saltyrtc-client 0.5.0-beta.1

Asynchronous SaltyRTC client implementation for Rust 1.26+. failed to build saltyrtc-client-0.5.0-beta.1
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Visit the last successful build: saltyrtc-client-0.9.0


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Asynchronous SaltyRTC client implementation for Rust 1.26+.

SaltyRTC is an end-to-end encrypted signalling protocol. It offers to freely choose from a range of signalling tasks, such as setting up a WebRTC or ORTC peer-to-peer connection, or using the WebSocket based signaling server as a relay. SaltyRTC is completely open to new and custom signalling tasks for everything feasible.



Note: The tests currently expect a SaltyRTC Server instance to run on localhost:6699.

Unit Tests

To run the testsuite:

cargo test

Fuzz Testing

To run fuzz tests, first install cargo-fuzz:

cargo install cargo-fuzz

Then run the fuzzer against a target:

cargo +nightly fuzz run <target>

You can list all targets with cargo fuzz list.


To run clippy lints, compile the library with --features clippy on a nightly compiler:

$ cargo +nightly build --features clippy

Example Client

There is an example chat client at examples/chat/ You can invoke it both as initiator or responder.

If you start the chat as initiator, the signaling path and auth token will be randomly generated and printed:

$ cargo run --example chat -- initiator
INFO:saltyrtc_client::crypto: Generating new key pair
INFO:saltyrtc_client::crypto: Generating new auth token

Connecting as Initiator

Signaling path: f637d7fff53defe8db111b17b2c445f7888a83c13dc40d7ff8449f700910f01f
Auth token: 0e94b54a49e4ec7f4398ec9bec5d4359cca810f7eca31704e6c0afadd54a7818

To connect with a peer:
cargo run --example chat -- responder \
    --path f637d7fff53defe8db111b17b2c445f7888a83c13dc40d7ff8449f700910f01f \
    --auth-token 0e94b54a49e4ec7f4398ec9bec5d4359cca810f7eca31704e6c0afadd54a7818

INFO:saltyrtc_client: Connected to server as Initiator

Simply copy that command in the second half of the output to another terminal to connect to the initiator with a responder.

To see all options, use cargo run --example chat -- initiator --help and cargo run --example chat -- responder --help.

The chat example will log to a file called chat.<role>.log.

Note: The tests currently expect a SaltyRTC Server instance to run on localhost:6699.

Msgpack Debugging

If you enable the msgpack-debugging compile flag, you'll get direct msgpack analysis URLs for all decoded messages in your TRACE level logs.

cargo build --features 'msgpack-debugging'

You can customize that URL prefix at compile time using the MSGPACK_DEBUG_URL env var. This is the default URL:


Release Signatures

Release commits and tags are signed with the Threema signing key (E7ADD9914E260E8B35DFB50665FDE935573ACDA6).


You can find C FFI bindings in the ffi subdirectory of this source repository.

Note: The FFI bindings are currently incomplete and blocked by rust-lang/rust#36342.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.