saito 0.0.1

A high-performance implementation of Saito in Rust.
# Welcome to Saito

Saito is a **Tier 1 Blockchain Protocol** that incentivizes the provision of **high-throughput** network infrastructure. The network accomplishes with a consensus mechanism that pays the nodes in the peer-to-peer network for the collection and sharing of fees.

Saito-Rust is an implementation of Saito Consensus written in Rust for use by high-throughput routing nodes. It aims to offer the simplest and most scalable implementation of Saito Consensus.

If you need to get in touch with us, please reach out anytime.

# Usage


# How to contribute


# Contact

The Saito Team

#pub mod saito_macros;

pub mod block;
pub mod blockchain;
pub mod blockring;
pub mod burnfee;
pub mod consensus;
pub mod crypto;
pub mod golden_ticket;
pub mod hop;
pub mod mempool;
pub mod merkle;
pub mod miner;
pub mod network;
pub mod networking;
pub mod peer;
pub mod slip;
pub mod staking;
pub mod storage;
pub mod time;
pub mod transaction;
pub mod util;
pub mod wallet;

extern crate lazy_static;

extern crate tracing;

// TODO put test_utilities behind a feature flag so it's not built into non-test builds
//   i.e. uncomment this line:
// [cfg(feature = "test-utilities")]
mod configuration;
pub mod test_setup;
pub mod test_utilities;

/// Error returned by most functions.
/// When writing a real application, one might want to consider a specialized
/// error handling crate or defining an error type as an `enum` of causes.
/// However, most time using a boxed `std::error::Error` is sufficient.
/// For performance reasons, boxing is avoided in any hot path. For example, in
/// `parse`, a custom error `enum` is defined. This is because the error is hit
/// and handled during normal execution when a partial frame is received on a
/// socket. `std::error::Error` is implemented for `parse::Error` which allows
/// it to be converted to `Box<dyn std::error::Error>`.
pub type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;

/// A specialized `Result` type for operations.
/// This is defined as a convenience.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;