rvv-encode 0.2.1

Library to encode RISC-V V extension (rvv) instructions
extern crate pest_derive;

use anyhow::{anyhow, Error};
use pest::Parser;

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
mod opcodes;

mod asm_parser {
    #[grammar = "asm.pest"]
    pub(crate) struct AsmParser;
use asm_parser::{AsmParser, Rule};

// The last register must be `v0`
const V0_TAIL_INSTS: [&str; 14] = [

// https://github.com/riscv/riscv-v-spec/blob/master/v-spec.adoc#101-vector-arithmetic-instruction-encoding
// NOTE: For ternary multiply-add operations, the assembler syntax always places the
// destination vector register first, followed by either rs1 or vs1, then vs2.
// This ordering provides a more natural reading of the assembler for these
// ternary operations, as the multiply operands are always next to each other.
const VV_TERNARY_INSTS: [&str; 19] = [
const VX_VF_TERNARY_INSTS: [&str; 20] = [

/// Convert one RISC-V Vector Extension(RVV) instruction into code.
/// This function try to parse the instruction as normal asm instruction or
/// standalone label ("1:"/"label:"). If it's a valid RVV instruction, it will
/// try to encode it to target code. Otherwise, if it's a valid asm instruction
/// it will return `Ok(None)`. If parse or encode failed, it will return error.
/// ## Example:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(rvv_encode::encode("vle64.v v3, (a0), v0.t", false).unwrap(), Some(0b00000000000001010111000110000111));
/// ```
pub fn encode(inst: &str, reserved_only: bool) -> Result<Option<u32>, Error> {
    let pairs = if let Ok(result) = AsmParser::parse(Rule::inst, inst.trim()) {
    } else {
        let _ = AsmParser::parse(Rule::label, inst.trim())
            .map_err(|err| anyhow!("parse asm error: {}", err))?;
        return Ok(None);
    let mut name = "unknown";
    let mut args = Vec::new();
    for pair in pairs.clone() {
        for inner1_pair in pair.into_inner() {
            match inner1_pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::inst_name => {
                    name = inner1_pair.as_str();
                Rule::inst_arg => {
                    for inner2_pair in inner1_pair.into_inner() {
                        match inner2_pair.as_rule() {
                            Rule::inst_arg_mask | Rule::inst_arg_simple | Rule::integer => {
                            _ => {
                                return Ok(None);
                _ => {
                    return Ok(None);
    if reserved_only {
        let mut is_reserved = false;
        'outer: for width in [128, 256, 512, 1024] {
            for prefix in ["i", "e"] {
                let part = format!("{}{}", prefix, width);
                if name.contains(part.as_str()) {
                    is_reserved = true;
                    break 'outer;
                for arg in &args {
                    if arg.contains(part.as_str()) {
                        is_reserved = true;
                        break 'outer;
        if !is_reserved {
            return Ok(None);

        .find(|(inst_name, _, _)| *inst_name == name)
        .map(|(_, base, args_cfg)| gen_inst_code(name, &args, *base, args_cfg))

fn gen_inst_code(
    name: &str,
    args: &[&str],
    mut base: u32,
    arg_cfg: &[(&str, usize)],
) -> Result<u32, Error> {
    // The order of `simm5`/`vs1` and `vs2` in opcodes-rvv is not the same with v-spec.adoc
    let simm5_idx = arg_cfg.iter().position(|(name, _)| *name == "simm5");
    let vs1_idx = arg_cfg.iter().position(|(name, _)| *name == "vs1");
    let rs1_idx = arg_cfg.iter().position(|(name, _)| *name == "rs1");
    let vs2_idx = arg_cfg.iter().position(|(name, _)| *name == "vs2");
    let last_7bits = base & 0b1111111;
    let mut arg_cfg_vec = arg_cfg.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
    if let (Some(simm5_idx), Some(vs2_idx), 0x57) = (simm5_idx, vs2_idx, last_7bits) {
        arg_cfg_vec.swap(simm5_idx, vs2_idx);
    if let (Some(vs1_idx), Some(vs2_idx), 0x57) = (vs1_idx, vs2_idx, last_7bits) {
        if !VV_TERNARY_INSTS.contains(&name) {
            arg_cfg_vec.swap(vs1_idx, vs2_idx);
    if let (Some(rs1_idx), Some(vs2_idx), 0x57) = (rs1_idx, vs2_idx, last_7bits) {
        if !VX_VF_TERNARY_INSTS.contains(&name) {
            arg_cfg_vec.swap(rs1_idx, vs2_idx);
    let arg_cfg_final = &arg_cfg_vec;

