salvo 0.8.0

A simple web framework

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🎯 Features

  • Base on latest hyper, tokio;
  • Websocket supported;
  • Serve a static virtual directory from many physical directories;
  • Middlewares support executed before or after handle;
  • Easy routing:
    • Path parameters and regex supported;
    • Tree-like routing system;

⚡️ Quick start

You can view samples here or read docs here.

Create a new rust project:

cargo new hello_salvo --bin

Add this to Cargo.toml

salvo = "0.8"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Create a simple function handler in the file, we call it hello_world, this function just render plain text "Hello World".

use salvo::prelude::*;

async fn hello_world(_req: &mut Request, _depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("Hello World");

In the main function, we need to create a root Router first, and then create a server and call it's bind function:

use salvo::prelude::*;

async fn hello_world(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("Hello World");

async fn main() {
    let router = Router::new().get(hello_world);
    let server = Server::new(router);
    server.bind(([0, 0, 0, 0], 7878)).await;

Tree-like routing system

use salvo::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let router = Router::new()

    Server::new(router).bind(([0, 0, 0, 0], 7878)).await;

async fn index(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("Hello world!");
async fn auth(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("user has authed\n\n");
async fn list_users(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("list users");
async fn show_user(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("show user");
async fn create_user(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("user created");
async fn update_user(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("user updated");
async fn delete_user(res: &mut Response) {
    res.render_plain_text("user deleted");

More Examples

Your can find more examples in examples folder:

☕ Supporters

Salvo is an open source project. If you want to support Salvo, you can ☕ buy a coffee here.

⚠️ License

Salvo is licensed under either of