s4 0.0.15

Simpler Simple Storage Service: high-level API extensions for Rusoto's S3Client
//! Simpler Simple Storage Service: high-level API extensions for Rusoto's `S3Client`
//! # TLS Support
//! For TLS support [`rustls`](https://crates.io/crates/rustls) is used by default.
//! Alternatively, [`native-tls`](https://crates.io/crates/native-tls) can be used by
//! disabling the default features and enabling the `native-tls` feature.
//! For instance, like this:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! s4 = { version = "…", default_features = false }
//! [features]
//! default = ["s4/native-tls"]
//! ```


extern crate derive_error;
extern crate fallible_iterator;
extern crate futures;
extern crate log;
extern crate rusoto_core;
extern crate rusoto_credential;
extern crate rusoto_s3;
extern crate tokio_io;

pub mod iter;
use crate::iter::{GetObjectIter, ObjectIter};
pub mod error;
use crate::error::{S4Error, S4Result};
mod upload;

use rusoto_core::request::{HttpClient, TlsError};
use rusoto_core::Region;
use rusoto_credential::StaticProvider;
use rusoto_s3::{
    CompleteMultipartUploadOutput, GetObjectOutput, GetObjectRequest, PutObjectOutput,
    PutObjectRequest, S3Client, StreamingBody, S3,
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;

/// Create client using given static access/secret keys
pub fn new_s3client_with_credentials(
    region: Region,
    access_key: String,
    secret_key: String,
) -> Result<S3Client, TlsError> {
        StaticProvider::new_minimal(access_key, secret_key),

pub trait S4 {
    /// Get object and write it to file `target`
    fn download_to_file<F>(&self, source: GetObjectRequest, target: F) -> S4Result<GetObjectOutput>
        F: AsRef<Path>;

    /// Upload content of file to S3
    /// # Caveats
    /// The current implementation is incomplete. For now, the following limitation applies:
    /// * The full content of `source` is copied into memory.
    fn upload_from_file<F>(&self, source: F, target: PutObjectRequest) -> S4Result<PutObjectOutput>
        F: AsRef<Path>;

    /// Upload content of file to S3 using multi-part upload
    /// # Caveats
    /// The current implementation is incomplete. For now, the following limitation applies:
    /// * The full content of a part is copied into memory.
    fn upload_from_file_multipart<F>(
        source: F,
        target: &PutObjectRequest,
        part_size: usize,
    ) -> S4Result<CompleteMultipartUploadOutput>
        F: AsRef<Path>;

    /// Get object and write it to `target`
    fn download<W>(&self, source: GetObjectRequest, target: &mut W) -> S4Result<GetObjectOutput>
        W: io::Write;

    /// Read `source` and upload it to S3
    /// # Caveats
    /// The current implementation is incomplete. For now, the following limitation applies:
    /// * The full content of `source` is copied into memory.
    fn upload<R>(&self, source: &mut R, target: PutObjectRequest) -> S4Result<PutObjectOutput>
        R: io::Read;

    /// Read `source` and upload it to S3 using multi-part upload
    /// # Caveats
    /// The current implementation is incomplete. For now, the following limitation applies:
    /// * The full content of a part is copied into memory.
    fn upload_multipart<R>(
        source: &mut R,
        target: &PutObjectRequest,
        part_size: usize,
    ) -> S4Result<CompleteMultipartUploadOutput>
        R: io::Read;

    /// Iterator over all objects
    /// Objects are lexicographically sorted by their key.
    fn iter_objects(&self, bucket: &str) -> ObjectIter;

    /// Iterator over objects with given `prefix`
    /// Objects are lexicographically sorted by their key.
    fn iter_objects_with_prefix(&self, bucket: &str, prefix: &str) -> ObjectIter;

    /// Iterator over all objects; fetching objects as needed
    /// Objects are lexicographically sorted by their key.
    fn iter_get_objects(&self, bucket: &str) -> GetObjectIter;

    /// Iterator over objects with given `prefix`; fetching objects as needed
    /// Objects are lexicographically sorted by their key.
    fn iter_get_objects_with_prefix(&self, bucket: &str, prefix: &str) -> GetObjectIter;

impl<'a> S4 for S3Client {
    fn download_to_file<F>(
        source: GetObjectRequest,
        target: F,
    ) -> Result<GetObjectOutput, S4Error>
        F: AsRef<Path>,
        debug!("downloading to file {:?}", target.as_ref());
        let mut resp = self.get_object(source).sync()?;
        let body = resp.body.take().expect("no body");
        let mut target = OpenOptions::new()
        copy(body, &mut target)?;

    fn upload_from_file<F>(&self, source: F, target: PutObjectRequest) -> S4Result<PutObjectOutput>
        F: AsRef<Path>,
        debug!("uploading file {:?}", source.as_ref());
        let mut source = File::open(source)?;
        upload::upload(&self, &mut source, target)

    fn upload_from_file_multipart<F>(
        source: F,
        target: &PutObjectRequest,
        part_size: usize,
    ) -> S4Result<CompleteMultipartUploadOutput>
        F: AsRef<Path>,
        debug!("uploading file {:?}", source.as_ref());
        let mut source = File::open(source)?;
        upload::upload_multipart(&self, &mut source, target, part_size)

    fn download<W>(&self, source: GetObjectRequest, mut target: &mut W) -> S4Result<GetObjectOutput>
        W: io::Write,
        let mut resp = self.get_object(source).sync()?;
        let body = resp.body.take().expect("no body");
        copy(body, &mut target)?;

    fn upload<R>(&self, source: &mut R, target: PutObjectRequest) -> S4Result<PutObjectOutput>
        R: io::Read,
        upload::upload(&self, source, target)

    fn upload_multipart<R>(
        mut source: &mut R,
        target: &PutObjectRequest,
        part_size: usize,
    ) -> S4Result<CompleteMultipartUploadOutput>
        R: io::Read,
        upload::upload_multipart(&self, &mut source, target, part_size)

    fn iter_objects(&self, bucket: &str) -> ObjectIter {
        ObjectIter::new(self, bucket, None)

    fn iter_objects_with_prefix(&self, bucket: &str, prefix: &str) -> ObjectIter {
        ObjectIter::new(self, bucket, Some(prefix))

    fn iter_get_objects(&self, bucket: &str) -> GetObjectIter {
        GetObjectIter::new(self, bucket, None)

    fn iter_get_objects_with_prefix(&self, bucket: &str, prefix: &str) -> GetObjectIter {
        GetObjectIter::new(self, bucket, Some(prefix))

fn copy<W>(src: StreamingBody, dest: &mut W) -> S4Result<()>
    W: io::Write,
    io::copy(&mut src.into_blocking_read(), dest)?;