saleae 0.1.0

a rust library for interacting with saleae devices
    Checking custom_derive v0.1.7
    Checking bufstream v0.1.4
    Checking enum_derive v0.1.7
    Checking anyhow v1.0.26
    Checking faux v0.0.4
    Checking saleae v0.0.1 (/home/wcampbell/projects/wcampbell/code/saleae)
warning: item name ends with its containing module's name
  --> src/
41 | / pub struct ConnectedDevice {
42 | |     /// type of device
43 | |     pub d_type: String,
44 | |     /// name of device
...  |
51 | |     pub is_active: bool,
52 | | }
   | |_^
   = note: `-W clippy::module-name-repetitions` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: item name starts with its containing module's name
  --> src/
4  | / pub enum PerformanceOption {
5  | |     Full = 100,
6  | |     Half = 50,
7  | |     Third = 33,
8  | |     Quarter = 25,
9  | |     Low = 20,
10 | | }
   | |_^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: Unnecessary boolean `not` operation
  --> src/
21 |           let d_str = if !digital_channels.is_empty() {
   |  _____________________^
22 | |             format!(
23 | |                 ", digital_channels, {}",
24 | |                 Self::create_channel_str(digital_channels)?
...  |
27 | |             "".to_string()
28 | |         };
   | |_________^
   = note: `-W clippy::if-not-else` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: remove the `!` and swap the blocks of the `if`/`else`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: Unnecessary boolean `not` operation
  --> src/
30 |           let a_str = if !analog_channels.is_empty() {
   |  _____________________^
31 | |             format!(
32 | |                 ", analog_channels, {}",
33 | |                 Self::create_channel_str(analog_channels)?
...  |
36 | |             "".to_string()
37 | |         };
   | |_________^
   = help: remove the `!` and swap the blocks of the `if`/`else`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `SaleaeSocketAPI` between ticks in the documentation
 --> src/
5 | //! [SaleaeSocketAPI](
  |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `-W clippy::doc-markdown` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
28 | /     pub fn general_recieve_ack(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
29 | |         let r: String = std::str::from_utf8(&self.read_line()?)?.to_string();
30 | |         Ok(response::verify_ack(&r))
31 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = note: `-W clippy::missing-errors-doc` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
33 | /     pub fn general_recieve_message(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
34 | |         let msg: String = std::str::from_utf8(&self.read_line()?)?.to_string();
35 | |         response::verify_ack(&msg);
36 | |         Ok(msg)
37 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
47 | /     pub fn run_command(&mut self, command: &str) -> Result<()> {
48 | |         let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&;
49 | |         writer.write_all(command.as_bytes()).unwrap();
50 | |         Ok(())
51 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
65 | /     pub fn new(connection: Connection) -> Result<Self> {
66 | |         Ok(Self { connection })
67 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: this could be a `const fn`
  --> src/
65 | /     pub fn new(connection: Connection) -> Result<Self> {
66 | |         Ok(Self { connection })
67 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = note: `-W clippy::missing-const-for-fn` implied by `-W clippy::nursery`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
75 | /     pub fn set_num_samples(&mut self, num: u32) -> Result<bool> {
76 | |         self.connection
77 | |             .run_command(&format!("set_num_samples, {}\0", num))?;
78 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
79 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
81 | /     pub fn get_num_samples(&mut self) -> Result<u32> {
82 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_num_samples\0")?;
83 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
84 | |         if response::verify_ack(&response) {
...  |
90 | |         }
91 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
94 | /     pub fn set_capture_seconds(&mut self, seconds: f32) -> Result<bool> {
95 | |         self.connection
96 | |             .run_command(&format!("set_capture_seconds, {}\0", seconds))?;
97 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
98 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
104 | /     pub fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, rate: &SampleRate) -> Result<bool> {
105 | |         self.connection.run_command(&format!(
106 | |             "set_sample_rate, {}, {}\0",
107 | |             rate.DigitalSampleRate, rate.AnalogSampleRate
108 | |         ))?;
109 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
110 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
112 | /     pub fn get_sample_rate(&mut self) -> Result<SampleRate> {
113 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_sample_rate\0")?;
114 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
115 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_sample_rate(&response::remove_ack(
116 | |             &response,
117 | |         )))
118 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
120 | /     pub fn get_all_sample_rates(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<SampleRate>> {
121 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_all_sample_rates\0")?;
122 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
123 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_all_sample_rates(&response::remove_ack(
124 | |             &response,
125 | |         )))
126 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
129 | /     pub fn get_performance(&mut self) -> Result<u8> {
130 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_performance\0")?;
131 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
132 | |         Ok(response::parse_performance(&response::remove_ack(