    let has_vm = arg_cfg_final.iter().any(|(arg_name, _)| *arg_name == "vm");
    let has_nf = arg_cfg_final.iter().any(|(arg_name, _)| *arg_name == "nf");
    let number = if has_nf && has_vm {
        arg_cfg_final.len() - 2
    } else if has_vm {
        arg_cfg_final.len() - 1
    } else {
    check_args(name, args, number, has_vm)?;
    for (idx, (arg_name, arg_pos)) in arg_cfg_final.iter().rev().enumerate() {
        let value = match *arg_name {
            "rs1" | "rs2" | "rd" => map_x_reg(args[idx], arg_name)?,
            "vs1" | "vs2" | "vs3" | "vd" => map_v_reg(args[idx], arg_name)?,
            "simm5" => {
                let arg_current = args[idx].to_lowercase();
                let value = if arg_current.starts_with('-') {
                    let value = if let Some(content) = arg_current.strip_prefix("0x") {
                        i8::from_str_radix(content, 16)
                            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Parse simm5 value failed: {}", arg_current))?
                    } else {
                            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Parse simm5 value failed: {}", arg_current))?
                    if value < -16 || value > 15 {
                        return Err(anyhow!(
                            "Simm5 value out of range: {} expected: [-16, 15]",
                    value as u8
                } else {
                    let value = if let Some(content) = arg_current.strip_prefix("0x") {
                        u8::from_str_radix(content, 16)
                            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Parse uimm5 value failed: {}", arg_current))?
                    } else {
                            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Parse uimm5 value failed: {}", arg_current))?
                    if value > 31 {
                        return Err(anyhow!(
                            "Uimm5 value out of range: {} expected: [0, 31]",
                (value & 0b00011111) as u32
            "zimm" => {
                let value = args[idx]
                    .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Parse zimm5 value failed: {}", args[idx]))?;
                if value > 31 {
                    return Err(anyhow!(
                        "zimm5 value out of range: {} expected: [0, 31]",
                (value as u8 & 0b00011111) as u32
            // NOTE: special case
            "zimm10" | "zimm11" => {
                let mut vsew: u8 = 0;
                let mut lmul = Vlmul::M1;
                let mut ta = false;
                let mut ma = false;
                let mut tu = false;
                let mut mu = false;
                for arg_str in &args[idx..] {
                    if *arg_str == "ta" {
                        ta = true;
                    } else if *arg_str == "ma" {
                        ma = true;
                    } else if *arg_str == "tu" {
                        tu = true;
                    } else if *arg_str == "mu" {
                        mu = true;
                    } else if arg_str.as_bytes()[0] == b'e' {
                        let sew = arg_str[1..]
                            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid SEW value format: {}", arg_str))?;
                        vsew = match sew {
                            8 => 0,
                            16 => 1,
                            32 => 2,
                            64 => 3,
                            128 => 4,
                            256 => 5,
                            512 => 6,
                            1024 => 7,
                            _ => {
                                return Err(anyhow!(
                                    "Invalid SEW value for vtypei: {}, arg: {}",
                    } else if arg_str.as_bytes()[0] == b'm' {
                        lmul = Vlmul::from_str(arg_str)
                            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Invalid LMUL value format: {}", arg_str))?;
                    } else {
                        return Err(anyhow!(
                            "Invalid argument for {}, expected: e{{n}}/m{{n}}/ta/ma/tu/mu, got: {}",

                if ta && tu {
                    return Err(anyhow!("ta/tu can not both exists"));
                if ma && mu {
                    return Err(anyhow!("ma/mu can not both exists"));

                let mut value = lmul as u8;
                value |= vsew << 3;
                if ta {
                    value |= 1 << 6;
                if ma {
                    value |= 1 << 7;
                value as u32
            // See comment in asm.pest
            "vm" => {
                if args.get(idx) == Some(&"v0.t") {
                } else {
            // FIXME: support segment load/store
            "nf" => 0,
            // FIXME: support `Zvamo`
            "wd" => return Err(anyhow!("Zvamo instructions are not supported.")),
            _ => unreachable!(),
        base |= value << arg_pos;

enum Vlmul {
    // LMUL=1/8
    Mf8 = 0b101,
    // LMUL=1/4
    Mf4 = 0b110,
    // LMUL=1/2
    Mf2 = 0b111,
    // LMUL=1
    M1 = 0b000,
    // LMUL=2
    M2 = 0b001,
    // LMUL=4
    M4 = 0b010,
    // LMUL=8
    M8 = 0b011,

