sam 0.2.0

A compile time instruction assembler.



What is this?

I'm currently working on many assembly related projects. Most of them are written in Rust. Since inline assembly is ugly (atleast in my opinion), I work mostly with writable memory pages. This means that I have to assemble my instructions to the proper architecture via a tool (for example sam-web). This work is really boring and repetetive, also it makes it hard to trace bugs in your assembly if you only have the opcodes laying in front of you.
Therefore I decided to make a macro which utilizes kstool to create the opcodes out of a string containing your assembly. There will also be a full native solution as soon as I created the needed bindings for Keystone.

TLDR This is a macro which converts an assembly string to a Vec<u8> at compile time.


Compile Keystone and make sure 'kstool' is in your PATH.


Supported modes are (all with NASM syntax):



extern crate sam;

fn main() {
  let asm: Vec<u8> = sam!(x64 => "mov rax, 0x1337");
  println!("{:?}", asm);