133 | |             &response,
134 | |         )))
135 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
138 | /     pub fn set_performance(&mut self, perf: PerformanceOption) -> Result<bool> {
139 | |         let input = String::from(&format!("set_performance, {}\0", perf as i32));
140 | |         self.connection.run_command(&input)?;
141 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
142 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
147 | /     pub fn get_connected_devices(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<ConnectedDevice>> {
148 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_connected_devices\0")?;
149 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
150 | |         Ok(response::parse_connected_devices(&response::remove_ack(
151 | |             &response,
152 | |         )))
153 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
162 | /     pub fn select_active_device(&mut self, device: ConnectedDevice) -> Result<bool> {
163 | |         let b = self
164 | |             .get_connected_devices()
165 | |             .unwrap()
...   |
171 | |         Ok(true)
172 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body
   --> src/
162 |     pub fn select_active_device(&mut self, device: ConnectedDevice) -> Result<bool> {
    |                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&ConnectedDevice`
    = note: `-W clippy::needless-pass-by-value` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
175 | /     pub fn get_active_device(&mut self) -> Result<ConnectedDevice> {
176 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_connected_devices\0")?;
177 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
178 | |         Ok(
...   |
183 | |         )
184 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
188 | /     pub fn get_active_channels(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
189 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_active_channels\0")?;
190 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
191 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_active_channels(&response::remove_ack(
192 | |             &response,
193 | |         ))?)
194 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `get_active_channels` between ticks in the documentation
   --> src/
199 |     /// TODO add get_active_channels
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
200 | /     pub fn set_active_channels(
201 | |         &mut self,
202 | |         digital_channels: &[u8],
203 | |         analog_channels: &[u8],
...   |
210 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
211 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
214 | /     pub fn reset_active_channels(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
215 | |         self.connection.run_command("reset_active_channels\0")?;
216 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
217 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
223 | /     pub fn start_capture(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
224 | |         self.connection.run_command("capture\0")?;
225 | |         Ok(true)
226 | |         // Doesn't return ACK
227 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
230 | /     pub fn start_capture_block_until_finished(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
231 | |         self.start_capture()?;
232 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
233 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
236 | /     pub fn is_processing_complete(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
237 | |         self.connection.run_command("is_processing_complete\0")?;
238 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
239 | |         Ok(response::parse_processing_complete(&response::remove_ack(
240 | |             &response,
241 | |         )))
242 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
245 | /     pub fn stop_capture(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
246 | |         self.connection.run_command("stop_capture\0")?;
247 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
248 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
255 | /     pub fn close_all_tabs(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
256 | |         self.connection.run_command("close_all_tabs\0")?;
257 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
258 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
10 | /     pub fn prepare_set_active_channels(
11 | |         digital_channels: &[u8],
12 | |         analog_channels: &[u8],
13 | |     ) -> Result<String> {
...  |
39 | |         Ok(format!("set_active_channels{}{}\0", d_str, a_str))
40 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
45 | /     pub fn create_channel_str(v: &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
46 | |         let s = v
47 | |             .iter()
48 | |             .map(|a| format!("{}, ", a.to_string()))
49 | |             .collect::<String>();
50 | |         Ok(s[..s.len() - 2].to_string())
51 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `nACK` between ticks in the documentation
 --> src/
9 | /// Return string without "\nACK" string line nor extra 0 char's from buffer
  |                             ^^^^
  = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `connected_devices` between ticks in the documentation
  --> src/
63 | /// Parse the connected_devices reponse into ConnectedDevice
   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `ConnectedDevice` between ticks in the documentation
  --> src/
63 | /// Parse the connected_devices reponse into ConnectedDevice
   |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
76 | / pub fn parse_get_active_channels(response: &str) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
77 | |     println!("{}", response);
78 | |     let v: Vec<&str> = response.split(',').map(str::trim_start).collect();
79 | |
...  |
94 | |     Ok(vec![digital_res, analog_res])
95 | | }
   | |_^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: 40 warnings emitted