impl Vlmul {
    fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Vlmul> {
        match name {
            "mf8" => Some(Vlmul::Mf8),
            "mf4" => Some(Vlmul::Mf4),
            "mf2" => Some(Vlmul::Mf2),
            "m1" => Some(Vlmul::M1),
            "m2" => Some(Vlmul::M2),
            "m4" => Some(Vlmul::M4),
            "m8" => Some(Vlmul::M8),
            _ => None,

fn check_args(name: &str, args: &[&str], number: usize, vm: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
    if V0_TAIL_INSTS.contains(&name) {
        if args.len() != number + 1 {
            return Err(anyhow!(
                "Invalid number of arguments for {}, expected: {}, got: {}",
                number + 1,
        if args[args.len() - 1] != "v0" {
            return Err(anyhow!("The last argument of {} must be v0", name));
        return Ok(());
    let (expected, min, max) = if name == "vsetvli" || name == "vsetivli" {
        ("3 <= n <=6".to_string(), 3, 6)
    } else if !vm {
        (number.to_string(), number, number)
    } else {
        (format!("{} or {}", number, number + 1), number, number + 1)
    if args.len() < min || args.len() > max {
            "Invalid number of arguments for {}, expected: {}, got: {}",
    } else {

fn map_v_reg(name: &str, label: &str) -> Result<u32, Error> {
    if name.as_bytes()[0] != b'v' {
        return Err(anyhow!("Invalid {} V register: {}", label, name));
    let number = name[1..]
        .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid {} V register: {}", label, name))?;
    if number > 31 {
        return Err(anyhow!("Invalid {} V register: {}", label, name));

fn map_x_reg(name: &str, label: &str) -> Result<u32, Error> {
    match name {
        "x0" | "zero" => Ok(0),
        "x1" | "ra" => Ok(1),
        "x2" | "sp" => Ok(2),
        "x3" | "gp" => Ok(3),
        "x4" | "tp" => Ok(4),
        "x5" | "t0" => Ok(5),
        "x6" | "t1" => Ok(6),
        "x7" | "t2" => Ok(7),
        "x8" | "s0" | "fp" => Ok(8),
        "x9" | "s1" => Ok(9),
        "x10" | "a0" => Ok(10),
        "x11" | "a1" => Ok(11),
        "x12" | "a2" => Ok(12),
        "x13" | "a3" => Ok(13),
        "x14" | "a4" => Ok(14),
        "x15" | "a5" => Ok(15),
        "x16" | "a6" => Ok(16),
        "x17" | "a7" => Ok(17),
        "x18" | "s2" => Ok(18),
        "x19" | "s3" => Ok(19),
        "x20" | "s4" => Ok(20),
        "x21" | "s5" => Ok(21),
        "x22" | "s6" => Ok(22),
        "x23" | "s7" => Ok(23),
        "x24" | "s8" => Ok(24),
        "x25" | "s9" => Ok(25),
        "x26" | "s10" => Ok(26),
        "x27" | "s11" => Ok(27),
        "x28" | "t3" => Ok(28),
        "x29" | "t4" => Ok(29),
        "x30" | "t5" => Ok(30),
        "x31" | "t6" => Ok(31),
        _ => Err(anyhow!("Invalid {} X register: {}", label, name)),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_riscvgc() {
        assert_eq!(encode("add {abc_t}, {abc}, 3", false).unwrap(), None);
        assert_eq!(encode("add a1, a1, a2", false).unwrap(), None);
        assert_eq!(encode("jr t0", false).unwrap(), None);
        assert_eq!(encode("fence", false).unwrap(), None);

    fn assert_inst(code: u32, inst: &str) {
        let output_code = encode(inst, false).unwrap().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(output_code, code, "0b{:032b} - {}", output_code, inst);

