rvstruct 0.3.1

A helper macros implementation for Value Classes in Rust


Value Structs derive macros for Rust to support the newtype pattern


A very simple derive macros to support strong type system and the newtype pattern. Newtypes are a zero-cost abstraction: they introduce a new, distinct name for an existing type, with no runtime overhead when converting between the two types. This is a similar approach to Haskell's newtype keyword.

For example:

struct UserId(String);

let uid : UserId = "my-uid".into();

Macros overview

ValueStruct generates for you:

  • std::convert::From<> instances automatically to help you to create your structs.
  • ValueStruct::value() function implementation to access your field directly without using .0.

There are different behaviour for different field types:

  • For std::string::String it generates From<String>, From<&String>, From<&str>


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

rvstruct = "0.3"
// Import it
use rvstruct::ValueStruct;

// And use it on your structs
struct UserId(String);


Apache Software License (ASL)


Abdulla Abdurakhmanov