Crate samd11_bare[][src]


pub use atsamd_hal as hal;
pub use embedded_hal as ehal;
pub use hal::pac;


BSP replacement for the HAL Pins type


DynPinId for the Led alias.

DynPinMode for the Led alias.

DynPinId for the Scl alias.

DynPinMode for the Scl alias.

DynPinId for the Sda alias.

DynPinMode for the Sda alias.

DynPinId for the UartRx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartRx alias.

DynPinId for the UartTx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartTx alias.


Convenience for setting up the D4 and D5 pins to operate as I²C SDA/SDL (respectively) running at the specified baud.

Convenience for setting up the D1 and D14 pins to operate as UART RX/TX (respectively) running at the specified baud.

Type Definitions

I2C master for the labelled SDA & SCL pins

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

UART device for the labelled RX & TX pins

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Attribute Macros

Attribute to declare the entry point of the program