rweb 0.12.4

Yet another web server framework for rust
# rweb

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Yet another web server framework for rust.


rweb = "0.6"
tokio = "1"

Installation (with automatic openapi generation):

rweb = { version = "0.6", features = ["openapi"] }
serde = "1"
tokio = "1"

# Features

- Safe & Correct

Since `rweb` is based on [warp][], which features safety and correctness, `rweb` has same property.

- Easy to read code

use rweb::*;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

fn output() -> String {
    String::from("this returns 200 with text/plain mime type")

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
struct Product {
    id: String,
    title: String,

fn products() -> Json<Vec<Product>> {
    // ...
    // This returns 200 with application/json

fn product(id: String) -> Json<Product> {
    // ...
    // This returns 200 with application/json

fn new_product(_product: Json<Product>) -> Json<Product> {
    // ...
    // This returns 200 with application/json

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
struct SearchOption {
    query: String,
    limit: usize,
    page_token: String,

fn search(_product: Query<SearchOption>) -> Json<Vec<Product>> {
    // ...
    // This returns 200 with application/json

async fn main() {
    serve(output().or(product()).or(products()).or(search())).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;


- Websocket

If you want to use websocket, just declare a parameter typed `Ws`. It's all.

use rweb::*;

fn example(ws: ws::Ws) -> String {
    String::new("use ws.on_upgrade or extra")

- Automatic openapi spec generation

rweb supports automatically generating openapi specification file based on your code.

See: [documentation]( for usage.

- API UX interaction for openapi

// Build openapi for your API
let (spec, filter) = openapi::spec().build(move || {
    // Your API's filters

println!("go to http://localhost:3030/docs to interact with your openapi!");
    .run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030))

# Comparison

| Name             | rweb                                                                                 | actix-web                                                                                  | gotham                                                                                      | iron                                                                                 | nickel                                                                                          | rocket                                                                                          | rouille                                                                                   | Thruster                                                                                  | Tide                                                                                    | tower-web                                                                                       | warp                                                                                        |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| License          | ![license](                       | ![license](                        | ![license](                            | ![license](                       | ![license](                                | ![license](                                | ![license](                         | ![license](                        | ![license](                          | ![license](                             | ![license](                              |
| Version          | ![version](                       | ![version](                        | ![version](                            | ![version](                       | ![version](                                | ![version](                                | ![version](                         | ![version](                        | ![version](                          | ![version](                             | ![version](                              |
| Recent downloads | ![recent downloads](             | ![recent downloads](              | ![recent downloads](                  | ![recent downloads](             | ![recent downloads](                      | ![recent downloads](                      | ![recent downloads](               | ![recent downloads](              | ![recent downloads](                | ![recent downloads](                   | ![recent downloads](                    |
| Github stars     | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         | ![github stars](         |
| Contributors     | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  | ![contributors](  |
| Activity         | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( | ![activity]( |
| Base framework   | hyper / warp                                                                         | tokio                                                                                      | hyper                                                                                       | hyper                                                                                | hyper                                                                                           | hyper                                                                                           | tiny-http                                                                                 | tokio                                                                                     | hyper                                                                                   | hyper                                                                                           | hyper                                                                                       |
| https            | Y                                                                                    | Y                                                                                          | Y                                                                                           | ?                                                                                    | ?                                                                                               | ?                                                                                               | ?                                                                                         | ?                                                                                         | ?                                                                                       | ?                                                                                               | Y                                                                                           |
| http 2           | Y                                                                                    | Y                                                                                          | ?                                                                                           | ?                                                                                    | ?                                                                                               | ?                                                                                               | ?                                                                                         | ?                                                                                         | ?                                                                                       | ?                                                                                               | Y                                                                                           |
| async            | Y                                                                                    | Y                                                                                          | Y                                                                                           |                                                                                      |                                                                                                 |                                                                                                 |                                                                                           | Y                                                                                         | Y                                                                                       | Y                                                                                               | Y (via different method)                                                                    |
| stable rust      | Y                                                                                    | Y                                                                                          | Y                                                                                           | Y                                                                                    | Y                                                                                               |                                                                                                 | Y                                                                                         | Y                                                                                         | Y                                                                                       | Y                                                                                               | Y                                                                                           |
| openapi support  | Y                                                                                    |                                                                                            |                                                                                             |                                                                                      |                                                                                                 |                                                                                                 |                                                                                           |                                                                                           |                                                                                         |                                                                                                 |                                                                                             |