    // # configuration setting
    // # https://github.com/riscv/riscv-v-spec/blob/master/vcfg-format.adoc
    // vsetivli     31=1 30=1 zimm10    zimm 14..12=0x7 rd 6..0=0x57
    // vsetvli      31=0 zimm11          rs1 14..12=0x7 rd 6..0=0x57
    // vsetvl       31=1 30..25=0x0 rs2  rs1 14..12=0x7 rd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vset() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            (0b10000001111110011111001011010111, "vsetvl x5, s3, t6"),
            (0b00000000000010011111001011010111, "vsetvli x5, s3, e8"),
                "vsetvli x5, s3, e256, m4",
                "vsetvli x5, s3, e256, m4, ta, ma",
                "vsetivli x5, 19, e256, m4",
                "vsetivli x5, 19, e256, m4, tu, mu",
                "vsetivli x5, 19, e256, m4, tu, ma",
                "vsetivli x5, 19, e256, m4, ta, mu",
                "vsetivli x5, 19, e256, m4, ta, ma",
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    fn test_simm5_range() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            (0b00000010001010000011000011010111, "vadd.vi  v1, v2, -16"),
            (0b00000010001001111011000011010111, "vadd.vi  v1, v2, 15"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

        assert!(encode("vadd.vi  v1, v2, -17", false).is_err());

    // vlm.v          31..28=0      27..26=0 25=1 24..20=0xb  rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    // vle8.v         nf       28=0 27..26=0 vm   24..20=0    rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    // vle8ff.v       nf       28=0 27..26=0 vm   24..20=0x10 rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    // vl1re8.v       31..29=0 28=0 27..26=0 25=1 24..20=0x08 rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    fn test_rs1_vd_0x07() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vlm.v     vd, (rs1)
            (0b00000010101100101000000010000111, "vlm.v v1, (t0)"),
            // vle8.v    vd, (rs1), vm
            (0b00000010000000101000000010000111, "vle8.v v1, (t0)"),
            // vle8ff.v  vd, (rs1), vm
            (0b00000011000000101000000010000111, "vle8ff.v v1, (t0)"),
            // vl1re8.v  vd, (rs1)
            (0b00000010100000101000000010000111, "vl1re8.v v1, (t0)"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);
    // vsm.v          31..28=0      27..26=0 25=1 24..20=0xb  rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    // vse8.v         nf       28=0 27..26=0 vm   24..20=0    rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    // vs1r.v         31..29=0 28=0 27..26=0 25=1 24..20=0x08 rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    fn test_rs1_vs3_0x27() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vsm.v     vs3, (rs1)
            (0b00000010101100101000000010100111, "vsm.v v1, (t0)"),
            // vse8.v    vs3, (rs1), vm
            (0b00000010000000101000000010100111, "vse8.v v1, (t0)"),
            // vs1r.v    vs3, (rs1)
            (0b00000010100000101000000010100111, "vs1r.v v1, (t0)"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vluxei8.v  nf 28=0 27..26=1 vm vs2 rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    // vloxei8.v  nf 28=0 27..26=3 vm vs2 rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    fn test_vs2_rs1_vd_0x07() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vluxei8.v    vd, (rs1), vs2, vm
            (0b00000110001000101000000010000111, "vluxei8.v v1, (t0), v2"),
            // vloxei8.v    vd, (rs1), vs2, vm
            (0b00001110001000101000000010000111, "vloxei8.v v1, (t0), v2"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);
    // vsuxei8.v      nf 28=0 27..26=1 vm vs2 rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    // vsoxei8.v      nf 28=0 27..26=3 vm vs2 rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    fn test_vs2_rs1_vs3_0x27() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vsuxei8.v   vs3, (rs1), vs2, vm
            (0b00000110001000101000000010100111, "vsuxei8.v v1, (t0), v2"),
            // vsoxei8.v   vs3, (rs1), vs2, vm
            (0b00001110001000101000000010100111, "vsoxei8.v v1, (t0), v2"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vlse8.v         nf 28=0 27..26=2 vm rs2 rs1 14..12=0x0  vd 6..0=0x07
    fn test_rs2_rs1_vd_0x07() {
        // vlse8.v    vd, (rs1), rs2, vm
        assert_inst(0b00001010011000101000000010000111, "vlse8.v v1, (t0), t1");

    // vsse8.v         nf 28=0 27..26=2 vm rs2 rs1 14..12=0x0 vs3 6..0=0x27
    fn test_rs2_rs1_vs3_0x27() {
        // vsse8.v    vs3, (rs1), rs2, vm
        assert_inst(0b00001010011000101000000010100111, "vsse8.v v1, (t0), t1");