warning: item name ends with its containing module's name
  --> src/
41 | / pub struct ConnectedDevice {
42 | |     /// type of device
43 | |     pub d_type: String,
44 | |     /// name of device
...  |
51 | |     pub is_active: bool,
52 | | }
   | |_^
   = note: `-W clippy::module-name-repetitions` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: item name starts with its containing module's name
  --> src/
4  | / pub enum PerformanceOption {
5  | |     Full = 100,
6  | |     Half = 50,
7  | |     Third = 33,
8  | |     Quarter = 25,
9  | |     Low = 20,
10 | | }
   | |_^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: Unnecessary boolean `not` operation
  --> src/
21 |           let d_str = if !digital_channels.is_empty() {
   |  _____________________^
22 | |             format!(
23 | |                 ", digital_channels, {}",
24 | |                 Self::create_channel_str(digital_channels)?
...  |
27 | |             "".to_string()
28 | |         };
   | |_________^
   = note: `-W clippy::if-not-else` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: remove the `!` and swap the blocks of the `if`/`else`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: Unnecessary boolean `not` operation
  --> src/
30 |           let a_str = if !analog_channels.is_empty() {
   |  _____________________^
31 | |             format!(
32 | |                 ", analog_channels, {}",
33 | |                 Self::create_channel_str(analog_channels)?
...  |
36 | |             "".to_string()
37 | |         };
   | |_________^
   = help: remove the `!` and swap the blocks of the `if`/`else`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `SaleaeSocketAPI` between ticks in the documentation
 --> src/
5 | //! [SaleaeSocketAPI](
  |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `-W clippy::doc-markdown` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
28 | /     pub fn general_recieve_ack(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
29 | |         let r: String = std::str::from_utf8(&self.read_line()?)?.to_string();
30 | |         Ok(response::verify_ack(&r))
31 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = note: `-W clippy::missing-errors-doc` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
33 | /     pub fn general_recieve_message(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
34 | |         let msg: String = std::str::from_utf8(&self.read_line()?)?.to_string();
35 | |         response::verify_ack(&msg);
36 | |         Ok(msg)
37 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
47 | /     pub fn run_command(&mut self, command: &str) -> Result<()> {
48 | |         let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&;
49 | |         writer.write_all(command.as_bytes()).unwrap();
50 | |         Ok(())
51 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
65 | /     pub fn new(connection: Connection) -> Result<Self> {
66 | |         Ok(Self { connection })
67 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: this could be a `const fn`
  --> src/
65 | /     pub fn new(connection: Connection) -> Result<Self> {
66 | |         Ok(Self { connection })
67 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = note: `-W clippy::missing-const-for-fn` implied by `-W clippy::nursery`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
75 | /     pub fn set_num_samples(&mut self, num: u32) -> Result<bool> {
76 | |         self.connection
77 | |             .run_command(&format!("set_num_samples, {}\0", num))?;
78 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
79 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
81 | /     pub fn get_num_samples(&mut self) -> Result<u32> {
82 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_num_samples\0")?;
83 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
84 | |         if response::verify_ack(&response) {
...  |
90 | |         }
91 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
94 | /     pub fn set_capture_seconds(&mut self, seconds: f32) -> Result<bool> {
95 | |         self.connection
96 | |             .run_command(&format!("set_capture_seconds, {}\0", seconds))?;
97 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
98 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
104 | /     pub fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, rate: &SampleRate) -> Result<bool> {
105 | |         self.connection.run_command(&format!(
106 | |             "set_sample_rate, {}, {}\0",
107 | |             rate.DigitalSampleRate, rate.AnalogSampleRate
108 | |         ))?;
109 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
110 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
112 | /     pub fn get_sample_rate(&mut self) -> Result<SampleRate> {
113 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_sample_rate\0")?;
114 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
115 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_sample_rate(&response::remove_ack(
116 | |             &response,
117 | |         )))
118 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
120 | /     pub fn get_all_sample_rates(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<SampleRate>> {
121 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_all_sample_rates\0")?;
122 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
123 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_all_sample_rates(&response::remove_ack(
124 | |             &response,
125 | |         )))
126 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
129 | /     pub fn get_performance(&mut self) -> Result<u8> {
130 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_performance\0")?;
131 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
132 | |         Ok(response::parse_performance(&response::remove_ack(
133 | |             &response,
134 | |         )))
135 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
138 | /     pub fn set_performance(&mut self, perf: PerformanceOption) -> Result<bool> {
