Module s2::shape

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Chain represents a range of edge IDs corresponding to a chain of connected edges, specified as a (start, length) pair. The chain is defined to consist of edge IDs {start, start + 1, …, start + length - 1}.
ChainPosition represents the position of an edge within a given edge chain, specified as a (chainID, offset) pair. Chains are numbered sequentially starting from zero, and offsets are measured from the start of each chain.
A ReferencePoint consists of a point and a boolean indicating whether the point is contained by a particular shape.
ShapeEdge represents a Shapeedge_id with the two endpoints of that Edge.
ShapeEdgeID is a unique identifier for an Edge within an ShapeIndex, consisting of a (shape_id, edge_id) pair.


Shape represents polygonal geometry in a flexible way. It is organized as a collection of edges that optionally defines an interior. All geometry represented by a given Shape must have the same dimension, which means that an Shape can represent either a set of points, a set of polylines, or a set of polygons.