    // vfadd.vf       31..26=0x00 vm   vs2 rs1 14..12=0x5 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vfmerge.vfm    31..26=0x17 25=0 vs2 rs1 14..12=0x5 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vmacc.vx       31..26=0x2d vm   vs2 rs1 14..12=0x6 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs2_rs1_vd_0x57() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vfadd.vf    vd, vs2, rs1, vm
            (0b00000010001000101101000011010111, "vfadd.vf v1, v2, t0"),
            // vfmerge.vfm vd, vs2, rs1, v0
                "vfmerge.vfm v1, v2, t0, v0",
            // vmacc.vx vd, rs1, vs2, vm
            (0b10110110000101100110000111010111, "vmacc.vx v3, a2, v1"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vfmv.s.f       31..26=0x10 25=1 24..20=0 rs1 14..12=0x5 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vmv.v.x        31..26=0x17 25=1 24..20=0 rs1 14..12=0x4 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_rs1_vd_0x57() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vfmv.s.f vd, rs1
            (0b01000010000000101101000011010111, "vfmv.s.f v1, t0"),
            // vmv.v.x  vd, rs1
            (0b01011110000000101100000011010111, "vmv.v.x v1, t0"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vfadd.vv       31..26=0x00 vm   vs2 vs1 14..12=0x1 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vadc.vvm       31..26=0x10 25=0 vs2 vs1 14..12=0x0 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vmacc.vv       31..26=0x2d vm   vs2 vs1 14..12=0x2 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs2_vs1_vd_0x57() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vfadd.vv   vd, vs2, vs1, vm
            (0b00000010001000011001000011010111, "vfadd.vv v1, v2, v3"),
            // vadc.vvm   vd, vs2, vs1, v0
                "vadc.vvm v1, v2, v3, v0",
            // vmacc.vv vd, vs1, vs2, vm
            (0b10110110001000001010000111010111, "vmacc.vv v3, v1, v2"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vfmv.f.s       31..26=0x10 25=1 vs2 19..15=0    14..12=0x1 rd 6..0=0x57
    // vcpop.m        31..26=0x10 vm   vs2 19..15=0x10 14..12=0x2 rd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs2_rd_0x57() {
        // vfmv.f.s rd, vs2
        // vcpop.m  rd, vs2, vm
        for (code, inst) in [
            (0b01000010001000000001001011010111, "vfmv.f.s t0, v2"),
            (0b01000010001010000010001011010111, "vcpop.m t0, v2"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vfcvt.xu.f.v     31..26=0x12 vm   vs2 19..15=0x00 14..12=0x1 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vmv1r.v          31..26=0x27 25=1 vs2 19..15=0    14..12=0x3 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs2_vd_0x57() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vfcvt.xu.f.v vd, vs2, vm
            (0b01001010001000000001000011010111, "vfcvt.xu.f.v v1, v2"),
            // vmv<nr>r.v   vd, vs2
            (0b10011110001000000011000011010111, "vmv1r.v v1, v2"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vmv.v.v        31..26=0x17 25=1 24..20=0 vs1 14..12=0x0 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs1_vd_0x57() {
        // vmv.v.v vd, vs1
        assert_inst(0b01011110000000010000000011010111, "vmv.v.v v1, v2");

    // vadd.vi        31..26=0x00 vm   vs2 simm5 14..12=0x3 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vadc.vim       31..26=0x10 25=0 vs2 simm5 14..12=0x3 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vs2_simm5_vd_0x57() {
        for (code, inst) in [
            // vadd.vi    vd, vs2, imm, vm
            (0b00000010001011011011000011010111, "vadd.vi  v1, v2, -5"),
            // vadc.vim   vd, vs2, imm, v0
            (0b01000000001000101011000011010111, "vadc.vim v1, v2, 5, v0"),
        ] {
            assert_inst(code, inst);

    // vmv.v.i        31..26=0x17 25=1 24..20=0 simm5 14..12=0x3 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_simm5_vd_0x57() {
        // vmv.v.i vd, imm
        assert_inst(0b01011110000000101011000011010111, "vmv.v.i v1, 0x5");
    // vid.v          31..26=0x14 vm 24..20=0 19..15=0x11 14..12=0x2 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vd_0x57() {
        // vid.v vd, vm
        assert_inst(0b01010010000010001010000011010111, "vid.v v1");

    // vmandn.mm      31..26=0x18 vm vs2 vs1 14..12=0x2 vd 6..0=0x57
    // vmorn.mm       31..26=0x1c vm vs2 vs1 14..12=0x2 vd 6..0=0x57
    fn test_vmandn_vmorn() {
        // vmandn.mm vd, vs2, vs1
        assert_inst(0b01100010001000011010000011010111, "vmandn.mm v1, v2, v3");
        // vmorn.mm  vd, vs2, vs1
        assert_inst(0b01110010001000011010000011010111, "vmorn.mm v1, v2, v3");