safe_vault 0.12.0

This is Pre alpha, and not useful, no code worth looking at.
// Copyright 2016 limited.
// This SAFE Network Software is licensed to you under (1) the Commercial License,
// version 1.0 or later, or (2) The General Public License (GPL), version 3, depending on which
// licence you accepted on initial access to the Software (the "Licences").
// By contributing code to the SAFE Network Software, or to this project generally, you agree to be
// bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.0.  This, along with the
// Licenses can be found in the root directory of this project at LICENSE, COPYING and CONTRIBUTOR.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the SAFE Network Software distributed
// under the GPL Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY
// KIND, either express or implied.
// Please review the Licences for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// relating to use of the SAFE Network Software.

// For explanation of lint checks, run `rustc -W help` or see

use itertools::Itertools;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
use routing::{Data, GROUP_SIZE, ImmutableData, XorName};
use routing::client_errors::{GetError, MutationError};
use routing::mock_crust::{self, Network};
use safe_vault::Config;
use safe_vault::mock_crust_detail::{self, poll, test_node};
use safe_vault::mock_crust_detail::test_client::TestClient;
use safe_vault::test_utils;

const TEST_NET_SIZE: usize = 20;

fn handle_put_without_account() {
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = TEST_NET_SIZE;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, None, true);
    let config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(config));
    let mut event_count = 0;
    let mut rng = network.new_rng();

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);

    let immutable_data = ImmutableData::new(rng.gen_iter().take(1024).collect());
    event_count += poll::poll_and_resend_unacknowledged(&mut nodes, &mut client);
    trace!("Processed {} events.", event_count);
    let count = nodes.iter()
        .filter(|node| node.get_maid_manager_put_count(
    assert!(0 == count,
            "put_count {} found with {} nodes",

fn handle_put_with_account() {
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = TEST_NET_SIZE;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, None, true);
    let config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(config));
    let mut rng = network.new_rng();

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);

    let result = client.get_account_info_response(&mut nodes);
    assert_eq!(result, Err(Some(GetError::NoSuchAccount)));

    client.create_account(&mut nodes);
    let default_account_size = 100;
    let mut expected_data_stored = 1;
    let mut expected_space_available = default_account_size - expected_data_stored;
    assert_eq!(unwrap_result!(client.get_account_info_response(&mut nodes)),
               (expected_data_stored, expected_space_available));

    let immutable_data = ImmutableData::new(rng.gen_iter().take(1024).collect());
    let event_count = poll::poll_and_resend_unacknowledged(&mut nodes, &mut client);
    trace!("Processed {} events.", event_count);
    let count = nodes.iter()
        .filter(|node| node.get_maid_manager_put_count(
    assert!(GROUP_SIZE == count,
            "client account {} found on {} nodes",
    let mut stored_immutable = Vec::new();
    mock_crust_detail::check_data(stored_immutable, &nodes);
    expected_data_stored += 1;
    expected_space_available = default_account_size - expected_data_stored;
    assert_eq!(unwrap_result!(client.get_account_info_response(&mut nodes)),
               (expected_data_stored, expected_space_available));

#[should_panic] // TODO Look at using std::panic::catch_unwind (1.9)
fn invalid_put_for_previously_created_account() {
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = TEST_NET_SIZE;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, None, true);
    let config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(config));

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);
    client.create_account(&mut nodes);
    client.create_account(&mut nodes);

fn storing_till_client_account_full() {
    // This needs to be kept in sync with
    // Ideally, a setter is preferred, so that this test can be completed quicker.
    const DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_SIZE: u64 = 100;
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = 15;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, None, true);
    let config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(config));
    let mut rng = network.new_rng();

