saphir 2.6.0

Fully async-await http server framework
# Saphir is a fully async-await http server framework for rust The goal is to give low-level control to your web stack (as hyper does) without the time consuming task of doing everything from scratch. Just `use` the prelude module, and you're ready to go! # Quick Overview Saphir provide multiple functionality through features. To try it out without fuss, we suggest that use all the features: ```toml saphir = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["full"] } ``` Then bootstrapping the server is as easy as: ```rust use saphir::prelude::*; struct TestController {} #[controller] impl TestController { #[get("/{var}/print")] async fn print_test(&self, var: String) -> (u16, String) { (200, var) } } async fn test_handler(mut req: Request) -> (u16, Option) { (200, req.captures_mut().remove("variable")) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), SaphirError> { env_logger::init(); let server = Server::builder() .configure_listener(|l| { l.interface("") }) .configure_router(|r| { r.route("/{variable}/print", Method::GET, test_handler) .controller(TestController {}) }) .build(); // Start server with // # Ok(()) } ``` # Saphir's Features Even though we strongly recommend that you use at least the `macro` feature, Saphir will work without any of the following feature, Saphir's features don't rely on each other to work. - `macro` : Enable the `#[controller]` macro attribute for code generation, Recommended and active by default - `https` : Provide everything to allow Saphir server to listen an accept HTTPS traffic - `json` : Add the `Json` wrapper type to simplify working with json data - `form` : Add the `Form` wrapper type to simplify working with urlencoded data *_More feature will be added in the future_*