform, screen_size);
        } else {
            // Immutable borrow
            let self_local_modified = &*self_local_modified;
            for (transform, resize, _) in (&mut transform, &mut resize, self_local_modified).join()
                (resize.function)(transform, screen_size);

        // We need to treat any changes done inside the system as non-modifications, so we read out
        // any events that were generated during the system run
            .for_each(|event| match event {
                ComponentEvent::Inserted(id) | ComponentEvent::Modified(id) => {
                ComponentEvent::Removed(_id) => {}