139 | |         let input = String::from(&format!("set_performance, {}\0", perf as i32));
140 | |         self.connection.run_command(&input)?;
141 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
142 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
147 | /     pub fn get_connected_devices(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<ConnectedDevice>> {
148 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_connected_devices\0")?;
149 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
150 | |         Ok(response::parse_connected_devices(&response::remove_ack(
151 | |             &response,
152 | |         )))
153 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
162 | /     pub fn select_active_device(&mut self, device: ConnectedDevice) -> Result<bool> {
163 | |         let b = self
164 | |             .get_connected_devices()
165 | |             .unwrap()
...   |
171 | |         Ok(true)
172 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body
   --> src/
162 |     pub fn select_active_device(&mut self, device: ConnectedDevice) -> Result<bool> {
    |                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&ConnectedDevice`
    = note: `-W clippy::needless-pass-by-value` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
175 | /     pub fn get_active_device(&mut self) -> Result<ConnectedDevice> {
176 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_connected_devices\0")?;
177 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
178 | |         Ok(
...   |
183 | |         )
184 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
188 | /     pub fn get_active_channels(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
189 | |         self.connection.run_command("get_active_channels\0")?;
190 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
191 | |         Ok(response::parse_get_active_channels(&response::remove_ack(
192 | |             &response,
193 | |         ))?)
194 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `get_active_channels` between ticks in the documentation
   --> src/
199 |     /// TODO add get_active_channels
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
200 | /     pub fn set_active_channels(
201 | |         &mut self,
202 | |         digital_channels: &[u8],
203 | |         analog_channels: &[u8],
...   |
210 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
211 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
214 | /     pub fn reset_active_channels(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
215 | |         self.connection.run_command("reset_active_channels\0")?;
216 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
217 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
223 | /     pub fn start_capture(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
224 | |         self.connection.run_command("capture\0")?;
225 | |         Ok(true)
226 | |         // Doesn't return ACK
227 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
230 | /     pub fn start_capture_block_until_finished(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
231 | |         self.start_capture()?;
232 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
233 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
236 | /     pub fn is_processing_complete(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
237 | |         self.connection.run_command("is_processing_complete\0")?;
238 | |         let response = self.connection.general_recieve_message()?;
239 | |         Ok(response::parse_processing_complete(&response::remove_ack(
240 | |             &response,
241 | |         )))
242 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
245 | /     pub fn stop_capture(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
246 | |         self.connection.run_command("stop_capture\0")?;
247 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
248 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
   --> src/
255 | /     pub fn close_all_tabs(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
256 | |         self.connection.run_command("close_all_tabs\0")?;
257 | |         Ok(self.connection.general_recieve_ack()?)
258 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
10 | /     pub fn prepare_set_active_channels(
11 | |         digital_channels: &[u8],
12 | |         analog_channels: &[u8],
13 | |     ) -> Result<String> {
...  |
39 | |         Ok(format!("set_active_channels{}{}\0", d_str, a_str))
40 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
45 | /     pub fn create_channel_str(v: &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
46 | |         let s = v
47 | |             .iter()
48 | |             .map(|a| format!("{}, ", a.to_string()))
49 | |             .collect::<String>();
50 | |         Ok(s[..s.len() - 2].to_string())
51 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `nACK` between ticks in the documentation
 --> src/
9 | /// Return string without "\nACK" string line nor extra 0 char's from buffer
  |                             ^^^^
  = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `connected_devices` between ticks in the documentation
  --> src/
63 | /// Parse the connected_devices reponse into ConnectedDevice
   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: you should put `ConnectedDevice` between ticks in the documentation
  --> src/
63 | /// Parse the connected_devices reponse into ConnectedDevice
   |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: docs for function returning `Result` missing `# Errors` section
  --> src/
76 | / pub fn parse_get_active_channels(response: &str) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
77 | |     println!("{}", response);
78 | |     let v: Vec<&str> = response.split(',').map(str::trim_start).collect();
79 | |
...  |
94 | |     Ok(vec![digital_res, analog_res])
95 | | }
   | |_^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: 40 warnings emitted

