sandboxfs 0.2.0

A virtual file system for sandboxing
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

use failure::Fallible;
use nix::errno::Errno;
use nix::unistd;
use nix::sys::{self, signal};
use signal_hook;
use std::cmp;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::os::unix::io as unix_io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::time;
use std::thread;

/// Converts a `nix::Error` that we expect to carry an errno to an `io::Error`.
fn nix_to_io_error(err: nix::Error) -> io::Error {
    match err {
        nix::Error::Sys(errno) => io::Error::from_raw_os_error(errno as i32),
        e => panic!("Did not expect to get an error without an errno from a nix call: {:?}", e),

/// A scope-owned file with support for multiple non-owner readers in different threads.
/// A `ShareableFile` object owns the file passed to it at construction time and will close the
/// underlying file handle when the object is dropped.
/// Concurrent views into this same file, obtained via the `reader` method, do not own the
/// file handle.  Such views must accept the fact that the handle can be closed at any time, a
/// condition that is simply exposed as if the handle reached EOF.  Concurrent views can safely be
/// moved across threads.
pub struct ShareableFile {
    /// Underlying file descriptor shared across all views of this file.
    fd: unix_io::RawFd,

    /// Write ends of the pipes used by `ShareableFileReader` to know if the file has been closed.
    watchers: Vec<unix_io::RawFd>,

    /// Whether the file descriptor has already been closed or not.
    /// In principle, we don't need this field: concurrent readers of this file will get their
    /// selects abruptly terminated with an error and we should be able to rely on `EBADF` to tell
    /// that this happened because of us closing the file descriptor.  But it seems better to track
    /// our own closed condition so that we can distinguish actual errors from expected errors.
    closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,

impl ShareableFile {
    /// Constructs a new `ShareableFile` from an open file and takes ownership of it.
    pub fn from(file: fs::File) -> ShareableFile {
        use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd;
        ShareableFile {
            fd: file.into_raw_fd(),
            watchers: vec!(),
            closed: Arc::from(AtomicBool::new(false)),

    /// Returns an unowned view of the file.
    /// Users of this file must accept that the file can be closed at any time by the owner.
    pub fn reader(&mut self) -> io::Result<ShareableFileReader> {
        let (notifier, watcher) = unistd::pipe().map_err(nix_to_io_error)?;
        Ok(ShareableFileReader {
            fd: self.fd,
            notifier: notifier,
            closed: self.closed.clone(),

impl Drop for ShareableFile {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        debug!("Closing ShareableFile with fd {}", self.fd);

        // We are about to touch file handles used by other threads.  If those threads are blocked
        // on a select call, the call may return an error on some systems due to the closed file
        // descriptors.  If those threads are about to issue a read after a select, the read will
        // fail with a bad file descriptor.  Prepare them about these potential failure conditions
        // before we actually touch anything., Ordering::SeqCst);

        for watcher in &self.watchers {
            if let Err(e) = unistd::write(*watcher, &[0]) {
                // This write to a pipe we control really should not have failed.  If it did there
                // is not much we can do other than log an error.  We may get stuck threads on exit
                // though...
                // TODO(jmmv): We expect the write to fail if we had any ShareableFileReader that
                // has already been dropped, as that drop would have closed the read end of the
                // pipe.  Note that this means that, if we create/drop ShareableFileReaders non-stop
                // for this ShareableFile, we'll exhaust the open file descriptors because we are
                // leaking the write ends of these pipes.  This should be fixed, but it's not a big
                // deal because we don't do this in sandboxfs.
                if e.as_errno().expect("Must have been a system error") != Errno::EPIPE {
                    warn!("Failed to tell ShareableFileReader with handle {} of close: {}",
                        *watcher, e)
            if let Err(e) = unistd::close(*watcher) {
                // Closing should really not have failed, but if it did, it does not hurt and there
                // is nothing we can do anyway.
                warn!("Failed to close pipe write end with handle {}: {}", *watcher, e)

        if let Err(e) = unistd::close(self.fd) {
            warn!("Failed to close fd {}: {}", self.fd, e);

/// A non-owned view of a `ShareableFile`.
pub struct ShareableFileReader {
    /// Underlying file descriptor shared across all views of this file.
    fd: unix_io::RawFd,

    /// Read end of the pipe used by `ShareableFile` to tell us that the file has been closed.
    notifier: unix_io::RawFd,

