s3rs 0.4.0

A s3 cli client with multi configs with diffent provider

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an **S3** **R**ich **S**upport client
- rust edition 2018
- multi config (please put config files under `~/.config/s3rs`)
- interactive command line tool
- easy to debug with http protocol
- AWS4, AWS2 support
- support http redirect for multi region of AWS S3
- support automatically multipart upload
- support filters [v0.2.8](https://www.ant-lab.tw/2019-09-21/)
- support format without protocol [v0.2.9](https://www.ant-lab.tw/2019-09-22/)
- support command-line interface mode [v0.3.0](https://www.ant-lab.tw/2019-09-28/)
- support s3 config file encryption function v0.3.3
  - `s3rs -c ~/.config/s3rs/aws2.toml  -s 'the password you like' secret encrypt`
  - run s3rs with `-s` option or use `secret set <secret phrases or hexal literal>`

### Download excutable binary
Download the link as follow and unzip
- https://github.com/yanganto/s3rs/releases/download/v0.3.2/s3rs-v0.3.2-linux.zip

### How to use
#### shell mode
- excute `s3rs` will into shell mode, and excute `help`, you can see the commands you can use
#### command mode
- use config file with full path
  - `s3rs --config=/your/s3s/config/file ls`

- use config file `example.toml` in `~/.config/s3rs` with file name without extension
  - `s3rs --config=example ls`

### Command List

#### Table 1: List commands will send single http request
| COMMAND                                                              | FUNCTION                                                    | CEPH | AWS |
| ls                                                                   | list all buckets                                            | O    | O   |
| ls s3://_bucket_                                                     | list objects in the bucket                                  | O    | O   |
| ls s3://_bucket_/_prefix_                                            | list objects match prefix in the bucket                     | O    | O   |
| ll                                                                   | list all objects details (storage class, modify time, etag) | O    | O   |
| ll s3://_bucket_                                                     | list objects detail in the bucket                           | O    | O   |
| ll s3://_bucket_/_prefix_                                            | list objects match prefix detail in the bucket              | O    | O   |
| mb s3://_bucket_                                                     | create bucket                                               | O    | O   |
| rb s3://_bucket_                                                     | delete bucket                                               | O    | O   |
| put <file> s3://_bucket_/_object_                                    | upload the file                                             | O    | O   |
| put <file> s3://_bucket_                                             | upload the file (file name as object name)                  | O    | O   |
| put test s3://_bucket_/_object_                                      | upload a test file sepcific object name                     | O    | O   |
| get s3://_bucket_/_object_ _file_                                    | download object                                             | O    | O   |
| get s3://_bucket_/_object_                                           | download object in current folder                           | O    | O   |
| cat s3://_bucket_/_object_                                           | show the object content                                     | O    | O   |
| del s3://_bucket_/_object_ [delete-marker:true]                      | delete the object (with flag)                               | O    | O   |
|                                                                      | delete-marker used in AWS                                   |      | O   |
| tag list s3://_bucket_/_object_                                      | list tag(s) to the object                                   | O    | O   |
| tag ls s3://_bucket_/_object_                                        | list tag(s) to the object                                   | O    | O   |
| tag add s3://_bucket_/_object_ _key1_=_value1_ [_key2_=_value2_] ... | add tag(s) to the object                                    | O    | O   |
| tag put s3://_bucket_/_object_ _key1_=_value1_ [_key2_=_value2_] ... | add tag(s) to the object                                    | O    | O   |
| tag del s3://_bucket_/_object_                                       | remove tag(s) from the object                               | O    | O   |
| tag rm s3://_bucket_/_object_                                        | remove tag(s) from the object                               | O    | O   |
| /uri?query                                                           | give the original url                                        | O    | O   |
| secret set <secret phrases>                                          | set up the secret to run time encrypt or decrypt the config  | O    | O   |
| secret set <hexal literal>                                           | set up the secret to run time encrypt or decrypt the config  | O    | O   |
| secret unset                                                         | clean up the secret in memory                           | O    | O   |
| secret encrypt                                                       | encrypted and print current config on screen               | O    | O   |
| secret encrypt <file name>                                           | encrypted and save current  config to s3rs config folder   | O    | O   |
| secret show                                                          | show current unencrypt config on screen                    | O    | O   |
| secret show <file name>                                              | save current unencrypt config to s3rs config folder         | O    | O   |

#### Table 2: List commands will send more than one http request
| HIGH LEVEL COMMAND | INTEGRATE FUNCTIONS                                                                      | CEPH | AWS |
| la                 | list all objects                                                                         | O    | O   |
| info s3://_bucket_ | acl(ceph, aws), location(ceph, aws), versioning(ceph, aws), uploads(ceph), version(ceph) | O    | O   |

#### Table 3: List commands only for CEPH with system keys
| COMMAND             | FUNCTION              |
| usage s3://_bucket_ | show the bucket usage |

#### Table 4: List commands only for CEPH with system keys
| SHELL SETTING COMMAND         | FUNCTION                                 |
| s3\_type [ceph/aws/aws4/aws2] | change setting for different S3 providor |
| format [xml/json]             | change the format client request         |
| log [trace/debug/info/erro]   | change the log level                     |
|                               | - Info : for Http header and body        |
|                               | - debug: for auth signature hash info    |
|                               | - trace: more detail about rust          |
| logout                        | logout and reselect user                 |
| Ctrl + d                      | logout and reselect user                 |

#### Table 5: The default format of S3 type
| S3 TYPE | AUTH TYPE | FORMAT | URL STYLE            |
| ceph    | aws4      | json   | path-style           |
| aws     | aws4      | xml    | virtual-hosted–style |

#### Table 6: The talks about this project
| Talks      | Link                                                   |
| COSCon'19  | [Slides](https://slides.com/yanganto/s3rs-coscon19#/) |

### Install via Crate.io
Install rust tools rustup and cargo 
- `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh`

Additional package for ubuntu
- `apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config openssl`

It is easy to install s3rs via cargo as following command.
- `cargo install s3rs`

Set up the path for rust binnary
- `export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin`

The config file will auto setup when binary first time launch
- `s3rs`

edit the config file at ~/.s3rs.toml
- `vi ~/.s3rs.toml`

### Develop
Install rust tools rustup and cargo 
- `curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh`
- `git clone https://github.com/yanganto/s3rs.git`
- `cargo test`
- `cargo build`
- The excutable binary will in `./target/debug/s3rs`

### Demo
- A short demo [video](https://youtu.be/MtPYhJnbMfs)
- v0.2.8 update [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ijqbGxK6U)
- v0.2.9 update [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HVj7_dJEkE)
- v0.3.0 update [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNFoOJ1MuAw)
- snapshot