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: 3 warnings emitted

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: 3 warnings emitted

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: this could be a `const fn`
   --> tests/
163 | / fn select_active_device() {
164 | |     //TODO can't test b/c of get_connected_devices not being fauxable
165 | |     //let device = ConnectedDevice {
166 | |     //    d_type: "4".to_string(),
...   |
179 | |     //assert_eq!(response, true);
180 | | }
    | |_^
    = note: `-W clippy::missing-const-for-fn` implied by `-W clippy::nursery`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: 4 warnings emitted

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: 3 warnings emitted

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: `input` is being shadowed
  --> tests/
44 |     let input = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
   |         ^^^^^
   = note: `-W clippy::shadow-unrelated` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
note: initialization happens here
  --> tests/
44 |     let input = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: previous binding is here
  --> tests/
41 |     let input = [0, 4, 5, 7];
   |         ^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: 4 warnings emitted

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
21 |     let response02 = conn.select_active_device(response2);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-W clippy::similar-names` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
18 |     let response2 = conn.get_active_device().unwrap();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
51 |     let response10 = conn.set_num_samples(10000);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
8  |     let response0 = conn.get_performance();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
57 |     let response12 = conn.get_sample_rate();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
18 |     let response2 = conn.get_active_device().unwrap();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
60 |     let response13 = conn.get_all_sample_rates().unwrap();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
24 |     let response3 = conn.reset_active_channels();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
65 |     let response14 = conn.set_sample_rate(sample_rate);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
33 |     let response4 = conn.start_capture();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
68 |     let response15 = conn.get_sample_rate();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
36 |     let response5 = conn.is_processing_complete();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
71 |     let response16 = conn.set_active_channels(&[0, 4, 5, 7], &[0, 1, 2, 5, 8]);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
27 |     let response6 = conn.start_capture_block_until_finished();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: binding's name is too similar to existing binding
  --> examples/
74 |     let response17 = conn.get_active_channels().unwrap();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^
note: existing binding defined here
  --> examples/
45 |     let response7 = conn.is_processing_complete();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::cargo-common-metadata` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::multiple-crate-versions` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: could not read cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: Unrecognized option: 'format-version'

  = note: `-W clippy::wildcard-dependencies` implied by `-W clippy::cargo`
  = help: for further information visit

warning: 11 warnings emitted

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.68s