samotop 0.12.0

SMTP server and library built on async-std
//! Demonstrating the simplest use of a TCP server.
//! Run it:
//! ```
//! RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --example dummy-tcp
//! ```
//! Check the log output to learn where the server is listening and connect to it.
//! (note, the port is allocated dynamically)
//! ```
//! nc 25252
//! ```
//! It will print the local and remote endponits to the log and end the connection.

extern crate async_std;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate samotop;

use samotop::io::dummy::DummyService;
use samotop::server::TcpServer;

fn main() {
    println!("Run this with RUST_LOG=info to see the port listened on");
    let srv = TcpServer::on("localhost:0").serve(DummyService);