    /// Whether the file descriptor has already been closed or not.  See description in
    /// `ShareableFile` for more details.
    closed: Arc<AtomicBool>,

impl Drop for ShareableFileReader {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Err(e) = unistd::close(self.notifier) {
            warn!("Failed to close fd {}: {}", self.notifier, e);

impl Read for ShareableFileReader {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let mut read_set = sys::select::FdSet::new();
        let result = sys::select::select(None, Some(&mut read_set), None, None, None)
            .and_then(|ready_count| {
                debug_assert!(ready_count <= 2);
                if read_set.contains(self.notifier) {
                    // The file has been closed by the owner.  There is no point in attempting to
                    // read from the fd even if there were data in it.
                } else {
                    unistd::read(self.fd, buf)

        match result {
            Ok(read_count) => Ok(read_count),
            err => {
                if self.closed.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
                    Ok(0)  // Simulate EOF due to close in another thread.
                } else {

/// List of termination signals that cause the mount point to be correctly unmounted.
static CAPTURED_SIGNALS: [signal::Signal; 4] = [

/// Two-phase installer for `SignalsHandler`, which is responsible for unmounting a file system.
/// Installing the signals is tricky business because of a potential race: if the signal handler is
/// installed and a signal arrives *before* the mount point has been configured, the unmounting will
/// not succeed, which means we will enter the server loop and lose the signal.  Conversely, if we
/// did this backwards, we could receive a signal after the mount point has been configured but
/// before we install the signal handler, which means we'd terminate but leak the mount point.
/// To solve this, we must block signals while the mount point is being set up.  We achieve this by
/// exposing an interface that forces the caller to take two steps before it can obtain the actual
/// `SignalsHandler` object: the caller must call `prepare()` before mounting the file system and
/// then call `install()` once the file system is ready to serve.
/// Keeping this logic as a separate `SignalsInstaller` object, instead of trying to expose a "safe
/// mount function" helps ensure restoration of the original signal mask in all cases because this
/// type does so at drop time.
pub struct SignalsInstaller {
    /// Signal mask to restore at drop time.
    old_sigset: signal::SigSet,

impl SignalsInstaller {
    /// Blocks signals in preparation to mount the file system.
    pub fn prepare() -> SignalsInstaller {
        let mut old_sigset = signal::SigSet::empty();
        let mut sigset = signal::SigSet::empty();
        for signal in CAPTURED_SIGNALS.iter() {
            signal::SigmaskHow::SIG_BLOCK, Some(&sigset), Some(&mut old_sigset))
            .expect("pthread_sigmask is not expected to fail");
        SignalsInstaller { old_sigset }

    /// Installs all signal handlers to unmount the given `mount_point`.
    pub fn install(self, mount_point: PathBuf) -> Fallible<SignalsHandler> {
        let (signal_sender, signal_receiver) = mpsc::channel();

        let mut signums = vec!();
        for signal in CAPTURED_SIGNALS.iter() {
            signums.push(*signal as i32);
        let signals = signal_hook::iterator::Signals::new(&signums)?;

        std::thread::spawn(move || SignalsHandler::handler(&signals, mount_point, &signal_sender));

        Ok(SignalsHandler { signal_receiver })

        // Consumes self which causes the original signal mask to be restored and thus unblocks
        // signals.

impl Drop for SignalsInstaller {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        signal::pthread_sigmask(signal::SigmaskHow::SIG_SETMASK, Some(&self.old_sigset), None)
            .expect("pthread_sigmask is not expected to fail and we cannot correctly clean up");

/// Unmounts a file system by shelling out to the correct unmount tool.
/// Doing this in-process is very difficult because of differences across systems and the fact that
/// neither `nix` nor `libc` currently expose any of the unmounting functionality.
fn unmount(path: &Path) -> Fallible<()> {
    #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux")))]
    fn run_unmount(path: &Path) -> io::Result<process::Output> {

    #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux"))]
    fn run_unmount(path: &Path) -> io::Result<process::Output> {

    let output = run_unmount(path)?;
    if output.status.success() {
    } else {
        Err(format_err!("stdout: {}, stderr: {}",

/// Tries to unmount the given file system indefinitely.
/// If unmounting fails, it is probably because the file system is busy.  We don't know but it
/// doesn't matter: we have entered a terminal status: we do this at exit time so we'll keep trying
/// to unclog things while telling the user what's going on.  They are the ones that have to fix
/// this situation.
fn retry_unmount<P: AsRef<Path>>(mount_point: P) {
    let mut backoff = time::Duration::from_millis(10);
    let goal = time::Duration::from_secs(1);
    'retry: loop {
        match unmount(mount_point.as_ref()) {
            Ok(()) => break 'retry,
            Err(e) => {
                if backoff >= goal {
                    warn!("Unmounting file system failed with '{}'; will retry in {:?}",
                        e, backoff);
                if backoff < goal {
                    backoff = cmp::min(goal, backoff * 2);

