# SAFE App

## [0.6.0]
- Use rust 1.22.1 stable / 2018-01-10 nightly
- rustfmt 0.9.0 and clippy-0.0.179
- Improve test app creation APIs
- Move ffi test_utils functions to an ffi module

## [0.5.0]
- Remove `MDataPermissionSetHandle` and related functions
- Fix a bug with object cache handles starting at 0 and conflicting with "special" handles which are defined to be 0
- Rename `mdata_permissions_for_each` to `mdata_list_permission_sets`
- Remove `MDataKeysHandle` and related functions; replaced by `MDataKey` struct in safe_core
- Remove `MDataValuesHandle` and related and functions; replaced by `MDataValue` struct in safe_core
- Add `mdata_get_all_keys` and add `mdata_get_all_values`
- Remove `mdata_info_new_public`
- The object cache capacity limit was removed
- Add `app_reset_object_cache`
- Do not require the scheme in URIs (e.g. "safe-app:")
- Remove `change_mdata_owner`
- Replace network event callback with a simpler, disconnect-only callback
- Use a single user data parameter for multiple callbacks
- Use pointers in FFI in place of value structs
- Add crypto API for secret signing keys and add secret sign key handle
- Add crypto API for signing/verifying
- Add FFI function to get an app's container name

## [0.4.0]
- Improve documentation and fix bugs
- Add more tests for NFS (reading and writing files in chunks)
- Refactor FFI API: rename functions prefixed with `mdata_permissions_set` to `mdata_permission_set`
- Refactor FFI API: change order of callback parameters in some functions (e.g. `mdata_values_for_each`)
- Refactor and reorganise modules structure
- Fix dangling pointer issues in the crypto module
- Improve error descriptions
- Remove of the neccessity to pass `--feature testing` to run tests
- Generate C headers automatically with cheddar
- Increase the object cache capacity to 1000
- Fix compiler errors on rustc-nightly

## [0.3.3]
- Update routing to 0.33.2

## [0.3.2]
- Return a null ptr instead of default Rust's (0x01) when vector has had no heap allocations

## [0.3.1]
- Update routing to 0.33.1

## [0.3.0]
- Update routing to 0.33.0
- Fix UB in tests
- Improve access container functions
- Refactor out common types in `safe_core::ffi`
- Make permission handling uniform
- Support sharing of arbitrary MData
- Tests for logging in with low balance

## [0.2.1]
- Update routing to 0.32.2

## [0.2.0]
- Add new FFI function to get the account info from the network (a number of available/used mutations)
- Improve the NFS test coverage
- Update to use Rust Stable 1.19.0 / Nightly 2017-07-20, clippy 0.0.144, and rustfmt 0.9.0
- Update dependencies

## [0.1.0]
- Implement RFC 46 ([New Auth Flow]
- Allow apps to connect to the SAFE Network with read-only access or authorise on behalf of the user
- Provide a Foreign Function Interface to interact with the SAFE Network API from other languages (JavaScript and Node.js, Java, etc.)