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);
    client.create_account(&mut nodes);
    let full_id = client.full_id().clone();

    for i in 0..(DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_SIZE + 5) {
        let data = if i % 2 == 0 {
            Data::Structured(test_utils::random_structured_data(100000, &full_id, &mut rng))
        } else {
        let result = client.put_and_verify(data.clone(), &mut nodes);
        if i < DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_SIZE - 1 {
            assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
        } else {
            assert_eq!(result, Err(Some(MutationError::LowBalance)));

fn maid_manager_account_adding_with_churn() {
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = 15;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, None, false);
    let config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(config));

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);
    client.create_account(&mut nodes);

    let mut rng = network.new_rng();

    let mut put_count = 1; // Login packet.
    let full_id = client.full_id().clone();
    let mut event_count = 0;

    for i in 0..10 {
        for data in (0..4).map(|_| {
            Data::Structured(test_utils::random_structured_data(100000, &full_id, &mut rng))
        }) {
            put_count += 1;
        trace!("Churning on {} nodes, iteration {}", nodes.len(), i);
        if nodes.len() <= GROUP_SIZE + 2 || rng.gen() {
            let index = Range::new(1, nodes.len()).ind_sample(&mut rng);
            trace!("Adding node with bootstrap node {}.", index);
            test_node::add_node(&network, &mut nodes, index, false);
        } else {
            let number = Range::new(1, 4).ind_sample(&mut rng);
            trace!("Removing {} node(s).", number);
            for _ in 0..number {
                let node_index = Range::new(1, nodes.len()).ind_sample(&mut rng);
                test_node::drop_node(&mut nodes, node_index);
        event_count += poll::poll_and_resend_unacknowledged(&mut nodes, &mut client);

        for node in &mut nodes {
        trace!("Processed {} events.", event_count);
        let mut sorted_maid_managers = nodes.iter()
            .sorted_by(|left, right|, &;
        let node_count_stats: Vec<(XorName, Option<u64>)> = sorted_maid_managers.into_iter()
            .map(|x| (, x.get_maid_manager_put_count(
        for &(_, count) in &node_count_stats {
            assert!(count == Some(put_count), "{:?}", node_count_stats);

fn maid_manager_account_decrease_with_churn() {
    let config = Config {
        wallet_address: None,
        max_capacity: Some(3000),
        chunk_store_root: None,
    let network = Network::new(None);
    let node_count = 15;
    let mut nodes = test_node::create_nodes(&network, node_count, Some(config.clone()), false);
    let client_config = mock_crust::Config::with_contacts(&[nodes[0].endpoint()]);
    let mut client = TestClient::new(&network, Some(client_config));

    client.ensure_connected(&mut nodes);
    client.create_account(&mut nodes);

    let mut rng = network.new_rng();

    let full_id = client.full_id().clone();
    let mut event_count = 0;

    for i in 0..10 {
        trace!("Churning on {} nodes, iteration {}", nodes.len(), i);
        if nodes.len() <= GROUP_SIZE + 2 || rng.gen() {
            let index = Range::new(1, nodes.len()).ind_sample(&mut rng);
            trace!("Adding node with bootstrap node {}.", index);
            test_node::add_node_with_config(&network, &mut nodes, config.clone(), index, false);
        } else {
            let number = Range::new(1, 4).ind_sample(&mut rng);
            trace!("Removing {} node(s).", number);
            for _ in 0..number {
                let node_index = Range::new(1, nodes.len()).ind_sample(&mut rng);
                test_node::drop_node(&mut nodes, node_index);
        for data in (0..4).map(|_| {
            Data::Structured(test_utils::random_structured_data(100000, &full_id, &mut rng))
        }) {
        event_count += poll::poll_and_resend_unacknowledged(&mut nodes, &mut client);

        for node in &mut nodes {
        trace!("Processed {} events.", event_count);
        let mut sorted_maid_managers = nodes.iter()
            .sorted_by(|left, right|, &;
        let node_count_stats: Vec<(XorName, Option<u64>)> = sorted_maid_managers.into_iter()
            .map(|x| (, x.get_maid_manager_put_count(
        let expect_count = node_count_stats[0].1;
        for &(_, count) in &node_count_stats {
            assert_eq!(count, expect_count);