/// Maintains state and allows interaction with the installed signal handler.
/// The signal handler is responsible for unmounting the file system, which in turn causes the
/// FUSE serve loop to either never start or to finish execution if it was already running.
pub struct SignalsHandler {
    /// Channel used to receive, on the main thread, the number of the signal that was captured.
    // TODO( Replace i32 with SigNo once merged.
    signal_receiver: mpsc::Receiver<i32>,

impl SignalsHandler {
    /// Returns the signal that was caught, if any.
    /// This is *not* racy when used after the file system has been unmounted (i.e. once the FUSE
    /// loop terminates).
    pub fn caught(&self) -> Option<i32> {
        match self.signal_receiver.try_recv() {
            Ok(signo) => Some(signo),
            Err(_) => None,

    /// The signal handler.
    /// This blocks until the receipt of the first signal and then ignores the rest.
    /// Upon receipt of a signal from `signals`, the handler first updates `signal_sender` with the
    /// number of the received signal and then attempts to unmount `mount_point` indefinitely to
    /// unblock the main FUSE loop.
    fn handler(signals: &signal_hook::iterator::Signals, mount_point: PathBuf,
        signal_sender: &mpsc::Sender<i32>) {
        let signo = signals.forever().next().unwrap();
        if let Err(e) = signal_sender.send(signo) {
            warn!("Failed to propagate signal to main thread; will get stuck exiting: {}", e);
        info!("Caught signal {}; unmounting {}", signo, mount_point.display());

        // It'd be nice if we could just "drop(signals)" here and then send the same received signal
        // to ourselves so that the program terminated with the correct exit status.  Unfortunately,
        // "drop(signals)" unregisters our hooks from the signal handlers installed by signal-hook
        // but it does not actually return the signal handlers to their original values.  This is a
        // limitation of the signal-hook crate.  Instead, we need the "caught" hack above to let the
        // main thread return an error code instead.

mod tests {
    use nix::sys;
    use std::io::{Read, Write};
    use std::thread;
    use super::*;
    use tempfile;

    fn test_shareable_file_clones_share_descriptor_and_only_one_owns() {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let path = dir.path().join("file");

        fn read_one_byte(input: &mut impl Read) -> u8 {
            let mut buffer = [0];
            input.read_exact(&mut buffer).unwrap();

        let mut file = ShareableFile::from(fs::File::open(&path).unwrap());
        let mut reader1 = file.reader().unwrap();
        let mut reader2 = file.reader().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(b'A', read_one_byte(&mut reader1));
        drop(reader1);  // Make sure dropping a non-owner copy doesn't close the file handle.
        assert_eq!(b'B', read_one_byte(&mut reader2));
        drop(file);  // Closes the file descriptor so the readers should now not be able to read.
        let mut buffer = [0];
        assert_eq!(0, buffer).expect("Expected 0 byte count as EOF after close"));

    fn try_shareable_file_close_unblocks_reads_without_error() {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let path = dir.path().join("pipe");
        unistd::mkfifo(&path, sys::stat::Mode::S_IRUSR | sys::stat::Mode::S_IWUSR).unwrap();

        // We need to open the FIFO for writes so that the open for reads doesn't block.  But we
        // have to do this open in a separate thread because it will block too.
        let writer_handle = {
            let path = path.clone();
            thread::spawn(move || fs::File::create(path))

        // This will block until the thread we spawned above opens the file for writing.
        let mut file = ShareableFile::from(fs::File::open(&path).unwrap());

        let (reader_ready_tx, reader_ready_rx) = mpsc::channel();
        let reader_handle = {
            let mut file = file.reader().unwrap();
            thread::spawn(move || {
                let mut buffer = [0];

        // This is racy: there is no guarantee that the reader thread is now blocked on the read
        // syscall although there is a high likelihood that it is (and our explicit yield makes this
        // even more likely, especially on single-core systems).  If we experience the race, the
        // test will silently pass even if there is a problem in the ShareableFile.

        drop(file);  // This should unblock the reader thread and let the join complete.
        reader_handle.join().unwrap().expect("Read didn't return success on EOF-like condition");

        // We have already verified that the reader can be asynchronously terminated without the
        // write handle causing interference.  Retrieve the write end of the FIFO and close it.
        let writer = writer_handle.join().unwrap().expect("Write didn't finish successfully");

    fn test_shareable_file_close_unblocks_reads_without_error() {
        // This test exercises a threading condition that cannot be reproduced in a non-racy manner.
        // If we are subject to the race condition, the test will falsely pass; otherwise it will
        // correctly fail.  Running this same test a few times ensures that we have higher chances
        // of catching a problem.
        for _ in 0..10 {