safe_vault 0.1.5

This is Pre alpha, and not useful, no code worth looking at.
# Data Manager account

## Updated Naming Conventions

- MaidClient is now referred to as `storage_client`
- MaidManager is now referred to as `storage_client_manager`
- PmidNode is now referred to as `storage_node`
- PmidManager is now referred to as `storage_node_manager`

## Introduction

The `data_manager` is the persona that is responsible for data avalibility and integrity. To do so these personas must know where the data currently resides and the state of that data. This state is twofold, is the `storage_node` on-line and is the data itself intact and secure. The former is arguably the main issue as the data itself is self-validating (i.e. to construct an immutable chunk itself validates the content). To ensure this, a `data_manager` must know which nodes hold the data, and whether they are currently on or off line. These are currently the most data-heavy personas and under constant scrutiny to reduce the amount of data they hold.

## Motivation

The main motiviation for re-factoring this persona is efficiency: unlike the other personas the data manager has currently no easy win in terms of reducing the amount of information the persona holds. There is a very valid opportunity though via a better holding mechanism (via sqlite) and also the length of the keys held. So there are two factors involved in this case: more efficient engine for managing the data and also the size of the data we are managing.

## Overview

The heart of the `data_manager` will be a mini SQL database. This will be managed via sqlite3. The table structure will be very simple.

| ChunkName | `storage_node`s |
| --------- | --------------- |

Each ChunkName will have a list of associated `storage_node`s. The on-/off-line status of these nodes is held in the routing table of the `data_manager` already and need not be replicated in the database.

On a churn event, the SQL database should be searched for every chunk that old node had and joined with what chunks the new nodes has. Any chunk with less than four holders should now be stored to the node in the group with the lowest rank. If a record now contains more than eight nodes the ninth node shall be downranked and a delete message sent to the `storage_node_manager` of that node.

Records of nodes holding a chunk should be held in a manner so that as a new node comes on line, it is put to the top of the list.

## Implementation